MU APT-1 Heron Trident 1 (I think, it's either that or Trident 2) attacks the DCOV Masamune. Both guided TOWs were fired, and didn't do very much. (The pic has the second TOW splashing down behind the Masamune.) The Heron's pilot then used the main deck guns, dealing a moderate amount of damage to the bow, and breaking off the ship's refueling klaw. Moving in to target... Finally, right as Trident 1 tilted over to launch a missile, the game lagged out. Then this happened (most likely due to the klaw getting shot off, since those things are like kraken-bait. ) I had quicksaved in case of something like this happening, but the Masamune was sucked underwater upon phys-loading. EVERY TIME. So, I left it stuck at the bottom of the sea (and undamaged so long as nobody tries to switch to it, as it somehow clips through the seabed partially with nobody in control of it.). The Kraken apparently is alive and well in Kerbin's oceans... Persist: P.S.: If you want me to re-move, I will. It just takes forever to move the Herons from the Island to where the Masamune is anchored.