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Everything posted by ScriptKitt3h

  1. Darn, that's a shame. I enjoyed our last battle.
  2. Why? Battles are still going on (at least one), and some are likely to start soon. Also, some users are considering joining our little enclave of battlers.
  3. I forgot to mention... my first (working) combat boat in the pic above has a max. safe speed of 145 m/s (in a straight line).
  4. Yeah, I like KerbPainting my ships in unique patterns, and the "eyespot" look is kinda cool.
  5. Hey Cupcake..... I think we need to have a dropship battle....
  6. Yup, that's why I love 'em! Also, the MT-13(A) is now fully operational....
  7. They went off course because I didn't stage them correctly, as I only set up the first 3 salvos to stage-fire correctly. In any case, they're purely meant to be spammed at ground/ocean targets, in a similar fashion to the smaller rockets used on real world attack choppers, like the Apache.
  8. "!" Also, well-armed, stable VTOL gunships have the potential to just wreck anything. R&D pics of the MT-13, with working VTOL engine systems: Plus, a VTOL Drone that works like an attack helicopter:
  9. The main reason smaller ground units are more effective is due to the smaller part count and the fact that they're easier to deploy en masse.
  10. I'll make sure to finish up my prototype hulls (ships) tomorrow (it's about 2:20 AM for me currently ), alongside my MT-13, new light tanks, and new MBT-2 tank, which will replace the tiny 'lil MBT-1As I've been using. I will say that these tanks (plus some small VTOL attack drones) should be a bit more hardy than my first batch of surface units. That being said, I'll PM you in the morning, to discuss extra rules and the exact battle area.
  11. No problem. I like a good Laythe battle, and it's getting me pumped for my VTOL SSTO Gunship/Dropship I'm developing, the MT-13. (The MT-12 will not be militarized, but probably will have it's cargo bay issues fixed. The MT-13 is going to be bigger, be able to carry larger cargoes, carry offensive weapons, deploy a squad of troops/Kerbals, and fly as an SSTO on Kerbin and Laythe. It will of course also be a VTOL.)
  12. DO IT. Heck, you might even be able to launch a mini-Grand Tour ship with landers and other goodies preattached!
  13. DL? This thing looks amazing! I assume the klaw is the basis for this design's hinge?
  14. I didn't wind up finishing my SSTO dropship/gunship that I've been working on... particularly since the kraken decided to spawn my ship frozen in place in high Munar orbit.
  15. Words cannot describe how awesome this is.... now send an entire (smaller) rocket (as the payload) to orbit using a launcher with this! *And yes, that is a direct challenge.
  16. Thanks, since I like to be able to know that I can always fire up an all-stock install and load a pre-made save. Also, this is an AWESOME mod, and I'm quite happy with Jeb's new "tough guy" beard.
  17. Yup, I'm going to test it soon, with an old KSP interstellar modded install I'm going to revert to stock. EDIT: Yup, EVE+Texture Replacer+Aggressive Texture Reduction do not affect persist files, just client files. So that means I'm free to make an amazing-looking in-game universe without compromising my ability to battle. YEAH! Flying VTOL fighters in clouds should be fun. EDIT x2: Man, EVE makes it really fun to fly on Kerbin... also, I did save my entire craft repository, so I still have all my warships and other things...
  18. So, I went interstellar, and then somehow smacked into the Mun at uber-high speed.
  19. That's OK, since I still need to make my own seaworthy warships. In any case, I just nuked all my saves ('cept for the one for my battle with BrightBritches) since I'm now running EVE, Texture Replacer, and I think also the active texture reducer. This won't prohibit me from running battles, will it? (I don't think those affect persist files, do they?) In any case, I'm also thinking about making a tiny story to go along with my save-nuking, since I have.... summoned the turbo-hell Kraken by hyperediting a dropship into interstellar space, hunting for the Duna SSTV signal. Also, BrightBritches needs to put up his next post.
  20. Hey, does this make your persists not work with the stock game? (Example: I make a save in my TR'd KSP directory, then open it in an alternate, all-stock copy on my flash drive.)
  21. Darn, you somehow read my mind, since I've been working on a SSTO dropship.... Time to see who completes first!
  22. @daemonCaptrix, I think I'm going to have to surrender. Reasons being: 1- You've got a significant advantage, and I've figured that even if I managed to disable your VTOL, I'd still be outnumbered by Stubs. 2- My units are somewhat.... less advanced. (I need to UPGRADE) 3- My game keeps bugging out, with a small bit of lag, and at least one instance of severe re-entry whilst loading the save. You have indeed beat me, and I will concede. Also, I'm curious if you'd be interested in a KSC-set battle (with naval ships) at some point in the near future?
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