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Everything posted by jpinard

  1. NHawk - Seeing as what's happened with CKAN messing up Stock Visual Enhancements. Do you think CKAN will be or is handling your Realplumes properly?
  2. Will this work well with the following graphic mods (or am I creating some redundancies with some of these)? Distant Object Enhancement Environmental Visual Enhancements Stock Visual Enhancements Planetshine Thanks for the brainy information!
  3. Should texture-replacer with no extras installed play nice with these graphic mods? Distant Object Enhancement Environmental Visual Enhancements Planetshine Scatterer Stock Visual Enhancements And to further the question, am I duplicating anyone's effort by having all those together? Thanks!
  4. Upgrade to 1.1 and use 64-bit exe. Smooth as silk along with 30 other mods plus all the graphic enhancement mods. Killashley's working on an update for New Horizons for 1.1 and it looks amazing. I can't wait for that beauty to be done!
  5. Would the EVE config sit in the main folder of the mod, or in an EVE subfolder? ie. what should that folder structure look like? Thanks for your time answering these questions. Really appreciate it.
  6. That sounds just fine. All that matters is we have a version that will function in 1.1
  7. So how hard do you think it will be for ThomasKerbin to fix the solar panel explosion issue? I'm trying to suss out if this is a major coding headache that may never be addressed, or if it's one of those issues that is "oops no biggie will fix on next release"?
  8. What an awesome response. My life would be so easy if everyone had such an amazing grasp of high/low personage discussions. Once again, it is great to see you have really honed in on exactly what I was hoping to hear. Basically stock working that will look great, not be annoying, and will really help people. Can I please replace all my crazy anti-science, anti-logic relatives with you?
  9. When I grab mods (new planets) that utilize this mod to make clouds etc. Should their EVE files be put into rbray's EVE mod folder, or should those configs be in their own author's mod folder (and if so, in an EVE subdirectory?) Thanks rbray89 and others
  10. I'm sure this the answer here is yes, but is this mod is a total rework of stock Kerbin solar system and thus to use must be done alone or in conjunction with Sigma88's Galactic Neighborhood?
  11. KSP won't be getting any more big patches (or even little ones) for quite a while Sticky. We ran 1.1 beta for a long time so what you see is what's going to stand for the next 3 months if not longer. Also tested this out and so far it works perfect. I have one suggestion and that would be to look at the Rolk Moon. It has odd lines on it and could stand to be a bit higher resolution.
  12. Thank you so very much So how does this rep thing work? I'd like to give you some but I don't know if I have any or how you earn it.
  13. Ahhh I finally get it! So this project is done/closed and you are working with killashley (not in competition) to make the brand new amazing looking Kerbal Plus Remade.
  14. This mod was suggested by another in my "run to check out new planets!" thread. Can't wait to install this. Just hope it all works. MrChumley - did the cloud stuff White Guardian completed end up on your posted download?
  15. Nice Tardigrade Snark I think you've got everything nailed. If the pulsing looks too hectic with "on-off-on-off" like a turn signal blinker, then I'd go for a tempo of: ooofffffff on oooffffff. This would give it a more airplaney strobe light kind of sensation that would fit style. If I use your mod in its current alpha/beta state (not assigning anything special) can it break my save game? I'm too eager and want to get your awesome new batteries running. Am I assuming correctly that they will now be stock with lights and I won't have to do any special action group things?
  16. Did you use CKAN to install SVE? If you idd, that is all borked up. the CKAN people put old version files in there for no one knows why. The general rule right now is don't use CKAN for SVE, nor EVE and I'm starting to think maybe not for anything as I've seen this problem a few times now where whoever managed it puts up an unstable alpha release, and because it's shown as 1.1 people think it's "finished".
  17. OK thank you. You just described my exact problem. I love this planet and to have more great stuff for it is awesome. Will there be any issues if I use current version and then replace it with your awesome version when it's done?
  18. I have not seen Asclepius so thank you for that reference! I too am trying Outer Planets, and Arkas -though I don't have atmphshere for some reason :( I'm going to try and use Galactic Network for the planets that won't fit. There is a bug in Kopernicus that makes solar panels blow up, so I will use Sigma88's temporary electric hack in the meantime. But this is my list: Will use Sigma Binary when the mods I want it for are updated. Farlo Planetary Pack (needs updating but looks good) Saru Planetary Pack - I love the fact it has a good looking Enceladus in it. Sentar Expansion - Based on original Planetfactory examples which were very unique and fun. Urania - beautiful gas giant ringed system Kerbal Origins - planets that didn't get into base game that were originally postulated. Looks amazing. Trans Keputunian - Full biomes and amazing colors Kerbal Plus remade - I must have my notes wrong because I have same thing written for this as Kerbal Origins? Chani Planet Pack - nice gas giant with moons fits into stock. Something is very wrong with planet right next to sun Pigge. It is super pixelated for some reason. Everything else looks OK. BTW this is what my solar system looks like without Galactic Network
  19. Ok I'm getting no weather whatsoever. Do I need to do something specials to get that nice thick atmosphere working?
  20. Every thing else looks great, but Piggie is a pixelated mess. I'm not sure why because the image files themselves look fine, but zoom to Piggie and it looks like an 8-bit graphic.
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