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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. You know that you can rt-click the docking port on the target ship and "select as target"? Then aim your ship at the target. Switch to the target ship (using [ or ]), and do the same with the approaching ship (granted, if the target is a big station it may be difficult to rotate). Now the ports should be aligned. As well as the NF-DAL linked by @Rocket In My Pocket above, there is also a smaller, simpler DAL: Which is what I used making this image... Note that the red circle only appears when you target a docking port..
  2. Which is why LAS systems also fly sideways, to get away from that. Also, a BFS should be nearly empty while landing (liftoff is another story) so the fireball won't be that big, and won't leave a firestorm behind as there won't be that much fuel to burn.
  3. Snow Winter tires. Gotta have your winter tires. My Yaris can claw its way up a small hill and out of our townhouse complex in a foot of snow with some good winter tires. Rock it and roll!
  4. I know this has been posted on this forum at least twice before, but you can't have a Blackbird thread without this excerpt from "Sled Driver":
  5. You need heat shields, a shallow entry (don't put the Pe too low) and an intercept that isn't too crazy fast (your orbit should touch Eve's orbit, not cross by a large amount). And a tough crew compartment. Screenshots or .craft files of your ship would help us give more specific advice. My typical Eve direct entry is at 4km/s, which the inflatable heatshield can handle, as long as the part it's attached to can handle the heat transfer it will get.
  6. This thread reminded me of this movie, so I'm watching it now. I don't care how good the story is, the spectacle is pretty good so far... Edit: Yeah, pretty good spectacle, and decent acting. Interesting theory how by polluting the planet we "terraformed" it for them. And yeah, It would have been easier to take the monsters out with tactical nukes.
  7. If they are built to operate in such a situation, having to cancel the downward velocity and reach an altitude where chutes have time to deploy. What altitude do 0-0 LES systems need to reach? Even above that point, a landing rocket would have more downward velocity than a 0-0 abort, giving less time for chutes to open. So yeah, a landing abort system would need to be a Super-LES.
  8. CIVILIZATION SI - The Spanish version of Civilization. Or it could be Civilization: Sports Illustrated edition.
  9. I may or may not be wishing you a (belated?) Happy Birthday!
  10. Ok, seriously? A new driver (the green "novice" decal on the back) driving a Lamborghini in Vancouver snow? Like, really?
  11. Yeah, it looked oddly familiar, but I can't put my finger on why...
  12. Our three-month-old "Mountain Lab" puppy enjoying the foot of snow we got last night... (took some 70+ pics in the photo shoot, with my Canon EOS Rebel T5) Normally weekend mornings is my best time to play KSP, but between shoveling snow, playing with the pup, and posting pics, I still haven't fired it up yet...
  13. Or just use Captain Haddock's curses, that should cover a thousand or so... And of course, there's "Billions of blue blistering barnacles," so you could have (Blue?) Barnacle 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, etc...
  14. A little googling for "st tng crusher warp bubble" brought up the episode S4E05 "Remember Me." It basically trapped her in her own parallel universe (shaped by her own thoughts) where people kept disappearing and nobody, not even the ship's computer, remembered they ever existed.
  15. Snow again, and last week it seemed that things were warming up. We don't normally get snowy winters two years in a row here.... That's global "warming" for you. Yeah, I know, it causes global climate change....
  16. .... I had a construction toy called Capsela I had fun with it, always wanted more. Quite the Duracell killer though.
  17. I thought fairing 2.0 was supposed to resolve that with different attach points, or did they see that it’s still a problem?
  18. Let’s not forget when Wesley almost killed his mother by trapping her in a warp bubble.... But we’ve lost track of the fact that this thread is supposed to be about Q. Hopefully he keeps Wesley from popping back into realspace.
  19. I would have thought it had steerable chutes, and then it can flare above the net and drop right in. Apparently they need a faster boat along with the bigger chutes they have planned
  20. Whenever Q got involved, things were gonna get interesting
  21. Scott Moir cheering on the Canadian Women's Hockey team at the gold medal game, complaining to the refs
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