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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Star War: George Lucas stops after just one movie set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away.
  2. Bad Tate: About a reallly bad potato (Bad Taste, its creation is considered to be an act of violence)
  3. Sudden vision of three Saturn V's (Stages 1 and 2) strapped together *drool*
  4. That sounds suspiciously similar to a redneck's last words, "Hold my beer and watch this!"
  5. We get landing video from the barge after the fact just fine, once someone gets the memory card off the barge. Live video from the barge is always interrupted by the rocket blast. As well as the vibration, wouldn't the exhaust blast (granted, it's throttled down) be pretty close to plasma? That should mess up the signal too.
  6. I hate that too, but I usually have enough clearance under the engines to slap the spacebar again before it hits the pad. Usually.... Which is why I always quicksave before leaving another planet or moon...
  7. 17. With Kerbal, failing, and failing spectacularly, is half the fun! Wehrner von Kerman couldn't have said it better himself! And I think I hear Jeb drooling in the background...
  8. A Clockwork Range: An eccentric rancher has a bunch of different clocks out on the range.
  9. 2-3 thunderstorms a year, 2-3 windstorms a year. The only real notable one was a windstorm in 2006, where a storm packing 120km/h winds blowing in an unusual direction levelled 41 hectares (over 100 trees) of Stanley Park in Vancouver, and did extensive damage to the seawall there. If we get 2 inches or more of snow in Vancouver (once or twice a year, usually) it's paralyzed... In Penticton, we once had a large, dead evergreen fall on our house, without doing any damage at all,. It pulled out by the root ball, so that must have slowed the fall.
  10. If you need help with how to play the game, I don't think there's much gameplay difference between PC or console, in which case the place for help is: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/16-gameplay-questions-and-tutorials/ If you need console-specific tech support, you would go here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/81-technical-support-playstation-4-xbox-one/
  11. I recently started using the Precise Maneuver mod, which has a button to turn the orbit without changing the apses. This makes inclination changes super easy and saves a lot of fudging around with the node.
  12. Well, they're 2 for 2 on RTLS. Too bad they can't all make it back. Good job SpaceX!
  13. I created what is possibly my most Kerbal Kraft yet. The central core is a 4xLV-N tug, pushing a Pol Mobile Station, a robust Tylo probe lander, and a tourist on a Jool Grand Tour, boosted by a 6pk of Twin Boars augmented by Kickbacks. It was surprisingly easy to launch, although the first attempt lost control because the pilot was too busy taking pictures. But that's ok, it needed to be reverted (and KSP restarted) due to a crew manifest glitch.
  14. Image not working... Neither is this guy...
  15. I was building a craft to fulfill a contract on Pol, for a Station, to land with Motorized wheels, so naturally I named it the Pol Mobile Station. Then I abbreviated it....
  16. That's cute and all, but what does it shoot, pixie dust?
  17. Yeah, I had to do this with a craft that wouldn't survive impact with the water. Luckily there were no tourists aboard.
  18. Turbopumps probably don't have the same torque as an ICE. Turbines take longer to spool up.
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