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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Ach sorry guys I just woke up... link should work now. I wanted to say that you guys should definitely read the patchnotes. I've added a lot since the last release as well as optimized some settings.
  2. That's exactly what I was thinking about! But well um... it's still in a smaller scale from what I was imagining... I don't want to have the same musical score accompanying every single launch. I feel It would take a lot of the excitement out of the game, especially for experienced players who can do multiple launches in short amounts of time. I was imagining having literally 10-15 different loopable songs... for both liftoff, AND reentry... That way you would rarely hear the same song in a single day. That would be 30+ songs and then countless recorded loops between them. And if I wanted to go full out on that I would probably be doing loop-able tracks for surface, flight, and docking as well, if not to as crazy of an extent as as in that video. Ambient music is easily loopable by simply fading songs in and out but the driving beats and complicated chords that would accompany liftoff and reentry take a lot more technical work to implement well. And if you're curious, I have without a doubt enough music and experience to edit this if it somehow is doable on a code level. I've been a jazz drummer and pianist for seven years now, and as well I'm going into video editing. Performing clean scene and song cuts is something I excel at. To give you a very rough idea of what I had in mind for my liftoff playlist, here is my current track selection w/out any song cuts (29 songs in total, light launch and heavy launch playlists): One thing to note, I named the two folders Above 200T and Below 200T. That's just a rough estimate. I may make it 150T. The idea is to have a lighter playlist for launching satellites and LKO runs, and a heavier playlist for sending larger payloads and setting up interplanetary missions. Also @LaytheDragon it sounded like you had some interest in listening in to my early cuts so I'll ping you here too . If you want to let me know which songs you would like removed from both lists please tell me. It's probably already got about 10 songs too many. Liftoff no-cuts.zip (223.02 MB)
  3. V12 is now released Fixed up the new Mk2InlineCockpit and made the foil wrapping on the bottom of the Cupola, the top of the Mk2LanderCabin, and top and bottom of the HitchhikerStorageContainer. Made toroidal ring reflective (Don't know why I didn't already) Enjoy
  4. I wouldn't know. It'd be a question for @pizzaoverhead, but I really don't want to bother the busy man . He's got a lot he's working on and I'd hate to pile on more questions. That's all I need, thanks - Also I can't tell you how many times my cat's walked over my own keyboard lol
  5. I'd love to do it that way but I'm afraid would be far more complicated than just saving as two tracks. It would need to be saved as one track with markers for places it can repeat or nest. I suppose you could call the climax when you reach your fastest speed and begin slowing down and use that to set up a song cut in-game, but I don't know if the soundtrack mod doesn't have a parameter like that yet and I doubt it would be easily configurable. It would need a song scrubber (sounds like a nightmare to make) and a clock w/ a tool to mark points as repeatable or cut-able. And then a tool to call which one to cut to and when xD. Sadly no "warthog run" style modular reentry theme in this case. That kind of thing requires studio level work to turn out good. I would have the time and experience (I'm studying for film and already play percussion), but I lack the means and mod requirements. . Read the annotations on this video if you don't know what I mean by cut-able/nesting/repeat.
  6. Yo - I posted this thread and then realized it fits a lot better inside Challenges & Mission ideas than in general KSP Discussion. Could one of you please move it for me? <3
  7. Many thanks. This is great info to have. Spaceplanes are going to be inside the same playlist parameters as conventional rockets so it's important to note how much longer it takes them. Your name will be noted
  8. Hey guys, Avera9eJoe here. I'm making a music pack for this mod and I need to know when to cut the 20 songs in my reentry playlist so they build correctly on reentry. I'm curious how long it takes you to reenter starting when the altimeter begins to drop and ending at 300m when chutes open by default. Please time using a real time clock go completely by your usual procedures, physics warp and all. I'd also like to know when charring starts after the altimeter drops. If some of you could launch a craft and reenter from whatever altitude you usually stop at, I would love all the information I can get. I'll site everyone who helps in the ReadMe as well. All music is going to be CC from jahzzar. The source material is about 2.43 GB of music but the end result will be considerably less, still with upwards of 15 songs per each major playlist (Most currently have 30, will need to cut the number in half). Please if you could answer I'd love all the info possible.
  9. Hmm @shaw and @RangeMachine, do you think it will be possible to get the reflection shaders to run alongside the stock highlight and light shaders in 1.1.3? It's been a long running complaint on the WindowShine thread that you can't turn on the interior lights or highlight parts . I'll be updating the reflection textures soon and I'm hoping that either of you could have even a vague answer to if it could be fixed? EDIT: Also, for those who are curious I just revisited @Endraxial's planet textures and added proper alpha channels to the non-ocean bodies. Everything should look nice and have proper amounts of shine from orbit. Link for ease of access . Also just updated WindowShine.
  10. Indeed. I'm hoping to be able to get them all to fade out over 5 seconds when the playlists shift gears. I'm hoping everything sounds good at your first impressions - All music has an acquired taste though. As soon as I am done sorting through some playlists I can upload them as zips and send you links if you want?
  11. Well, the source material is 2.34 GB. It's going to be considerably shrunk though. The real issue I'm having with planning is how to prevent playlists from overlapping each other in various conditions. I'm thinking of having these playlists: Main menu: One song, Mysterious R&D: One song, Driving but melancholy Astronaut Complex: Miniature playlist of garage band style songs (3 songs?) Tracking Station: Same playlist as docking, ambient but driving. Mission Control: One song, Driving and noble Administration Facility: One song, smooth jazz VAB/SPH: Driving rock music that plays when you're in the VAB/SPH. Launchpad/liftoff: Intense and exciting music upon launching from launchpad. [Play if vessel flight time is less than 5 min, end when in space] Flight: Happy but relaxed music playing when flying airplanes on Kerbin and Laythe. [Play if in atmosphere and radar altitude > 300m, end if velocity < 400m/s] Atmospheric surface: Same exact playlist as the flight. [Play if in atmosphere and on surface, end if in flight for more than 20 seconds] Space: Ambient music that plays when you're in space, both interplanetary and in S.O.I. [Play in space] Vacuum surface: Same exact playlist as space. [Play if in vacuum and on surface, end if off surface for more than 1 minute] Mountains: Same exact playlist as space. [Play if on surface and altitude is (Don't remember what the height of mountains is off the top of my head)] Docking: Ambient, but driving music that plays when docking. [Play if in space and if distance to target is < 2.4km for more than 20 seconds (To prevent debris and stage separations from turning off your music)] Reentry: Intense and suspenseful music that plays on entering the atmosphere at high speed. [Play if in atmosphere and velocity > than 400m/s, end if radar altitude < 300m] S.O.I. change: Erie and mysterious music that plays upon changing S.O.I. [Play if change in S.O.I.] I may need to individually make a playlist for each instance of S.O.I. change if this command isn't possible. Spooky Easter egg playlist: Spooky music that plays when near spooky Easter eggs. [Play if within 1km of the kraken, Magic Boulder, Duna head, or flying saucers] Easter egg playlist: Same music as space playlist that plays when within close proximity of any Easter eggs. [Play if within 1km of all easter eggs, end if it's one of the ones above ^, end if distance is > 1k] @pizzaoverhead, I don't think you need to read those if you don't want, but the main concern that these playlists would need is a start and end delay timer. [Play if parameters are filled for more than [X] seconds], [End if parameters aren't filled for more than [X] seconds]. After that I'm not sure what the best way would be to set up a docking playlist without it interfering with stage separations. Something based around distance from target might work. - I wanted to say that I'm guessing that many of the issues you said you where having with playlists randomly cutting out or in is because they are interfering with each other. Just a blind guess though.
  12. Anyone know if this is still working in 1.1.3? nvm! Cool Once again thanks @linuxgurugamer and @westamastaflash for keeping up so many mods... I don't know how you guys do it. <3
  13. So uhh... I've got 2.34 gigs of music I'd like to add in to KSP... I don't think that's going to be possible though... is it? Everything is in .mp3 format right now.
  14. Oh I uhh... hm. @Claw, I just noticed that I accidentally gave Stock Bug Fix Modules 1/5 stars sometime in the past... I'm wondering if there's any way to remove that vote once it's been cast? I'm feeling very guilty all of a sudden
  15. All three of these designs look stunning. I think I'll be doing some experimentation with the dual-tail engines on that first picture if you don't mind . I play with 100% stock parts so it'll be interesting to see what comes of that. EDIT: If you want some concept to look at yourself take a peek at this guy I made a while back and although that iteration is a bit out of date it still has some ideas I bet you could use
  16. I hate to be the mediator here but I don't think any of this convo is benefitial. I don't see any issue with "clutter" asking about setting up SVE with KSPRC. More posts is more posts. I don't speak for Proot and his wonderful thread but personally I have no issues with people trying to piece together any of my mods and asking for help with it in my mod threads. With that said I will back away.
  17. Sadly the problem is with the plugin .dll and not any .cfg file . Sorry to say I can't help out w/ this particular problem.
  18. Likewise - It's been about 6 months since my last serious sit down in KSP and it's about time I jumped back on the train.
  19. Good God are you a wizard?! I haven't even had the time to install 1.1.3 yet and you've just updated the only animation mod in the history of KSP in a matter of a week... Sometimes one like button just isn't enough. Thank you so much
  20. Great information to know. It's been a pleasure chatting and bug fixing with you in the past and if you ever need someone to play-test any of your mods on stream I would be more than happy to . I hope your computer fixes up nice - I'm actually in the middle up upgrading to a boot SSD and I'm planning on doing a clean windows install on my machine as well. For the last few days all I've been doing is sorting and deleting all of my stored up files. It's an oddly soothing thing to do
  21. I'm looking around and it sounds like I'll be able to simulate this gametype by combining a number of different mods like Tree Toppler and KSPCasher. I hope I can make a Cowboy Bebop playlist that give the series justice. I've got the entire OST too
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