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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. xD Feel free to use them in any way you like - I've been maintaining them with the sole purpose of making them available for the next generation of kerbinauts. They've become a bit of a forgotten gem. It would be an honor if you included them in this wonderful mod. I'm sure it would make @Endraxial proud too.
  2. Ach I spoke fast - I got an i5-6500 around new years last year. So that's actually about 7 months . I had a GTX 660 and an AMD CPU before that but after my MoBo died I swapped to an intel MoBo and processor, as well as a 970.
  3. That build looks great - I ran an i5-6500 with a 970 for a year and I can say it's a powerful CPU. I recently upgraded to a 6700k myself but that's because I'm going into video editing and need the extra power for that.
  4. GOOD HEAVENS THAT LOOKS AMAZING - Dude! This is dropping my jaw... @Berlin my helmet is off to you... I think your OP is in need of a few flashy pictures
  5. Very clean OP! Best of luck with this Berlin - I've seen a couple different iterations of SVE over the years and I hope your upkeep is just as revolutionary as the last
  6. I have to report another issue with the reflection plugin - Landing legs behave extremely weird with the reflection module on them. They "half" lock up after retracting them once and then take like ten seconds before they extend again. They also start extended in the editor...
  7. I just released another hotfix (v12.3). The same download link should give you the new fix (confirm that it is if the .cfg has v12.3). There where some glitches with the landing legs as well so I voided their lines as well as the docking ports. It's a shame really . They where so pretty.
  8. :/ @shaw I sadly have to report a bad new bug with the reflection plugin. It seems as though if the module is added to docking ports, they lose their right-click menus. From the WindowShine thread: The bug disappears when the plugin is removed. I tested it in a stock install with the plugin and it had the same issue. - For the time being I'll be removing the docking ports from WindowShine - I'm sure you've got higher priorities but I hope you can get around to looking at this when you next have ample time?
  9. Yeah I didn't add it to the jr. port since it doesn't have glass on it. I didn't code it so I don't know exactly what's going wrong, but there's definitely something wrong with the reflection plugin effecting the ports. I'll sadly have to remove the reflections from the docking ports for the time being. Please tell me if you find anything else amiss.
  10. :/ Are you using any other mods? Does it go away when you uninstall WindowShine? I added docking ports to the most recent release so it's possible it's having issues as of this release.
  11. It's been an honor to fly with you @Ted. Best of luck on all your future endeavors. It's been one hell of a ride
  12. It's been an honor to fly with you @BahamutoD. Take care, and best of wishes man.
  13. Very nicely done - Can you link me the download link so I can put it in OP? I just resorted the mods list and added a link to my how-to instructions.
  14. Hmm... I might know to solve the conversion issues you're getting. 1. If you don't know, DDS textures need to be flipped vertically when converting between DDS and PNG. (Idk why but they just need to) 2. Is the texture randomly turning black on you? That's caused by saving without alpha transparency. If you're using paint.net use these settings when saving as a DDS (DXT5, Iterative fit, Perceptual, and Generate Mip Maps). It was @InsanePlumber who showed me how to set up .dds to save properly. Once again many thanks.
  15. Amazing job @cy4n! Do you want me to add your packs to the OP? I'll be accrediting your name next to both They look fantastic.
  16. Hmm... That makes sense. I always thought it odd that the part textures also controlled reflectiveness. I've had to do some interesting layer blending in order to get the textures to still show up while having good looking reflection. As a curious thought, what if you made reflectiveness draw from a separate texture just like the emissive? Could that possibly fix the problems? I'd be willing to redo all my textures if it fixed highlighting and emissive issues.
  17. His parts are completely rewritten from the stock ones. I tried adding reflections to them before but it ended catastrophically. For now all that the ven's revamp pack does is make it compatible with stock by removing the reflection coding for all of his revamped parts. I can't do much more than that though. Sorry
  18. I wish I was more informed D: - It depends highly on how good your computer is though, since KSP now can more fully utilize a strong processor and high RAM. I'd say to test it yourself if it isn't a stretch.
  19. I have yet to test it myself, but seeing how it's just about the most intensive texture compilation to date you're bound to lose at-least a few frames.
  20. That sounds like a great place to start. The soundpack I've been imagining had playlists for initial launch from the Launchpad and one for docking in orbit but those are the only two playlists that aren't doable w/out one or two of the other settings you listed (besides Easter Egg range but that isn't as important). I could release a soundpack based on the current options that would work quite well. - One idea that might clear up possible interference between playlists is having a "play priority" option in which the lowest number has the highest play priority. That way if you have an orbital playlist playing when you're going in to dock you could set the docking playlist to a priority of "3" and the space playlist at a priority of "4". Once again this could be extremely different from the way you're currently doing things so please ignore if it isn't helpful
  21. Ach just fixed that thanks. It appears as though DropBox generated new links while I was asleep. EDIT: Also crap... sorry @shaw for not reading previous comments and then pinging you asking the same thing... what exactly does an "emissive shader/texture" do in KSP? I did a short bit of research and found nothing helpful. is it related to cabin lights? Part highlighting? Reflections? I'd like to squelch my ignorance in this. I hate asking so many questions of you all.
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