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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Another former Vancouverite here. Great pics btw. I’ve also lived all over this beautiful province of British Columbia, from the Haida Gwaii and Vancouver Island on the coast, to Mackenzie and Fort St John in the coooold North. I’ve lived in a few cities in metro Vancouver, and currently reside out in the Fraser Valley (Gone, gone, gone, I’ve been gone so long)
  2. I always find it amusing when I get a like on a post that is over 2.5 years old. At which point I noticed I hadn’t liked the OP because I wasn’t in the habit of hitting the ‘like’ button back then. Now that this thread has come to my attention, I have corrected that oversight
  3. Exactly what I was thinking.... As for me, these 60-hour work weeks are making me feel my age. My feet hurt, my ankles hurt, and the stenosis in my neck is making my hands all numbly and tinglish. One more month of this to go!
  4. I've been there soooo many times.....
  5. Which he did. There were way too many Jedi and not enough Sith. Anakin balanced it by wiping out most of the Jedi, leaving roughly equal numbers of each
  6. Relevant APOD: Edit: I see some grey elements, with no legend for those. I assume they don't exist in nature and were synthesized in a lab or reactor Forget the gold, cheap fuel cells for all!
  7. Wow, that that thing is huge. And I'd say he got that built pretty quick. And another rocketeer is born!
  8. I'd like to think there'll be some sort of big ad campaign when it's finally ready for re-release. TakeTwo should have the pockets for it.
  9. Ask NASA or Elon (and pretty much anyone else in aerospace) about how "hope to" and "aim to" timelines work out...
  10. We already have the design... C'mon, Elon, Make it so!
  11. Be aware that if you're saying that to someone you see regularly, then you're implying that they didn't look good yesterday, which may get a bad reaction. If you're trying that on a stranger, you're better off commenting on their (presumably gorgeous) eyes or hair. Then they won't think you're looking somewhere else. As to the OP, will take you're advice to SPEAK UP! My naive twenty year old daughter just suddenly moved out 2 weeks ago (a crazy thing to do when you have it made living at home, but she didn't like our restrictions and expectations), and I'd like to think someone will SPEAK UP for her if she finds herself in an uncomfortable or unsafe situation.
  12. "Aaaaaahhhhh, shaddup!" Says i in the middle of a 60 hour work week, somewhat dreading a double shift on Friday. As to the OP, I agree that if the bosses are going to find out anyways, then full disclosure is the best thing. Accountability (owning and learning from your mistakes, which doesn't necessarily mean taking the blame) can be rare in the workplace and is generally appreciated by the powers that be
  13. 5:37 Pacific, my time zone, cool. I'll be 37 minutes into my shift. So I'll be able to catch up on my break, if not sooner
  14. I wish you the best of luck in your pursuit. Follow the dream!
  15. Any games that are still getting updates and patches should be considered delta games. Games that are no longer being developed can be considered... finiware?
  16. I hate to see mass on orbit get wasted, especially manufactured goods. I'm all for recovering them, and moving them to a central depot (especially easy for GSO comsats) until they can eventually be "processed." This would include disassembling, fixing, scavenging/cannibalizing/recovering components, repurposing, and eventually (as a last resort) recycling and remanufacturing. A lot of dead comsats could probably be revived with new batteries, greased/lubed reaction wheels, and/or a propellant refill. This is where having a human with hands-on is invaluable, to do the things that robotics simply can't*. Possibilities range from connecting all the recovered PV's into large power arrays, to reshaping metal panels into huge solar collectors for smelters, as capabilities increase. A use could always be found for the electronics. *Yes, robotics can and will do a lot, and telerobotics would be even more capable. I don't know where the bleeding edge of telerobotic tech is right now, but I'm pretty sure nothing will ever completely match a human's combination of tactile feedback processing with give-it-just-the-right-whack problem-solving, although robotic dexterity can probably surpass human. Humans don't even need to be a permanent presence, they would just need visit now and then to deal with the stockpile of stubborn equipment that the robots put aside. I regret that I only have one like to give to this. Forget Mars for now; IMO this is what the true goal of space exploration should be: finding easily accessible chunks of space metal to mine, before Earth's more accessible deposits are mined out and thrown away, and we're forced to dig deeper (at greater energy and pollution costs) for our resources. The energy to power a miner-refiner is free for the taking, once we build the collectors, ideally from materials already in space. One way to turn prospecting spaceward would be to increase permit taxes or enforce expensive pollution-prevention measures, making space more economically attractive. Whoops, this is where politics come in. I can't help but wonder how much Earth could be transformed by finding an asteroid containing mega-tons of platinum. It appears to be one of the best catalysts out there for many desirable processes, especially but not limited to fuel cells. Millions of dollars are poured into research to find alternate catalysts, using less platinum, because platinum is just so diabolically expensive. Imagine the possibilities if platinum (roughly the same price as gold, depending on the market) cost the same as silver, or perhaps the same as copper or other base metals. I'd love to have a natural-gas fuel cell in my home; having them commonplace would revolutionize power grids and generation, and provide redundancy. But they're just too expensive to be economical. This train of thought has taken the scenic route, but it is finally getting to the topic: the potential economies of scale (and re-usability!) offered by BFR and New Glenn are essential to getting the equipment required for space industry (most importantly mining!) off the ground. in the family-life time it has taken me to compose this post, there have been at least 18 new posts in this thread. Wouldn't it be great if there was a thread for "The Case for Mars" and probably another for "The Case for Luna"?
  17. *Obligatory SpaceX/Musk fanboy video:*
  18. Yeah, I'm not sold on it. The opening theme did nothing for me, while the intro for Star Trek: Enterprise was... inspiring. As for the show itself? Meh.
  19. Necessity drives invention, and Mars will introduce a new crop of necessities. And it's a unique lab environment, which would require money to duplicate and maintain long-term on Earth. Of course it's costly to get labs set up on Mars, but that's not the only reason for going. Can't wait for them to start bending metal on it, lighting it off even more so!
  20. I always thought it was Turkey fried in Greece for all the Hungary people
  21. Yup, it's V'ger (Voyager) from Star Trek: The Motion Picture Back on topic:
  22. I just want to add, you don't need to look at the ships while you dock. I only look at the navball; it's all you need. One thing I haven't seen mentioned in this thread (I don't know if it's in the tutorial) is to rt-click the target's docking port and set as target. It helps. It also activates the little red circle (from a mod) in the image below:
  23. Sorry, couldn't find her with the Benny Hill theme (proper name is Yakety Sax). How about Seven of Nine and some Klingon babes? Edit: Well, I did find this...
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