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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. The Answer I learned was Flatman and Ribbon, but close enough. Go for it, JebNeedsHelp
  2. Pretty straightforward actually. "Muddy rubber boots"
  3. Oh c'mon, sharpen your pun-cils, that steamroller is important.
  4. Quick joke/riddle, but quite solvable: Whaddaya get when Batman and Robin get run over by a steamroller?
  5. *hits the big red Staples button* -"That was easy!" I was afraid of that, but I couldn't seem to think of anything else. Gotta balance the hard ones with easy ones, you know. I Also would have accepted wood. I should have taken more time, I guess.
  6. From out of the ground, I reach for the sky. I can be many things, both product and plan Allowing man to go farther and faster than ever before
  7. I like it. I finally lost a game in hard mode after a few mistakes (staging, not watching the TWR for higher stages, attempting to demolish the VAB, etc). Never even made it to the Mun, but the effort bankrupted me. I used to have no trouble building low-tech Munrockets, but I seem to have gotten overconfident.
  8. I never realized stars couldn't form Boron, so I didn't expect to be right. I'll start thinking up another riddle, hopefully not too easy, or too hard. I used to have the old Batman vinyl LP, that I listened to a zillion times.
  9. Nanana na, Nanana na, Hey-eh-eh, goodbye... Nope, doesn't fit Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Batman! Hmmm, getting closer, give or take a few na's... But that's all I got....
  10. Took a Fine Print contract to put an E-class asteroid on a kerbolar escape trajectory, with 50 years to do it. It seems they didn't want these things hanging around. After docking a tug with 10km/s dV to a 3600 ton 'roid and seeing the dV drop to 200, I knew I had a challenge. After launching a few more tugs, .25 was approaching so I focused more on completing other missions. Of course, with family and overtime season at work, I never really finished most of my outstanding contracts before .25 came out and I started a new install. This time I may try Karbonite. Oh, and that first tug had 8 nukes and was too close to get any traction going. After clawing onto another truss piece there was too much stretch in the truss work and it would bounce around, or snap back when I killed the thrust, like below. Even with no thrust the rig would shake itself to pieces. http://coub.com/view/36y22
  11. 72: ... More wine! 73:.. Call the waaaaa-mbulance
  12. He mistook your bowl for a bunker. Waiter, there's a piano in my soup!
  13. Light clouds/fog here. Light enough to see where the Moon was, but too thick actually see it.
  14. I assume you've all noticed Nassault's Economic boom trailer by now?
  15. But which one? Many of the lines are multiple choice. Line one: Am or Pu (reversed)? Line two: Thanks for finally narrowing it down to a major component. N or O? Line three: Stars cannot form H, or are we wrong on that too? Line four: At is generally assumed to be the rarest, but wiki says it turns out Bk is (halfway down, under "Natural Occurrence"). Or are both completely wrong? Line five: Consensus says an alkali metal (only seven to choose from:confused:, each more reactive with water than the last) or Calcium. Or are we wrong again? Sorry if I sound sarcastic, but the vagueness has been frustrating. And there's no clue whatsoever for what the final word should be, aside from an anagram.
  16. While I don't see VOID in your list, that one gave me issues. The usual routine applies: uninstall all your mods and it should work fine. Add mods one by one until the issue happens again.
  17. Tonight will be chicken, spuds, and whatever frozen veggies are on hand. Other typical meals include pasta and (sometimes meat) sauce, farmer sausage and perogies (I can feel my arteries harden), there are some awesome Maui pork chops at the local butcher, Western Family (store brand) frozen pizzas are actually better than Delissio, sometime we even do pancakes for dinner (my 7-year-old's fave). Chili or stews as well, tacos or wraps. Of course there's the occasional hot dogs (I throw on some onions for some nutrition) or hamburgers. Canadian Thanksgiving is coming up, so there'll be turkey and stuffing, yams and other veggies, mashed taters drowned in gravy, and oodles of turkey stew for the next week. My wife also makes some great blueberry (fresh-frozen from the local Fraser Valley farms) muffins that I have for breakfast all week long. When we get lazy it's Hamburger or Tuna Helper with canned green beans. If we're really lazy it's pizza from Little Caesars, Ricardo's or Panago, or chinese food.
  18. Beyond the planets reversed: But Mercury (Hg)is a planet, and the once-theorized Vulcan is not an element Stars cannot form (H)ydrogen, but everything else can form, however briefly, in the steps leading up to and past a supernova. Shouldn't dissolve: Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), or other alkalis (explosive results) Still leaves a lot of letters to play with. More clues?
  19. Oh, you mean like the 0.23 release devnotes? The "Why Are You Reading This?" Edition?: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62233-Devnote-Tuesdays-The-Why-Are-You-Reading-This-Edition
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