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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Hey Rareden... Do you have the texture you used for Duna in this shot handy? I'm unsure exactly how you got it to look so pretty but I'm wondering if I could turn that into an in-game texture for Duna. It would be interesting to see what could come out of it.
  2. Random question for you Pizza... Are you planning on modeling door props and hallways yourself or do you think you'll ask another modder to help out? I know Roverdude does modelling streams occasionally. I'll try and make a moc-up image of what I'm guessing a hallway would look like when I get home. I'm guessing it would basically be a cylindrical tube detailed like the Mk2/Mk3 internals (with maybe a ladder running along it). Maybe even something that you can just stretch or shrink depending on the length of the part. P.S. Don't quote me on any of this! XD EDIT: Alrighty! I got bored and ended up creating a mock-up IVA for concept as a "filler" inside stock IVA-less parts. I hope this sparks some imagination:
  3. Sadly none ;.; I put that up as a suggestion to be done with the new mk1 remodel porkjet did for this next update. It's an idea which I fully support but I'm not sure it will be added or not. Best to keep hope up though :)

  4. I'm having to agree with you MajorJim and Katatiochi... I'm actually pulling worse FPS in post 1.0 on my (far) superior rig in comparison to pre 1.0 on my potato PC. You can tell the difference in my Project Inquiry video. That rocket was around 600 parts and it recorded pretty well on my old computer. With the newest updates I can't do nearly that well. My guess is that the addition of heating and the new aero are eating up processing space. - The addition of multi-core threading will hopefully alleviate this... *knocks on wood*
  5. Ha! I'd love a good explanation of what the values do as well! I've fiddled with these values in my cloudpack but I haven't learned enough to call it 'progress'. Like... what do the parameter names mean/what do they do(Atmo. Thickness? Fade distance? Height? Wat? ), and what does the value represent/measure (Meters? Inches? Kelvin? )? EDIT: Also are there two sets of parameters because of different scenes and they are for map view(scaled_shader_floats) vs. flight view(shader_floats)?
  6. Congratulations! You guys sure have earned it. The depth your code has and the level of gameplay it creates is truly amazing. If there's one thing I've learned from the short time I've been modding and streaming it's that there's a lot there's a lot more I have to learn XD. Props to you all.
  7. Well, provided that you're okay with having separate installs of KSP on your machine you can have a separate green screen save. That's what I do.
  8. Not sure about EVE with custom planet packs, but Astronomers sort of works in 1.0.4... If you install the newest versions of all the compatible mods and don't install the KSP_Data folder it should work fine. Don't quote me on that though (I'm already quoting a few guys that said this in the Astronomers thread).
  9. Dude... your city lights texture is amazing. I might attempt to add it to stock sized Kerbin.
  10. Granted. You have a wunderwaffe dg2. The downside is that you have been taken into the C.O.D Zombies franchise and once you're in... there's no escape! - I want some ice cream...
  11. ... wow... For any of you who have read the martian I just wanted to say that when you listed what all you removed from the rocket it sounded like what Watney had to do to his craft to get off of mars (No telling if he makes it or not). Dude... Hat's off to you. That's been a dream ever since EVE was added to the game. Finally something else to be put to rest!
  12. In the mean time to change how kerbals behave in IVA you can experiment with green screens and Pizzaoverhead's Free Iva mod it's entertaining to say the least
  13. I think you should move the known issues/FAQ tab to the top of the page. And maybe add a flashing neon sign that says "READ." Then again maybe not
  14. From what I'm hearing, Pizza's been working on Free IVA for the past while.
  15. ^ 10/10 would ride. Please get the reference...
  16. Hehe get it... Depth... Hehehe... From mucking around with transparency myself I can see how KSP doesn't like it... It would be a nice touch but not important.
  17. Blackrack has been sharing images about creating actual waves on the water. It wouldn't be related to EVE's ocean color because it would replace EVE's water with an actual set of waves. See this post. Oh and BlackRack... would it be possible to change the transparency in the same way... lol I'm thinking it might be nice when near land to see the ocean floor.
  18. Nhawks17 if you plan on doing a number of mod packs for people, I might want to add your name to the OP for credit... would you be okay with that? As well as adding their links to the OP as well?
  19. Random question... would it be possible to add a tool to control ocean color when it comes around? It would be a cool feature to be able to make water have a slightly different color for different latitudes in my video. Just a thought
  20. It's great to see this Kasper! I sent you a PM a while ago when there was last talk about the media group. Does that PM still work for you or should I fill out an application as well? I said last that I had only ~200 Subscribers (now 224), but you've seen the content I've put out, the award I won, as well as the content on my twitch channel. I'm satisfied for now with my current content and I hope that it stands as an example of what might come. Thanks for the read. - No cat pics this time. Those are for when I'm not quite as serious. EDIT: Best of luck to Xacktar and I hope he makes it in!
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