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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Yeah, the showstopper for keeping F9 flying is the expendable upper stage, which would need to stay in production. Think of SS as a modern jetliner (I'd say jumbo jet but production is dwindling on those), and F9 as a DC-3. Sure, the DC-3 flew (and still flies!) for decades, serving niche markets long after production ceased and jetliners took over. They didn't have to keep a factory running to use the aircraft; spare parts could be handcrafted if necessary. But to keep already-built F9 boosters flying requires development of a re-useable upper stage which would likely leave it with about a cubesat's worth of payload. Or keeping a factory running, likely well under capacity. And there really is no niche market suitable for F9 that SS cannot also serve, probably at a lower marginal cost as well
  2. Starcraft was just a passing fad. Now if you'll ecuse me I need to go clear out some Zerg infestations...
  3. This: Leads to this (or was it the other way around...?):
  4. Thanks for that. While I certainly watched my share of The Muppet Show back in the day, I somehow missed that one
  5. Okay, Not really about Tesla, but since Tesla is pretty much synonymous with EV and there is no EV thread apparently, I'll just drop this here... Apparently Dodge, er, FCA is finally ready to get into the EV game...
  6. I think the word you’re thinking of is “adultering” which isn’t actually a word according to the spellchecker. Adultery is the sin of cheating on one’s spouse
  7. Oh right. As opposed to the Bothan way of "Stab 'em when they stumble!"
  8. I’m guessing it’s similar to the kzinti “Rrrank above you died, now you’rrre it! Urr…”
  9. There's one highway open and people are in a hurry pass and go... where? There's more traffic ahead, dumbS. Driving at night, in the rain, with headlight in my face, and then this?I really didn't need more adrenaline... Is there a way the glare in this video can be reduced to hopefully resolve individual headlights better or from farther away? Probably saturated sensor, but I can hope... It's hard to see much in the glare.... That was the first noteworthy capture today. This morning there was also a stale red light runner (by about a full second) and this afternoon a highway cleanup worker almost getting hit by a speeder. It was crazy out there! Small wonderthe #7 is being closed to regular traffic agin this evening, back to emergency and essential services only. Essential workers (healthcare, education, etc) are expected to be bussed through.
  10. I'm just afraid to even assume what was the Season 2 about... Well, the work part is because I couldn’t work most of last week because of highway closures due to floods and mudslides. The Season 2 part was about an historically inaccurate dark comedy about some famous Russians… Absolutely hilarious, and totally crude
  11. Yeah, true, now I’m getting flashbacks of trying to slowly land a beast of a rocket on Eve… But if it could handle just one good deeper dive…
  12. Yeah, I expect/hope it will fall in the "so bad it's funny" category. It almost sounds like something Mel Brooks (or his disciples) could have a hand in, without the over-the-top parody.
  13. Probably because it's arguably the most recognizable space vehicle, along with the Saturn V and Soyuz. At least until Starship variants are making regular runs beyond LEO
  14. Learning the difference between necessities and luxuries can ward off starvation, especially when times get tough. It's surprising how many things people think are necessities are really luxuries.
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