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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. There are some Antarctic transports that use partially inflated “monster truck” tires (probably studded) for a larger contact area. IIRC that’s best for icy slopes As for my own contribution here, I thought some people here might like to share…
  2. One Carnation Hot Chocolate package. One Scoop Nescafe instant coffee milk and sugar, boiling water. And awaaaaay we go!
  3. IKR? My jaw hit the floor! Practice rendering for a Ringworld movie? But wait! No rim wall! And the ships didn’t just fall away like they should when undocking from the edge of a Ringworld Inknow it’s SW, but still, use the free momentum!
  4. Now wait. Orbital acquired ATK, then NorthropGrumman acquired O-ATK. Do I have that right? If so, it should be called No-GOAT
  5. *Launch clamp not included; sold separately
  6. There was one crew that attempted to land at the Munar south polar region. The terrain in that region proved to be rather jagged. While they landed more or less safely, there was nowhere nearby to land a rescue craft. And a myriad pf F9'd attempts to 'fly' the toppled lander out of that cursed canyon all ended tragically.
  7. Sneaking suspicion this was already posted, but what they hey...
  8. Currency is what you agree it is... https://www.thedodo.com/close-to-home/dog-buys-treats-using-leaf
  9. Hopefully it’ll be more like the optical drive industry (until it went obsolete): The early adopters pay the freight on the R&D and tooling, and once that’s paid for prices drop through the floor.
  10. This just confirms my recent conclusions* that all forms of money are simply a form of distilled energy used as a medium of exchange to replace bartering., which probably started with something like "you give me food, and I'll give you a nice sharp pointy stick you can use to bring me more food in exchange for the other useful things I can make." Essentially trading the energy spent gathering for the energy spent crafting. At least one bitcoin miner has settled in Quebec to take advantage of the cheap hydropower available there. *I keep meaning to write some sort of essay on it and a bunch of other things, but free time is precious and ends up being wasted frivolously on gaming etc,
  11. Okay, here's a question for the petrochem experts. I know that the majority (if not all) of tire rubber is made from "oil" i.e. petroleum. Am I correct in assuming that it's the heavier fractions that are used, i.e. bitumen? I ask because naturally Alberta screams blue murder at any suggestion of curtailing the tar sands mining operations. Would it be a sensible suggestion to become a tire manufacturing hub, although there are already established factories elsewhere around North America? This would include tread for re-tread plants, which may be all that's left to manufacture if Michelin's new product gains traction. https://interestingengineering.com/michelin-airless-tires-hit-public-streets-for-first-time Tweel
  12. Well that's just @^%$*^%$@&& rude. I try to turn away from everyone, pull up my shirt and cough/sneeze into my shoulder/shirt. I hope you called her on it. If it was deliberate it could be considered assault.
  13. "What? And then you want money to operate it for twenty years? We can't commit for that long!"
  14. Yeah, that grass-powered transportation is an environmental nightmare lol
  15. The “Bat out of Hell” is going back…? https://amp.theguardian.com/music/2022/jan/21/meat-loaf-bat-out-of-hell-singer-dead-at-74
  16. Oh, and Black Krrsantan is one mean looking Wookiee that would make Chewie think twice…
  17. I'm surprised this isn't a thread yet. Is anyone else watching The Book of Boba Fett? I'm hooked. It is proceeding quite nicely in a wise-old-badS fashion. It gets better every episode... Edit: Since the Disney+ Star Wars serials seem to enjoy a lot of crossover, I've decided to open this thread to all the live action or animated SW serials.
  18. Good advice. The springs went and were replaced about 4 years ago. I called in the pros to replace this 20yo unit rather than figure it out myself. IoT subs? Are they mad? I’m opting for a chain drive unit, so hopefully it’ll be dumb but not too dumb
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