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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Aaaaand it’s back to goobered. Sometimes I wonder if it’s a last-post avatar or something silly that the browsers don’t like. Or maybe I need to clear my caches. I just don’t freaking know
  2. Not sure if they did anything last time it fixed itself either. Might wanna check the server room for gremlin nests…
  3. OMG it works again! At least Science and Spaceflight does. KSP1 Discussion is still giving me the white screen on iPhone. But it’s progress, right @Gargamel? @JoeSchmuckatelli, working for you?
  4. Did the bleeding on it occur after midnight during a new moon? Powerful juju if so
  5. Blood of a virgin? I'd be careful. Don't want to get any nightshade on it, of which many painkillers are derivatives, not to mention potatoes/tomatoes. Don't want to summon any demons...
  6. They were gathering data on what a heavy cargo lander might do to the local regolith...
  7. Managed to hurt a floating rib at work today by leaning on something the wrong way. What a drag it is getting old...
  8. Someone tried building a ‘thopter? https://imgur.com/gallery/ntWuxA8
  9. I should add that I can “back-door” my way into the S&SF threads through notifications and the “next unread topic” button, but can’t see the subforum itself
  10. Actually, yeah. Yesterday S&SF started giving me the white screen, but a refresh would load the page nromally. Today it's back to white screen no matter how much I refresh. Oh, and BTW, while S&SF did go back to working until today, KSP1 discussion never did get back to working order, but I rarely go there so I didn't keep squeaking about it. The above is what happens on my phone. However, on PC these days I've been surfing with the Edge browser, and it still works in those forums, while other browsers do not. None of the browsers on my phone will load those forums, nor do the other browsers on PC work. Unless I sign out, of course.
  11. Ok, now wait a sec. That's right, these engines gimbal. Quite a bit, IIRC. And the entire engine gimbals, not just the nozzle, so those pump shafts are already moving around. I start to get the feeling that pump shaft/rotor gyro effects may be a red herring.
  12. Water is good to make propellant, but none left over for air. Pulling oxygen from regolith helps for life support
  13. “No simulation game is ever finished, it just gets shipped at some point… You can get your model closer and closer to some perfect reality, but eventually, you have to put it in front of people and see, ‘How does this actually play out?’” - Robert Zubek, game designer, in reference to Cities: Skylines 2
  14. One would think that they would have anti-slosh baffles in the bottom of the tanks…
  15. Gotta admit, with all engines healthy it moved off the pad and accelerated up much quicker than the first one.
  16. Well, the engines seemed to vanish into the haze, so maybe they shut down at that point. Then, of course FTS took over. Insufficient autogenous pressurization? I think it shutdown earlier than expected
  17. There were some odd occasional puffs towards the end of the burn before the big puff. It does not look good atm. They suspect it’s lost.
  18. The bonus part of working at 6am PST on a Saturday is being already awake for this.
  19. They can also point the engine section at the sun with much the same effect. But for Mars some sort of active cooling will be needed. There was a comment somewhere about earlier Mars probes having no boiloff problems, but I'm pretty sure those used storable hypergolic propellants, not cryogenics No, I was expecting just the Vacs, to be nearer the vents. Hmm, did they ever test how well the engines start confined in a vented interstage, vs open air?
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