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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Apparently not enough hungry cats. A proper barn cat doesn’t get fed by the farmers; it catches its own food. But if there’s a lot of vermin, then the cats just can’t keep up
  2. Load up on math, get a head start on calculus if available, that's where I stumbled and crashed. And when you get to post-secondary life, partying is overrated. Studying is more important than socializing, especially outside your classmate groups.. Sure, some time to unwind is absolutely necessary, but keep the balance and your priorities straight, unlike me.
  3. Yup, water is heavy, dried everything! Hmmm, vat grown, 3D=printed beef jerky...
  4. "That beam [crushing a car] weighs two tons, and the only thing holding it up is gravity!" Like seriously? I'm not even going to dignify that TV show with its name which consists of three digits and a state nickname.... Good grief!
  5. Big enough for Walmart, small enough for no hi-rises. Chilliwack has grown from 82k to 97k since I moved here in '06. I've lived in smaller towns in the 15-45k range, but mostly grew up in Vancouver. so I'm not completely gobsmacked in the big cities. But yeah, driving through LA was insane. Greater Vancouver tries to emulate it, though...with half the lanes...
  6. “Ziggy Stardust “ for MSR… (Spiders from Mars!”
  7. Gotta work Bowie’s “Space Oddity” in there, maybe for the Psyche mission? (Will post vid when off mobile unless someone beats me to it
  8. So back in the day, when we had 3 TVs plus the "box", and the phone modem, and the cable modem, Shaw needed to add an amp to our feed for everything to work happily. This consists of a coax cable going to a block plugged into the AC outlet behind Thing 3's desk. You see where this is going, don't you... The mistake was telling the Things to clean their rooms. In the process, this brick got bumped just enough to hang there unpowered but not completely unplugged. It wasn't until while I was driving home today that I suddenly realized Hey wait a minute, we never checked... A quick hands-free call for a kid to check this and our home is connected to the world again after being off for two days. Doh! OTOH, it was good for the kids to get (mostly) unplugged for a couple of days. aside from what cell data was grudgingly allowed. So yeah, this is sort of a ID10T error. OTOH, I would hope/expect tech support to have that "Is their an amp in the house?" question in their toolbox, to jog our memories. But not one of us in the house thought about that stupid thing that we don't even need anymore, now that our two TVs run wirelessly off the cable modem.
  9. Pretty much, but contained in the "broom". More challenging if you have to hang on to your propulsion pack as well, instead of just being strapped to it.
  10. It would not take long for Quidditch to become a real thing. Actually, there are “real” Quidditch matches, but obviously played in 2D. But in microgravity, it could be actual 3D Hogwarts-style Quidditch. And yeah, a spinning (or tumbling!) arena would up the challenge level.
  11. At least I'm at my PC now, even though I'm still sucking cell data...
  12. Synchronized chip eating I’m on mobile, so someone else can post the relevant Simpsons clip
  13. Our hardwire telecom service died around noon today. Our Shaw TV and ‘net on one modem, and the landline on another, neither work. But our townhouse neighborhood on the other side of the wall has service, go figure. Maybe something froze, but there’s no other outage in the area. To make matters worse, . Shaw can’t seem to get anyone out here until Friday, 3 days away. That’s ridiculous. So now we’re getting the ball rolling towards switching to their main competitor Telus, the former phone company. But they won’t be here until the tenth to set it up. it’s a nice savings too. And we’ll finally ditch the landline. But the biggest headache will be switching essential stuff off the Shaw.ca email addresses, and the odd person that calls the landline. Never make that mistake again; outlook.com should be safe for a long time.
  14. I’m going to guess that the ISP is too low for orbital-class rockets, and propane can be sooty. Also heavy, pressurized tanks unless chilled.
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