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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Giant rat, you say... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099697/
  2. From Xichang, huh? hope the people in the drop zone were warned to duck....
  3. There must be some people in the world named Jean who are feeling blue at any given moment. But I guess that has nothing to do with pants. On the gripping hand, my dog pants a lot...
  4. Well, human remains would be considered a biohazard. It’s likely there were components or items aboard containing radioisotopes (i.e. smoke detectors come to mind) that may have released the contents during the crash.
  5. Why yes, it does, now that you mention it. Although the liquid metal vortex is a nifty solution to erosion of the fusion chamber walls, while also working to transfer the heat to the boilers.
  6. If sounds like most derelict vessels in the North Atlantic that get caught by the Gulf Stream get swept against the coast of Ireland
  7. Well, the thread title includes “all things fusion,” so this thread seems to be the best fit for this different approach to fusion. So excuse this bit of necromancy.... This approach does seem to avoid at least one of the issues with magnetic confinement designs...
  8. Finally got a chance to see Orion for the fist time in months (it’s been a very wet start to the year). Even though it’s been awhile, yeah,, now that you mention it, Betelgeuse does look dimmer. But I probably wouldn’t have noticed if I wasn’t looking for it.
  9. Science deniers got it wrong, It wasn’t a god that built Earth this way, it was the Magratheans... But I do want to check out your documentary, I’ll have lots of downtime coming up...
  10. My turn for cataract surgery on one eye on Thursday. Hopefully I won’t need reading glasses after that. My other eye is still fine for distance...
  11. My imgur account now has 404 images. That must be an error, I don't know how I managed to find the page...
  12. Ah, that'll buff pop out. A good body shop can handle it... A little work hardening is a good thing, right?
  13. What if it could freeze atoms to be perfectly still, no thermal vibrations at all? In other words, hold them at absolute zero. That would be an excellent "cold side" for a thermocouple, for making use of waste heat. Of course, the device would probably consume more power than the thermocouple produces....
  14. Yoyo and Yoyoka: seeing them play, I can't help but think... But after that, I must bow my head...
  15. Farewell, Nurse Kellye... And a tip of the glove to former Blue Jay shortstop Tony Fernandez:
  16. Appliance question: We received this Sunbeam "Teadrop" tea-maker (now discontinued) for our wedding over 13 years ago, and the hotplate on it finally quit. I believe I've narrowed it down to this component circled in red: Using my circuit tester set to measure resistance (as a continuity test), the leads on either side each make a complete circuit to their respective blades on the wall plug (power switch on, of course), but there is no circuit between the two leads themselves. It is mounted to the heating element. It's my assumption that inside that bit of white plastic is a thermostat, to keep the element from overheating, and therefore it would be dangerous to bypass it. I have removed it, and if the white kinda powdery goop between the piece and the bracket is some sort of thermal paste as I suspect (same stuff between the element and the bottom of the hot plate), then that should confirm my theory that it is some sort of thermostat. Just typing out this post and preparing to ask for advice jogged my brain to remove the thing and do some googling. I may be able to find a replacement "thermodisk" tomorrow (stat holiday today). I hope so, anyways. We've located some used Teadrops for sale, but they're not nearby. There's one on Amazon asking almost $300, rofl. That should tell Sunbeam that discontinuing this product was a mistake, because those who use these machines love them. So yeah, I had a question, but I've answered it myself, I think. But feel free to confirm I'm on the right track!
  17. Meaning there is some super-cold stuff around that may (or may not) contribute to cooling the hydraulic reservoir.
  18. Starship production is clicking right along. It'll probably look like this in a year or two....
  19. Having experienced a burst hydraulic line on a forklift in a freezer, hydraulic fluid not intended for extreme cold will become the consistency of creamed honey in extreme cold. Hard to say if they would use specialized hydraulic fluid. They may not think it would be exposed to extreme cold for long enough, but there are cryogenics on board, so they may decide to err on the side of caution (a lesson learned the hard way many times by rocket engineers....)
  20. My bet is the booster aborted its landing to spare OCISLY
  21. Landing failed. A lot of pitching on the droneship, saw some smoke off to starboard. First fail after how many successes?
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