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Everything posted by Tery215

  1. Granted. However, you are the kraken's brain. The Kerbals spear you and leave you to die on Bop. I wish for water.
  2. Death star annihilates the hill (and the entire planet) No one's hill.
  3. i build my own hill, with absolutely no influence from Odin my two hills, one of which is infested with zombies and an alternate me
  4. Granted. All "work" is now getting eaten by a demon monster from the other side of the galaxy. I wish the demon monster from the other side of the galaxy didn't get conjured by me to corrupt his wish.
  5. it's already orange (or should be)
  6. Name: Purple Stuff Appearance: Purple spots in the void Atmospheric Conditions: space debris often strikes close to this mysterious source of light, producing fragments of rock at high velocities near the surface Composition: Neptunium, iodine, iron(molten and beneath the surface), fluorine, carbon nanotubes. Atmosphere: no Gravity: no Habitable: any life near the planet will die from radiation poisoning and carbon nanotube poisoning where is it?: in orbit the galactic core
  7. I caused the apocalypse. A horde of fungus zombies of my creation swarm you and eat you. Nobody (save ) has enough gun to stop my fungus zombie horde.My giant pile of human corpses & trampled zombies.
  8. Inspect the section of the editor with mouths, and the section of the editor with the picture of a spike!
  9. Granted. Strong bad, mysterious descendant of the Bee King of Strong Badia, accidentally pulls a tin cap out of the ground. King bee and King Bee #2 comes out of the ancient cavern, and are actually poorly animated and look like Trogdor. Disappointed, you destroy the only 2 existing big bada bees. I wish Forum Games got replaced by "Meta Games".
  10. It's too instant. You wouldn't be able to know it's coming, and impossibility of detection due to lightspeed would probably disqualify it from "wake up from a coma and discover apocalypse in 48 hrs"
  11. By classics do you mean original gameplay or extremely old & previously popular?
  12. Inspect the timeline of behavior inspection. (Bottom right corner)
  13. Because it's inappropriate?
  14. Granted. After flying for 2000+ hours nonstop, you go insane and starve. I wish Don't Starve was less popular.
  15. Approach the species on the map upper right shore!
  16. Save, then press the advance button.
  17. nothing left to do, make it eat more
  18. Replace the spikes with electric.
  19. Send it out to munch on plants and avoid eating meat!
  20. let's put spikes on the back
  21. Try and stay erbivore, I want the negotiation powers during creature stage.
  22. I think cores should be sent second or third. I try to place only a single or maybe 2 or three nuke engines, with more fuel tanks than nuke engines. Also, disposable RCS tanks for the docking module. All tug-tanks should be disposable for weight-saving.
  23. Well, change the color to orange and we're done evolving it for now.
  24. The Groszvenatz. Merge the eyes.
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