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Everything posted by jpinard

  1. I have this running on 1.7.1 but there are some issues I think since many of the mods I'm using haven't been updated past 1.6.1 but I'll see when I dig in further. In that screenshot you see both Kerbal Origins and Outer Planets Mod. Kerbal Origins has the comet in an elliptical odd-angled orbit.
  2. Good to know. Now I wonder if I should have built my game for 1.3.1 instead of 1.6.1 (I gave up on getting 1.7.1. to work).
  3. DO you have a development thread for it? It looks AWESOME.
  4. Has anyone gotten clouds to work? I cannot seem to get them to function in build 1.71. I did everything exactly like the official thread said to do (except I did like CKAN install the scatterer option for me), but the rest were done manually.
  5. IN one of my build's I'm running Real Solar System and Realism Overhaul. With that in mind do I want your NFS LFO Engines mod in addition to all your others? Or does that mess something up with the realism of liquid engines already included?
  6. Since I have realism overhaul, do I still need to download this, or is it actually included in realism overhaul itself? Thanks!
  7. Does this work with Real Solar Systems and all the realism mods?
  8. HI everyone. I am so sorry if this is an annoying or repetitive question. I haven't played KSP for years and years and am jumping back in with both feet. My question is - I want to run a super realistic real solar system game. One where life support is critical, distances, fuel consumption, gravity, atmospheric density etc are all in there and taken into account. I have CKAN installed and already installed this wonderful mod and was hoping the list of "suggested mods" would be larger to include all this but it isn't. Has someone compiled a list for what mods would best make this possible? Thank you to anyone who takes the time to help me with this. This is my current mod list:
  9. It has been a very long time since I played the game. Since before the first expansion came out. In that time did they create any life support mechanism in the base game? Electricity or Oxygen etc? In rregards to this mod, can I set it up so my Kerbals will die if they go without food or water for 7 days? Or if they go without Oxygen for some period of time? Thanks, mod looks awesome!
  10. Wow thank you so much for explaining it. Evereything mad eperfect sense and that doesn't happen often. Your list of stuff coming up, especially the "possibly" options. WOW! How amazing it would be to have sound! and active volcanos. That is soooo exciting!
  11. Does the same hold true for your Kerbal Atomics expansion? I see it's "recommended" when I add your Near future stuff. Thanks!
  12. Does that slow down the game, having all those exceptions?
  13. And if you do how hard is it? Is there some way to mod my save if I start with it on and want to remove it?
  14. Do you have graphical artifacts from using it? Also, dp you use the -no-singlethreaded command line as well?
  15. Is this commandline still necessary after the latest DLC (breaking ground) and patch? They did a lot to optimize stuff and I'm not sure if DX11 was one of them.
  16. Because I'm stupid, how does this differ from the implementation the latest version + DLC that stock KSP added? Thanks
  17. So the game normally runs in DX9 mode? Where do you find the Kerbal start-up parameters and if you didn't put DX11 in there who/what did?
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