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Everything posted by cfds

  1. Putting stock robotic parts behind a paywall is completely justifiable, but surface science on the different bodies is not an extension to the game play, this is definitely a missing core feature of "creating and managing your own space program".
  2. [snip] Well, knowing SQUAD they probably get both: a delayed crap sandwich...
  3. Then what is your point? To me it sounds like "The barn is absolutely great, just disregard the actual implementation." It's a bit like saying "The mission designer is brilliant, since it would be very useful if it were interfacing with career mode."
  4. Calling anything behind the barn a "concept" is rather generous. There were no plans to follow up with anything justifying the barn level of KSC (like sounding rockets). The whole episode sounded very much like someone at SQUAD threw together something in his 3D drawing program and then SQUAD wanted to drop it as it were into the game. That's why the topic was dropped very quickly when, despite differences viewing the use of a tier 0 level, pretty much everyone agreed that the models and textures were very much "non-placeholders" even by SQUAD's standards.
  5. I think you mixed up land and sea area of the earth (or you have some advance information from the Netherlands...)
  6. (emphasize mine) But is not exactly that the reason why the priorities should be given by a neutral party? At the moment, this "project" sounds a lot like an invitation to go campaigning for these very pet peeves...
  7. Does part clipping actually shield the clipped parts in stock aerodynamics?
  8. Except just merging the parts into a single rigid body when the situation calls for it...
  9. And for some reason, SQUAD has not yet found the manpower to remove the launcher form the release packages.
  10. If they had any interest in fixing them they would have done so, by looking for, or creating, another system for landing legs. But throwing the hands in the air and blaming Unity does not cost anything and satisfies most players, so why put any effort in it?
  11. The whole problem with the career mode and the tech tree is that SQUAD only did the absolute minimum to not get into any trouble with false/misleading advertising. Harvester wanted only a lol-plosion simulator and the team after him just wants to count money. Actually delivering a quality product was probably never a priority during any phase of development...
  12. So KSP now asks if it may phone home by phoning home? That is like visiting someone at home to ask if one's restraining order is still in effect...
  13. Only if you hit the ground (or another suitable means of sudden deceleration)...
  14. This is actually a pretty small set of combinations and can, again, be brute forced. And I don't see how saving a hash of a fingerprint makes it any less identifiable than saving the fingerprint itself...
  15. Shame that the EU did not give you a grace period of two years since the GDPR was adopted on 2016-04-14. Wait...
  16. [Emphasize mine] The last part of your quote does actually make this the definition of a balance issue.
  17. Well, I am sure SQUAD has learned from this and created a set of cases that will be manually tested by QA before each release. /s
  18. Was the whole chained rigid body concept really a planned feature? It looks more like Squad was looking for a system to build a craft from multiple components via Drag&Drop and Unity did provide this out of the box but also did build a chained rigid body directly in the process. Separating the different aspects of a part ("entity that can be moved in the explorer", "target for right-clicks to access functionality", "representation of a rigid body component") would probably have been possible but keeping what Unity provided and declaring it "Kerbal" was a lot less work...
  19. As far as I know the launcher has never worked in any version for a long time. That it is still included is probably just Squad being Squad...
  20. I am not sure what you are talking about. People who say that they do not want to buy the DLC usually add that it does offer nothing to them. I have seen no example of anyone saying that they are giving the money to streamers instead.
  21. They were just shutting up and taking the money? I mean, with the amount of people telling everyone that they would pay $15 for a turd with the Squad logo, why would they put any more effort than needed into the product?
  22. Shouldn't you just use FAR when you are concerned about drag? That the stock "aerodynamics" work in wonky ways is long known.
  23. Don't forget that the most important aspect of Hypeloop and the Boring company is to lobby against anything remotely looking like a high capacity, high speed train system. One might think Mr Musk has some stake in some form of individual traffic....
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