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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Given that there may be more than one person in a vehicle, and that the streets will be full of robotaxis instead of private vehicles, all that’s needed Is a VIN for the AI to track. Any payment info would need to be subpoenaed
  2. Bezos doesn’t have piles of cash sitting around. Most of his wealth is in the form of Amazon stock. He once said he would sell $1B a year of stock to fund BO. it would be fascinating to know how much liquid cash Bezos has available. Musk once said when he needs a sizeable chunk of cash he borrows against his stocks in Tesla and SpaceX
  3. There’s a space deconstruction game called Hardspace: Shipbreaker that’s in early access right now on Steam. Cutting up ships for salvage. No combat, but if you’re not careful (with that axe Eugene) things can go kablooey
  4. Niven/Pournelle ran with the Orion concept in the novel Footfall
  5. Looked like a decent SHLV to me, although it could be improved with vertical integration instead of side-slung payloads. But since the Soviets couldn't afford to, uh, do anything new, they would have been unlikely to build a proper VAB for it. Besides, it wasn't reusable.
  6. "Bad things come in threes" struck the Greater Vancouver area this morning. In New Westminster (former B.C. capital city and a suburb of Vancouver), a thousand feet of "Pier Park" went up in flames, including the ancient creosote-soaked pier pilings to make for a toxic smoke. 100 km to the north there's the aforementioned Sea-to-Sky gondola sabotage. And 100 miles to the east twenty-two train cars derailed beside the Trans-Canada Highway; fortunately no injuries or hazardous cargoes were involved but it is a visual distraction to drivers on the highway. Luckily it's past the main commuter corridor. Pier Park before and after during: Derailment:
  7. Overnight Someone cut the main cable (55mm thick) for the Sea-to-Sky gondola that takes tourists to the top Of the Squamish Chief (A popular local climbing mountain) again, thirteen months after cutting it the first time. Replacing the cable and broken cars The first time cost $10 million. SomeBody doesn’t like that business ignore all the extra caps. Too annoying to edit those out on mobile
  8. Turned 50 today. I suppose that's not entirely negative so it's not in that thread. But all I can say is: Ugh. I'm too old for this [stuff}
  9. IKR? People think the combustion chamber is the crazy part, but first you need to get the propellants to an even higher pressure for injection!
  10. Somehow I have a feeling this has been done before....
  11. Dogleg shouldn't eat up too much dV depending how much eastward speed they put in before the turn Bigger question: Are they doglegging on the way back too? E: Maybe doing the turn aerodynamically?
  12. Those fin legs look aerodynamically unstable during engine-first descent, but I suppose the grid fins plus the mass of engines and thrust puck could keep the CoM/CoP relationship manageable
  13. Not a lot of BTU output though. This should do it...
  14. Not a problem. I wouldn't put it past Musk to build one of these:
  15. Okay, that was interesting. A couple of observations: 1: I spy a redheaded violin player, which makes me think they needs more Gurdy. Patty Gurdy, to be precise 2: That lead singer looks like he's (trying to be) channeling Leo Moracchioli On to my contribution(s): My workplace is ramping up to the busy season, but it's complicated by Covid. As a result, I'm starting to work 50+hour weeks in the rubber room... "I get up at quarter to four to be at work by five Got no time for living, yeah, I'm working all the time It seems to me, I could live my life A lot better than I think I am I guess that's why they call me They call me the working man!" (yes, I modified the lyrics) All in the name of Taking care of business, working overtime, work out!
  16. Can always put 4k of only fuel on the pad and see if it ticks that contract parameter
  17. Yes, what he said, and bear in mind that it only says fuel, so if you launch the orange tank you can empty the oxidizer first. Or use one or more of the LF only (spaceplane) tanks. Eight MK1 LF tanks at 400 each would do, clustered together.
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