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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. can't repair that can you. first post on the pic wars
  2. one lol from steam timing was once, saw somebody installing portal2 on his gaming computer and it said the installation time was 1 year hint : it took less than 20 minutes
  3. I think the reason he clocked that much time in KSP is because he has the steam version... and steam never gives that good depictions of how long you spend, its records like 2 hours for every 1 and a half...
  4. Before getting KSP, there was one game called star conflict which had pretty bad space physics, it did use realistic-ish controls.... but in the end I uninstalled it..
  5. given how the menu works and how unity works, it would be pretty easy. in-fact you could make the Kerbal on the start menu a ragdoll if you liked..... in-fact you could have an entire mini game (but the menu might get in the way) you simply drag and drop a Kerbal ragdoll onto the menu and add the terrain a collider. (unity FTW !)
  6. we do have a screenshot of gp2... its on the wiki, and if you read its comment, it says thst it was taken from Kerbal con.... Although I would like to see more planets, I haven't actually visited all the ones there are, let alone all of the moons..... let alone all the easter eggs.... BUT I am in full support of gp2 and all of the planned moons.
  7. haven't read the entire thread but...... the estimated 10,000 KSP modders, thanks to official tools, can do a lot more than <12 devs in a similar time period. main differences though are that the devs can make big changes to the core game without effecting performance, in addition they have the engine which happens to be unity, which co-incidentally has the most time saving features of any engine (anti-unity users tipically ignore that).... Don't worry though, they would have released another patch by now, had they not run into a couple last minute bugs (this part is official). edit : to the OP, as far as dev/modders working together, there are some cases of it already happening, many of the devs are actually just modders who ended up doing so good they got hired... to do it...... the best example of this is Chad Jenkins (or C7 studios). latest example of modder co-operation was Ferram4 showing the devs upon request a value in the game that hindered joint stability. common compared to other games, however its still pretty rare.
  8. somebody made a challenge, and people completed it, but I was always stubbed by cannot switch vessels within atmosphere
  9. oh please no, please no, not another flame fest leave the thread before it begins..... just leave it.....
  10. chicken, my last lunch was beef fight 1 noob or 10 nooblettes..... ?
  11. well, I was thinking for any teacher that's at the place, you could tell people that, whatever may be "unrealistic" can... be made realistic via mod (except for Kerbals and Kerbin etc.).... Otherwise, I'd go along with what others said : its not all going up, to transfer in space point prograde and burn... etc. but don't add too many things.... btw : definetly tell them that you don't float in space because of "a lack of gravity".
  12. I've had experience with the KMP mod..... it seems that the biggest pain is setting up the server, as windows firewall blocks it and there doesn't seem to be a way around it.... Otherwise, you need to know who's hosting, what mods, server url etc. and what version of client(s) they support, because if they don't support the latest, it doesn't seem to work.... And the latest release of the client doesn't install properly or at least when I tried it.... so good luck starting from scratch..... (unless unknown update). maybe you might find a no mod server, but since people figured out how to use mods, people used mods... oh yes, and the ones I do know of are abandoned with unplayable amounts of debris..... ontop of that connections are buggy, so you typically get accidentaly disconnected ~10 minutes.... and have to rejoin again. in short, its what you would expect from an alpha mod which goes against the hard wired in-game code... but when you can get it to work, its fun
  13. what is stubbing me is that I can't seem to find a formula that allows me to calculate drag or lift effectively and this is why : to get lift, you need the lift coefficient to get the lift coefficient, you need to know the lift..... so as far as the coefficient for either is concerned, its out the window for both, found out that Reynolds number can do it but.... what's the formula that uses the Reynolds number ? if you find the formula, please list what each variable means..... and as a starting place I found these sites : http://www.civil.uwaterloo.ca/enve214/files/reynolds_number_and_drag.pdf http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=139377 and no, I tried NASA, they only provide the paradox formulas.... please note that I have only so far tried to get the drag coeffient formula, I'l bump the thread when I search for lift coefficient....
  14. well, I'm not sure about the ads but you beyond certainty will require an FB account in order to access "exclusive" "features" (extremely basic things which you should've gotten for free anyways).... this may well range from going ad free to subscriptions..... And fb being a private company for the most part, they might restrict the amount of people who can get a dev kit to larger companies by putting a larger price tag on it, this might dash any hopes of KSP getting oculus rift.... Just my thoughts....
  15. I think the main reason of using docking ports will be that its precise, and that means easier modulation as far as translation goes...... oh well, now that i've read it, a Kerbal shall be used to transfer fuel between 2 claws......
  16. do YOU, think they are going to skip version numbers ? and even then do YOU think they will stop updating after that ? not me....
  17. improved performance, I disagree, it depends on what your computer is like.... this is why : over the versions cpu and ram performance increased, since the game has thus far been limited to 32 bit, yes in that sense performance has increased. HOWEVER, if you don't have a gaming computer and have a sucky gpu (laptop ish) then performance is much worse, when you are near the surface of a large planet. This is because the terrain quality has increased over the updates (and thus the gpu power required increases). conclusion : cpu/ram limited ?, sure it will be great. Gpu limited ?, be prepared to go beyond the minimum settings by manually fiddling with terrain settings in the .cfg limited in both ?, well if you can run the demo then you will make it.... otherwise if your demo is limiting then don't bother. trust me, having a laptop, I trusted people, just to find worse performance (sucky gpu)... too many people here have gaming computers.... (good gpu) edit : as for how much its worth, get it before it increases a cent, as every cent gets way... closer to what its actually worth.
  18. looks like we will get the update on march 28-30 ith..... judging by the patterns in the release--marathon dates of previous releases. I'm sure of this... oh no, now I'm too excited again
  19. people simply never read why the devs chose unity and whenever there is a performance issue they blame it on unity not being cryengine. You don't seem to get the point that resource mining was never cancelled, what was shelved (again not cancelled) was the original format they initially tried it in... Ok, well, the final release will probably have many realism improvements (aerodynamics specifically) and we will have more places to visit, additional things to do on other planets, probably some non-career mode things too. AI s, though in pretty minor forms, probably like airtraffic. More effects, additional functions in the VAB/SPH. More rover and airplane things aswell as base things.... since its less than a 1/4 complete, we don't really have a big clue as to what might happen...
  20. false, first time I've had contact with you. The user below me ninja'd the user below him.
  21. granted, but you don't like the taste of fresh soap and cherry smelling hand sanitizer on your salmon. I wish for the perfect cooked salmon which I eat before anybody or anything does anything to it.
  22. to hey why wasn't my last word put in ?
  23. speaking of asteroids.... the next update will mean we can build a bigger variant of our standard launches, aka more victims can be sent to duna
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