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Everything posted by TyrannoFan

  1. Just use the stock invisible struts feature while you wait for the KJR update. No more spaghetti rockets.
  2. Ah man, I bought my copy 4 months too late! Oh well. At 1283 hours in, KSP's got the second best price/hour of any game in my library, at 3p per hour. So, I'm not really too upset about having to pay for DLC after years of free updates.
  3. I like to think of it as: If the Roman Empire had a space program
  4. It's a part of the abort system! SRBs can't be shut off, so the only way to cut thrust in case of an anomaly is to open up the other end. There's no smaller SRB with the same thrust, so I came up with a rather Kerbal solution of just slapping on a fuel tank and an upside down F-1. I believe in the real SLS (may be wrong here), in the event of an abort, they open up the top of the SRB, but there's no such thing in KSP with that capability unfortunately... Also, don't mind the parachutes and air-brakes; I'm in the process of making it mostly reusable (IMO, lack of reusability is one of the real SLS' main problems - why just throw away those shuttle engines? :/).
  5. Honestly this is one of the better KSP updates. So many quality of life changes and long requested stuff that has been added (plane and relay probe icons, splitting some of the categories etc). And I'm finding it to be a lot more stable than 1.1. And we also got a taste of Porkjet's parts (albeit in a separate mod folder)! I am way more satisfied with this update than I thought I would be.
  6. Fairly late on this, but that's why my experiments kept exploding/freaking out when placing them on the ground? Damn, I had no idea. That explains a lot. Thanks for the update.
  7. KSP desperately needs depth to it. Mainly depth in exploration. Right now, you land on a planet, you do your science, and leave. This is awesome for the first few times for sure (a first successful Mun landing is always a great experience), but I find that the more I play, the more I crave for something more interesting. Installing planet packs doesn't do it for me - they're just planets, you do the same thing for them as you would for stock planets. But if there was depth to the planets, like unique rocks and geological features, it would be so much cooler to explore planets. Everywhere on a planet looks pretty much the same right now. Imagine if you could find distinct sand dunes on Duna, or distinct volcanoes that you can climb up, with magma at the top. Imagine exploring the edge of a very tall cliff (maybe using Kerbal Attachment System you could make a rock-climbing rover), maybe with distinct layers of rock. Imagine ravines or canyons, small rivers and lakes on Kerbin/Laythe. Imagine dust-devils on the surface of Duna. What about small plants and more variety of flora on Kerbin? Imagine entire cave systems! What about ice sheets with some holes or cracks exposing water underneath? Yes I know that a lot of these are not really possible with the way the game is fundamentally, but there needs to really be SOME sort of depth added to planets that make them worth exploring. That would make the game more interesting for a much much longer time, considering how much stuff there would be to explore. I was playing on SSRSS, and I noticed when I landed on the Moon, that the craters were deeper than the Mun, with different textures on the sides of the crater than on the flatter areas. There was a real sense of scale, which the stock game doesn't have because of how flat and boring the terrain is. Even that was enough to make me go "Woah, that's really cool!".
  8. I have various ones, most of them being Kerbalised versions of real space agencies. Album of flags, titles and descriptions:
  9. It doesn't seem to be built for 1.1 yet. Some parts will be broken in 1.1, especially the original landing gear. It works well enough with most parts, but there's some that won't function properly. Use with caution.
  10. https://github.com/VenVen/Stock-Revamp Ven updates this every now and then. It's in progress though.
  11. So I just downloaded the (I presume work-in-progress) 1.9.2 version and... wow. Ven, your part revamp is just absolutely beautiful. The tanks, the F9 landing legs, the optional tankbutts... the quality of the modelling, texture-work, attention to detail and overall aesthetics are unmatched. Seriously amazing work. My KSP experience would not be the same without your overhaul, so thank you for taking time out of your life to create this wonderful mod.
  12. There is no way you could legitimately reach lightspeed in stock KSP because of diminishing return. The larger you make your rocket, the less DeltaV you gain by making it any larger. You would need a gigantic (and I mean bloody huge) craft that would not be stable, would take years to accelerate to lightspeed and would not run on (almost) any computer. However, you can glitch the game out and reach light-speed. In fact, even faster (source): At the speeds achieved here, you would cross our Milky Way galaxy in ~6 seconds.
  13. Yeah the 19 figure is actually a typo :P, I just checked and there's no way 66 degrees of Minmus' 49 day orbit checks out to 19 days.
  14. Yep, it is meant to say 19. I'll see if I can make a quick edit. EDIT: Actually, I think 19 is the typo. It doesn't seem to make sense if it's 19.
  15. If you want to go to Minmus without doing a plane change, you need to intercept it at its ascending/descending node. This means you have to intersect Minmus' path at the point in its orbit where it is crossing the orbital plane of the Mun. From a 100km orbit, you can raise your apoapsis to Minmus' orbital height of 47,000km. It will take (approximately) 9 days, 1 hour and 10 minutes to reach this apoapsis from a 100km periapsis. Minmus' orbit takes 49 days, 5 hours and 15 minutes, so if you do this maneuver when Minmus is 66.366° away from its ascending/descending node, you will get an encounter with Minmus. This is because it will take Minmus 9 days, 1 hour and 10 minutes to get from that position to the position of your apoapsis. I made a graphic here to illustrate:
  16. I personally am interested in more sepatron variety. The current ones stick out too much, perhaps we could have direct sepatrons like the ones that come with Ven's Stock Revamp? Also, what about stronger ones? Maybe if we had stronger sepatrons we could make some nice custom escape towers. Some nosecones with sepatrons built in would be cool.
  17. Okay, first off, that looks absolutely #$%"ing magnificent. Second off, in RC1, I can confirm that the sun glare absolutely gets tinted through atmospheres, no matter the composition or whether is procedural or not. With some, its less noticeable (slightly yellow sun to white sun), but other times you get something like this (the sun here is a yellow dwarf, this is a random procedural planet in the Milky Way): https://zippy.gfycat.com/RegalMindlessAntbear.mp4 In that gyfcat link, you can clearly see it tinted as yellow, red and pink/purple.
  18. My space programs are kerbal version of real space programs (though they don't really do the same things). The names of my crafts allude to their purpose, and are in whatever language the the country launching it is meant to be. If its a mixed country (like Japanese + German) I combine their words together. Japan likes to use English words occasionally for some reason, so I can also sneak in an English word. Now, while this leads to nice names, I am 100% certain they probably look stupid to people who actually speak the languages.
  19. Current Mods List: I will be having all of these mods, as well as: Scatterer Environment Visual Enhancements KSPRC or other great visual overhaul More parts packs
  20. Oh my god. I can already see some of the beautiful things that could be made thanks to PBR shaders in the next version, these parts being some of them. KSP mods will look amazing this year. I like Ven's Stock Revamp, but I gotta say, I really like this look. Its realistic, while simultaneously Kerbal. Can't wait for 1.1 to hit if this is the quality of stuff that can be expected from future mods (and of course stock parts once Squad gets round to that in a year or however long it takes).
  21. Amazing! I've always wanted eclipse shadows, they just look so epic. I assume that there needs to be more tweaking before it's ready, and of course making the terrain darken under the eclipse shadow. EVE darkens the terrain under cloud shadows, so I'm sure it's possible. Would it work together with EVE though? For example, would eclipse shadows also darken cloud layers and would their ground shadows smoothly mesh together with cloud shadows?
  22. I accepted 3 contracts: "Flyby Mun, Tylo and Vall," "Plant flag on Bop," "Plant flag on Pol". At first, I intended to do these missions separately. But instead, I went "eh why not" and made one rocket to do all 3. The rocket only cost me 262,209.3 funds and achieved all 3 contracts giving me 1,885,798 funds; a 1,623,588.7 funds profit. Plus, I got 142 science experiments done during the flyby of Tylo and Vall, as well as the 4 landings for Bop and 4 landings for Pol. I only missed one experiment on Bop (gravioli detector just above valleys I think). I gained about 21,000 science, even though I have no use for it since my tech tree's full. This was probably one of my most successful missions to date. Today was a good day.
  23. Larger boosters and a shuttle nose to complete the shuttle set, 2.5m and 1.25m stackable cargo bays, more pod variation and maybe some more rover science parts like a camera and soil sampler and stuff like that.
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