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Everything posted by cfds

  1. This won't ever happen since this will open them to all kinds of problems. They would essentially admit to having acted in bad faith when selling the game after they realized the brokenness, voiding all sales contracts done in this time. It is far saver to live of the ones who have long written of the money they gave to SQUAD and throw some scraps to the few you still have hope to get their money's worth some day.
  2. Buy, but only at a discount. $20€ is the max price you should pay for this game.
  3. This vector looks like the Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector. This vector points from the "centre" to the periaps and is, for 1/r potentials, a preserved quantity. This is the reason why there is no periaps movement for exact solutions of Kepler's problem and also why the energy levels in the Hydrogen atom do only depend on quantum number n but not l.
  4. Do you seriously believe SQUAD would have put any further work into this concept than shown? The moment SQUAD realized that the most prevailing opinion was "it needs a lot of work", the idea was dropped faster than you can say "shmelta vee".
  5. You already listed them as "Solid chemical rockets".
  6. Well, pulling the console versions from the stores took like nine months, so I go with "40 weeks".
  7. One would think that planning out the controls was one of the first steps in the design phase...
  8. It is one way to make sure that you never accidentally visit a biome twice...
  9. I hope the researchers tested if this "new language" was not just backwards Spanish...
  10. @Sigma88: I will try Kopernicus -6 when I am home. And upload the logs somewhere when this does not help... Edit: Yes, using the correct version of Kopernicus fixes the problem. The things you learn...
  11. I have a problem using Scatterer in 1.2.2 under Linux: The space center screen is just black. KSP.log Kerbin.Body.log (The logs for the other planets contain the same exception) The [Planet].bin files in the cache folder do all exist and none are write protected. Would be nice if a way could be found to play KSP under linux.... Moderator note: the logs have been removed from this post.
  12. The only problem about this is that Squad PR (or Squad itself) is not the one to decide what happens with mod support. Though I personally do not believe that mod support will be axed, since it would be quite difficult to enforce: as long as people do not download a new game version with some new EULA, they have every right to modify their (old) version of the game and share these modifications. The people who play KSP modded are just not enough to waste legal efforts on, money is made with the hordes of people who are willing to pay money to be spared the tedium of installing mods (well, the most money will probably still made with people who see a shiny add, buy the game at full price, and then do not play it).
  13. With the slight difference that the mod actually made sense... I give you ISRU since it carried over all the functionality of the mod, but calling SQUAD's aerodynamics and fairings "things formerly done by mods" is bordering on an insult to ferram and e-dog. Concerning re-entry: Wasn't that the version where a Mk1 capsule with a parachute could not re-enter safely from a low orbit? SQUAD may sometimes try to duplicate mod features, but they usually fail.
  14. I doubt that SQUAD will manage to write a working patcher anytime soon, even less one that supports forced updates. On the other hand, patcher.exe is just a very big no-op, so deleting it will have no effect besides freeing some disk space.
  15. I can agree with their irritation, especially since in the months before the switch to Blitworks the only updates where "Our friends at Flying Tiger Entertainment continue to do great work"....
  16. I am still not sold on the point that it was work in progress and believe that this was what we would have gotten if the protest was not as loud as it was. Of course it would have been "just temporary" and "would have been replaced after release" but we know how that would have ended. We were very lucky that this child was strangled in the crib...
  17. Sputnik 2 was launched nearly 60 years ago and that would be a surprising age for a dog. And besides, Laika died in orbit, not during reentry.
  18. Funnily enough, a complete solution is not required for the millennium prize. I f I remember correctly "any progress" is sufficient. Which says a lot about the problems with turbulence....
  19. And which of these points absolve the developer of the game from having to deliver a working product?
  20. You may have to consider gravity and drag losses: For every second you thrust against gravity you lose 9.81 m/s deltaV, so when you have low TWR you spend a lot of time thrusting vertically and so lose a lot of fuel to gravity. But if you go too fast you waste too much fuel on overcoming air-resistance.
  21. "Better garbage collection" sound a lot like "better venereal disease"...
  22. Well, some form of tunnel through the skull will be required...
  23. I refuse to call Kerbal Space Program complete until there is some stock implementation for managing multiple flights. SQUAD should really hire the guy that made Kerbal Alarm Clock....
  24. cfds

    KSP Making History

    Reading all these messages along the lines of "Finally I can give SQUAD extra money", "Unfortunately I will get it for free, but I would totally pay for it" and the inescapable "But compare it to a cinema ticket!", SQUAD should probably just open a donation account. Much cheaper than developing additional content and probably just as effective...
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