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Everything posted by jpinard

  1. Could you do a version of these, like an asteroid belt that is compatible with Planetfactory?
  2. So that's what was causing my crashes! I can finally run this! Sido, you should add that to your first post. You confused me because you have a screenshot that shows both planet-packs enabled and that was the cause all along. Also, Sido, can you make a 2nd version where the Urania system is at a much greater distance orbiting the sun (further out than Eloo)? Or is that something I can easily change myself?
  3. Oh a couple more questions and a note. * Should Sentar System be disabled when running your mod? Or is that just a personal reference option? Or does have to be on?
  4. Thanks! I'm going to go back and do each part from scratch again. But for the in-game graphic settings, do you have all the sliders in the middle? or on low? BTW - I'm super happy to see how much you have loaded and this means "I" screwed something up - I just have to figure out what I did. Yea!!
  5. If you lived here in Michigan I'd let you live here for free until you get your feet under you. Sorry you're having so much trouble.
  6. Sido - you're really awesome. Obviously we all love this mod a lot and hope to get it working smooth. Can you please go back to this post and answer the questions in it? I know you're busy so I really appreciate your time very much. Cheers! LINK: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66882-0-23-Sido-s-Urania-System-16-new-planets-and-moon-%21?p=943671&viewfull=1#post943671
  7. Thanks. I do have main graphic settings totally maxed out. What should they be at for a super duper high end system like my own? How do I change the specific plant factory settings? Also, when I'm the science wing I can see all my normal planets and moons in the since log list, but not your new ones, is that normal. I can't tell if the extra planets and sun are actually showing up or not. Thanks for all your help!!
  8. Sido - I'm not sure if I misinterpreted your first post. But if I use Kethane or any other set of mods that runs over 20 Meg total, then the game won't launch with your full solar system with clouds unless I use aggressive active compression. Basic compression doesn't come close to allowing the game to load. If you're able to run the game with all that everything with just basic compression it must mean I'm doing something wrong. I'd like to use Basic compression so I don't lose mipmaps and so much texture quality.
  9. Here's my current list: • Blizzy Toolbar • Aviation Lights • Blizzy Achievements • Porkworks Habitat Pack • RPM – Raster Prop Monitor – Mk2 cockpit no longer needed • Final Frontier – tracks Kerbalnauts progress • Ferram4 Ferram Aerospace Research (FAR) – aerodynamics • Ferram4 Kerbal ISP Difficutly Slider • KW Rocketry – More stock-like parts, lots of engines – fairings video at website • Nathan Kell Deadly Re-entry • Scansat • Remotetech 2 – Remote Satellite System o Community fix • Crowd Sourced Science Logs • RealChute Parachute Systems • Kethane • Docking Port Alignment Indicator • Wehrner Checklist • Kerbonov Cockpit • Nothke Service Compartment tubes • ALCOR Advanced Capsule – Apollo like capsule with advanced displays • Modulemanager • Escapadie Telescopic Landing Legs • Hangar Extender • Home Grown Rocket 2-man pod • Enhanced Navball • Porry Planet Pack (Verviedi Planets). New sun with planets orbiting that sun. • Tarsier Space Telescope • RCS Sounds I'd like to use the following as I have Universe Replacer right now: • Rbray89 – Visual enhancements clouds and city lights o HD Cloud Improvement Been trying to use Urania Planetary Pack but it keeps crashing even with texture reduction
  10. When I launch the game its showing 2 systems instead of just the Urani system I was expecting. Should I disable the Sentar system?
  11. If anyone has some unofficial updates that make the following completely compatible with .23 - would you post? * The Pandora Rover (Curiosity Mars Rover) * The Zeus Telescope (Hubble) * The Hermes Spacecraft (Voyager) And Yougui - thank you for such an amazing set of craft. They are truly incredible! Congrats on the twins. One baby is so much work, I can't imagine two!
  12. Is there a tutorial video for how to use this mod? I have no clue how people are using it in space to help with orbit and interception with objects.
  13. Can someone give me a reason why you wouldn't want automatic engine shrouds? I'm really new to part mods and so don't quite understand what it does. Also, does KW Rocketry mess up particle effects for the Rapiers, or just the KW versions of that type of engine?
  14. You misunderstood my post I think. I wasn't asking if one had to cheat to get there, I was just saying I wasn't using them. I wanted to make sure your extra solar system is super, duper far away from the current Kerbal solar system so no planets/moons crossed paths or got too close to each other.
  15. I am so dumb! That question was meant for the ISP Difficutly thread as those were the settings I needed! LOL
  16. Unlike a couple unappreciative people in this thread, I want to thank you for making this. It adds a level of immersion the game was missing for me. Hopefully you can get those last couple of quibbles worked out. Cheers!
  17. Porry - First of all - this mod looks to be brilliant. What a great idea to have a second solar system! I don't have any cheat mods so I can't really check this out - my question is, is the outermost planet around the new star, still farther away than the default outermost Kerbal planet? I'm hoping your new stuff is wayyy out in the distance so it's a bit like us humans going to Alpha Centauri, and it feels like a monumental reward for us to make it out there. (I don't know how far 3.5 hypermeters is that you listed).
  18. What does the indexing bar do?
  19. If I want to have all the aerodynamics FAR provides, but have everything else be stock kerbal, like how far a single SRB can shoot me into space, what settings do I use? What is happening right now is I'm getting launched into space with substantially smaller amount of engine power and fuel than before. Thanks Ferram for such brilliant work on this mod and your other projects. I so appreciate everything you've brought to the game!
  20. How much of a performance hit does this have? Is low system spec performance the reason the developers didn't have this in the game?
  21. Well, you did a fantastic job on those textures AND the shapes - and it pays off in spades. My favorite is Loon because I recognize it as Jupiter's moon of Io. Something I forgot to ask since I haven't tried orbiting the moons yet. Do they have proper gravity based on size/mass?
  22. You can take a screenshot of your Gamedata directory. That will basically show all the mods.
  23. Hoping to see many people list the mods they currently play the game with. I'm sure everyone can use ideas of what works together, and makes the game ore compete...as do I! Cheers!
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