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Everything posted by 11of10

  1. No dirt in them I presume? I don't know about that PSU thing, they should at least turn a little bit. Are they even installed correctly? You can try to unplug everything but the most basic stuff, leave only Motherboard, CPU, GPU and fans connected, and see if they work then. If yes, PSU doesn't have enough power for all that + HDD, et cetera... However, you might be risking losing your warranty if you tinker inside it by yourself, check first.
  2. Was your sister supposed to be home earlier than the time she arrived? @topic, Unidentified flying object. Yeah, saw 'em twice. First time, long ago, I was a child, flat on my back in the yard, when I saw a white spot hovering in the air. For a few seconds I was confused, then it got identified. A feather, floating in the air, at about 30m height. Second time, somewhat less long ago, a park in the centre of Belgrade, after a Whitesnake concert, there were friends around, saw it as well. A bunch of lights zig zagging around, making manouvers in the night sky no normal aircraft can. Standing still, suddenly accelerating wildly, then turning again. I said, semi seriously: "Hey guys, check out the UFOs!" and got an instant reply: "You drunk fool, those are butterflies in the beam of the floodlights!" So, not much of an encounter really. All jokes aside, this can really explain how people could actually mistake common everyday stuff for mysterious and unexplained under certain conditions. Is there life out there? Almost certainly. Sentient life? I'd say there is a good probability. Do they visit us regularly? I'm not so sure of that. I could be wrong tho... Someone notify X-COM please.
  3. Question was already asked in the thread, and Fengist answered that (for him, at least) transferring the replacement vehicle there was a part of the challenge anyway.
  4. Now that is one fast vehicle. Did you try to add downward pointing wings on it, to stick it to the ground? Did anyone try it for atmospheric worlds circumnavigation, to prevent the vehicle from tipping over while turning?
  5. Pa pazi, sad sam na poslu, noćna smena, i budući da mi je gore pomenutog posla ponestalo uglavnom, pristupio sam svom kompu kod kuće i brkam malo sa roverom koji planiram za Elcano Challenge za Eve A i napucao sam gomilu sati (bar 300) jedno nedelju dve ne gaseći igru jer je bila vrlo izmodovana pa se uÄÂitavala oko 25 minuta, tako da ima i toga... U svakom sluÄÂaju, vrlo sam navuÄÂen Edit: Elite sam prvi put igrao na C-64, kevin student mi prodao igru... sećam se da sam bio 6-7 razred i da sam igrao ceo letnji raspust, i stigao do Dangerous statusa. Sećam se da sam skakao po stanu kad sam dobio prvi put "Right on Commander" i misiju da nalovim Constrictor-a! Zbog Frontier sam 2-3 godine skupljao pare za PC, da bih na kraju kupio 486 sa EGA monitorom i grafikom! Oh, kakav peh! Ã…Â to je najgore, nisam pojma imao za to, nego sam prvo isprevrtao svaki poslednji dinar da bih skrpio da li 20 ili 25 maraka za CD na kom je bio i Frontier kod Ognjasofta! A onda i proveo jedno 5 dana koristeći MemMaker za DOS 6.22 da bih nekako uspeo da oslobodim dovoljno konvencionalne memorije da pokrenem skalameriju, da bih dobio neÅ¡to poput ekrana za uÄÂitavanje sa kasete na C-64! E, onda sam skupljao 250 dojÄÂe maraka za VGA monitor i grafiku Acer 14" <3 Na kraju sam pokrenuo igru i ubrzo naÅ¡ao neka uputstva za editovanje .exe fajla da promeniÅ¡ poÄÂetni brod, opremu koju možeÅ¡ da kupiÅ¡ (npr, da omogućiÅ¡ Class 8 Hyperdrive i Class 4 Military u FFE) u shipyard. Na kraju sam toliko istroÅ¡io igru da mi viÅ¡e nije bilo ni do ÄÂega, ali "preÅ¡ao" sam je! E, onda smo drugar i ja otkrili mod za Freelancer koji se zove Discovery, i ko najgori nubovi preÅ¡li sa Hamburg servera na Disco, koji je bio full Role Play, i otiÅ¡li pravac na Crete da kupimo Titana i da nam se smeju iskusniji igraÄÂi No, long story short, mnogo volim KSP!
  6. Try making a root part of the probe some wild thing like a strut or something, then save the rest of the probe as subassembly. Usually does the trick.
  7. Ne igram, ne još uvek barem, kao planirao sam da ga kupim u nekom trenutku, ali taj trenutak nikako da stigne... iskreno, pored KSP-a mi trenutno nije prioritet. Kad budem igrao, zavisno od toga kako se prave nikovi i likovi, ili će mi nik biti 11of10 kao i ovde i svuda, a lik Tiam Nurok (izmislio za Freelancer Discovery server) ili samo Tiam, ako direktno praviš lika.
  8. Ja ÄÂuvam jedan koji sam dobio na poklon, sa recenzijom originalne Elite, sad sam kupio pre neki mesec onaj gde je bila recenzija nove Elite Dangerous, i ovaj za Kerbal. Ranije sam ga kupovao redovno, ali onda je Internet pojeo to... Mada i dalje ima neÅ¡to u ÄÂitanju Å¡tampanog teksta, probranog I ÄÂuvati ga za uspomenu Elem, poÅ¡to sam slepac koji se nije setio, mogu ja da skeniram u sredu kad se vratim kući, ako nekome treba
  9. Hold alt button while trying to attach a part, that should force it to attach to the green "bubble" (connection node) and not to anything else.
  10. Hmm, you know what, I experienced once a bug with my to be Eve exploration vehicle. With it being huge, with lots of parts, and the game sitting on 3.7GB at load time, I experienced in one version of it a bug with camera, which suddenly upon loading the game shifted within the "rover" and pretty much tore my entire save game apart. However, after manually deleting the vehicle file in save games, I was able to load the game again. I'm not sure what caused it, but it really never happened again, so it might be some mods conflicting with each other, since after that I reinstalled all the bunch of mods again.
  11. It keeps happening at 1300-1400m ASL. Both with aircraft and rockets, just once, then it goes ok from what I've seen.
  12. Camera went crazy for me twice, once during the rocket launch, once during the airplane launch. Never repeated itself for the time of flight (which was short, to be honest). The camera glitch was so momentary that I could've easily missed it. It was a short test, but so far so good. I added some pictures to Imgur to show how it looks like. Those are 8192 textures, and I added my mod list, as well as the RAM usage. Impressive, before I couldn't even start the game with 8192 textures!
  13. Regarding the black/white nature of the poll, I was just curious how much of us are happy with the game as it is, and how much of us are angry about it, or feeling robbed. I've seen some posts that seem on the edge of hostility to me, so that inspired me. Hopefully, everyone will not be throwing tantrums regarding the bugs (what bugs? the game runs mostly fine for me)...
  14. I think NathanKell mentioned in RealFuels thread that stock LF/OX are close to Aerozine 50 and N2O4 by stats in resourceglobal.cfg file or something similar. Maybe you can use that.
  15. So, are you in the satisfied or unsatisfied group? If you're going to comment and discuss this topic, please do so in an orderly fashion, and check any wild emotions at the door. The poll is anonymous.
  16. You're incredibly optimistic. What you need for war is one group of people believing in their ability to take something from another group of people by war. Threaten another colony with improvised explosives to shatter their "dome" or something, and you have a war. Hell, you can always do a colony drop on them with a "malfunctioned" freighter. It doesn't have to be large scale. Also, anyone here read Earthlight by Arthur Clarke?
  17. From personal experience with Windows, I'm sticking with my Windows 7 until some time in the future that I'm convinced / forced at gunpoint to upgrade. And I recommend that to anyone who asks. Also, I hate it when someone comes to me with a new laptop, asking for help with their system, as most are forcing Windows 8/8.1 nowadays, with need to sacrifice a virgin male of 30 years of age to make W7 work on it properly.
  18. A bit off topic but, I read some place once that the shuttle used solid rockets engines only because it had an already set infrastructure for manufacturing the same thing for ICBMs, and that it was some senator's gimmick to keep his people working or something like that. Now at topic: If I'm not mistaking, SpaceX went with powered recovery vs chutes because they calculated they'd lose less deltaV this way.
  19. Reduce your TWR on the pad, you really don't need 2.06.
  20. @spherical combat space ships... actually, I believe that Star Wars star destroyers are actually a good design. You can spread your fire around for point defense, or you can focus all of it in one direction. @what irritates me: thrust not going through center of mass thing. drives me nuts.
  21. Vidim da ću da kupim Svet Kompjutera
  22. You surrender to a passing cat. I stares at you confused while you're waving your underwear instead of the white flag. The police comes and arrests you for public indecency. You spend a night in jail, where you learn the wisdom of being a law abiding citizen. Then you are sentenced to life imprisonment when another prisoner hides his stash of narcotics on your person. I take a vacation from work to have more time to play KSP. WCPGW?
  23. It cuts your lips, and while you're sitting there dumbfound and bleeding, a passing priest mistakes you for a vampire and puts a stake through your heart. I wear my hat while indoors. WCPGW?
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