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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. My brother took the GED some 30 years ago, so not much help here. All I can really suggest is checking the local colleges for a GED prep course (my bro took something like that). Or try to find a tutor with experience in GED prep. Not a lot of prep time tho ...
  2. "After some last-minute tweaks, nobody final-checked the staging sequencer. So when the launch clamps released before the ignitors fired, the rocket fell on the launchpad and went KABLOOIE!
  3. "The only thing you get for free at a theme park is directions to where you can spend your money" - my wife
  4. The great thing about career is you don't have to take any contracts. I dont bother with survey contracts as those are long and tedious for minimum payout. I pick up castaways if they happen to be where I'm going. I do part tests when it makes sense to do so. Ditto bases and stations. I'd love it if, after exploring the Mun, Minmus, and maybe Duna, the "Explore" contracts for all the bodies were made available
  5. Fair enough. I need to make an improved version when I get more quality PC time. E: Improved version, will be replacing what I already posted elsewhere...
  6. Okay, so, I made a new meme for docking. I want to get it out there and seen but I don't want to overdo it. Just how much can I spam it around at first (in appropriate places) before it starts to become bad form? I've only posted it three (now four) times so far...
  7. I learned a while ago to "fly the navball" and I've said it enough times so that this post finally inspired me to meme-ify it. E: Version 2
  8. Yup, they're still working on it. If you read the KSP Weekly (released every Friday) they go over all the things Squad is working on. Hmm, ninja'd by a Narwhal...
  9. "I'm sorry Elon, but I can't let you do that!" I got a bad feeling about this... Must be a kinked Ethernet cable somewhere...
  10. Launch is currently on for 8:35 Eastern, about 23 minutes from now
  11. I'm sure Elon is wishing these expendable missions were willing to fly on flight-proven boosters.
  12. NF-104 Starfighter: The Missile with a man in it!
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