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Everything posted by jpinard

  1. Just go into your video card settings and adjust it there.
  2. Agoa and Tulea are especially nice. Not too convinced on the onion planet Eros though.
  3. Cool going to go grab it now. Good thing I have an extra TB of hard drive space so I can run 8 versions of KSP. Will check science defines in there too.
  4. hehe, now that would be a scary mission. Land on asteroid a few meters off the event horizon of a black hole.
  5. I can't find this but I know a lot of people use it. Also I'm curious about the mod. If I have mods that are not catalogued by the sorting mod thingie, does it mess it up? Will the parts not show up? Or do they just show up as stock or as "other"? Thanks!
  6. The main difference to me with FAR is that rockets are a bit more unstable. Rockets that are a bit top of bottom heavy are more likely to tip over or wobble. When they wobble, Frizzank said to disable roll on the fins. I'd never heard of adding additional reaction wheels. Does it matter where they go?
  7. Nereid - are you going to add all those? God I am sooooo excited! Also - love your kitty picture!
  8. Oh cool! I'm going to put one on the bottom of my science Jr. module and maybe it won't break on the way down this time!
  9. KSK, I haven't unlocked the larger liquid fuels tanks yet. Should I use the medium size liquid tanks... like 3 in a row to compensate? Or the smaller ones and go with like 5 or 6? Also do you use FAR? If so, do you do any tweaks to the fins? Thanks for the help!! I now have 2 designs I'm going to save and keep for all my future Kerbal games.
  10. Anyone else having issues getting the game to reload config files? I'm finding that with half the edits I make I have to close the entire game down and relaunch to see the changes.
  11. Do you know what these do? argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3 epoch = 0
  12. So the Semi-Major axis is how far from the star/planet it is orbiting? Is the orbit speed set automatically based on its orbital period? Is there a setting for how fast each moon/planet rotates? Your stuff is looking very nice in my game even in its unfinished state. Can't wait to see the finished product. Thanks for the help!
  13. Could either of you give me a quick overview of editing orbits? I'd like to combine this Porry's and Urania's system with this... but Sido Urania''s orbits are a mess. So basically if I could get just the quickest info on editing the orbital path/distance of one moon, I could fix the rest of it easily I'm sure. Thanks!
  14. It tracks all your Kerbal missions and add ribbons for rewards. It's AMAZING and super professional.
  15. Thanks! They should put that in the download info on the Spaceport page.
  16. Does this work OK with the excellent Final Frontier mod? Also, it won't let me transfer crew if I'm not docked will it? I don't want any cheats.
  17. For example, if I have a camera I had to stow in a not-so-good angle and wanted to deploy it so it looked down on Kerbin all the time, is there some kind of robotic thing that would let me do that? Or like if I had a bunch of stuff all compacted together, and the wanted to take them out and place them on girders?
  18. Blizzy, in the VAB the toolbar disappears before I can configure it. How do I bring it up if I can't see it?
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