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Everything posted by Jon144

  1. Well weight and mass is one thing but not ever being designed to fly is another
  2. I mean I myself am very unreliable when it comes to stayed in check with what's going on with the forum but from what I've seen that not having SCF on Friday is now tradition.
  3. Now we just need wind added to the game! I mean it is a kind of flight sim after all. So we need some wind sooner or later.
  4. A must have for Munar operations. Sometimes I forget they added mining
  5. It looks cute! But I thought this was a challenge too. Maybe separate into two threads?
  6. Yes a craft that will be released sometime in the next week!
  7. For some reason they don't allow mediafire links to the forum anymore. I Dropbox still works though.
  8. Awesome! Even more reason to be hyped for 1.1 or versions ahead.
  9. Magic honestly. You can't really do that with what the stock hangar tools allow. You have to do some creative stuff editing the craft file itself and or using no editor tool offset limits mod.
  10. More stable and powerful coaxial version of the minicopter using a bearing that fits into that single structural fuselage. It's coming together. And I promise I will release the new Mega-truck sooner or later just trying not to over saturate the forum this week.
  11. Your Challenge is Simple. Fly through the Hoops of DOOM! And SURVIVE! I don't really think that there is any more to this challenge. The faster you go the more bragging rights that you will have! It's not that hard with enough practice but difficult and fun enough to be a challenge. Take your piloting ability and finesse to it's limits as you fly through these giant metal rings. Will you survive?! Hint: You will need to park the plane you're using beside the runway before loading the hoops. That or rig it to sit on the launchpad. Download the rings here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v1l1cimcl9rtwtu/Hoops%20of%20Doom.craft?dl=0
  12. Found a picture of my first fully functional stock ksp helicopter. Looks and seems so amateur compared to my designs today. But then again this was almost more than two years ago before these helicopters matured enough to come to the forum. Although highly antiquated and amateur looking this paved the way to my crazy stock rotating mechanisms today.
  13. Jon144's Rotor Factory Presents another shameless Helicopter ALL OF MY CRAFT ARE BROKEN AS OF 1.1 DO NOT DOWNLOAD OR USE UNLESS PLAYING A PRIOR VERSION So yeah I really don't know what to say at this point. It's another helicopter. It's small. It's unstable. It's only 80 parts blah... blah... blah... Impractical blah... blah... blah... Deathtraps don't have instructions. Just lift off and hope for the best honestly. Download It Here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ep0054f3dj6m2cp/JRF%20-%20Minicopter.craft?dl=0 Highest quality description on a thread ever...
  14. Would 140 tons to orbit be as easy? I would love to see an SSTO fly up to orbit with a giant truck strapped on it's back.
  15. Especially since the jet engines are supposed to be the main source of electricity generation which surprise don't work in a vacuum
  16. Here's a size comparison with Valentina. Just doing some stress testing now. Another size comparison
  17. It looks like some of you clearly deserve your gold star I will need to release my next version with some rocket thrusters for driving in a vacuum. My next version should rectify this problem with the bed in low-G environments. Also each individual part has a probe core inside so that they don't get deleted from the game once all the hinge parts get decoupled from the base vehicle. and ah Xyphos you should have looked at the action groups for using the hydraulics. You just forgot to detach those decouplers for the hinges that would allow things to rotate So anyways anyone who says 80 tons to orbit is easy? Maybe I should make a challenge to send up a 140 ton version once I release it? It's only really a change in size and weight. This new one will actually have a lower base part count.
  18. In simple. Very very carefully. You will just have to download the craft and take a look yourself!
  19. Ahoy matey that's huge! What happened in those last few screenshots?
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