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Everything posted by biohazard15

  1. That was probably Ed Kyle's site. SRBs and 2 of 4 LR-87s are ground-lit. Then, as SRBs are near-burnout, you ignite two other LR-87s. Sometime after SRB jettisoning, you shut down two ground-lit LR-87s to limit TWR (if needed). I've built such a rocket, and it works quite well, even with MJ (without auto-staging, obviously). You need to use action keys for LR-87s, and probably do a few test launches to find out the best timings.
  2. This is more of a KSP UI limitation, not exactly a bug. Original game did not plan for complex parts with several decoupler modules. In any case, any and all post-TLI operations with BDB Apollo should be done manually - by assigning action keys or via PAW. As soon as J-2 shut off, spacebar staging basically doesn't exist anymore.
  3. I use that, and I would absolutely recommend it for pretty much anything that involves controlled flight. Especially if you use KB+M.
  4. Some graphic bug, lol. No idea what causes it - probably something between KSRSS, Parallax and whatever else.
  5. >be Starliner crew to ISS >engines break >*sad face* >ship flies away, lands unmanned >stranded on ISS >*super sad face* >ask Russians for help >they agree >*happy face* >meanwhile at Baikonur:
  6. If you ever put that on vote, I'd vote for Bumper\Corporal. Basically adopting\remaking CNAR, possibly adding some extra stuff (such as: V-2 launch stand, various paintjobs and tank variants to recreate V-2\A-8\R-1\R-2, A-4b wings, A-6 piloted variant, Project Hermes winglets etc)
  7. Use BDB LDC engine mount - it has option for 3 engines (although it's Atlas-like straight, not a triangle).
  8. SDLV-ish Starliner launcher BCS Starliner + BDB ICPS (2x RL-10B2) + LRB tank + 2x RMM Kilimanjaros in BDB LDC Titan mount + 2x GEM-63s.
  9. IIRC, most, if not all of current IVAs are made by 3rd party as a contribution. BDB core team never put much interest in IVA (and that's good, since that means more parts that actually matter!). Thus, it isn't likely to arrive anytime soon, if ever.
  10. A couple of QoL suggestions: 1) Toggleable upper "spider" truss for Atlas V adapter - to accomodate stuff you can put into the hole, such as Orbus-21 shown above. 2) Toggleable nose covers on NC-6, if that's even possible with SAF. For those who want a more sensible LES solution (Restock LES fits perfectly, and looks great)
  11. Delta IV adapter? Guess some do like to live dangerously. ...guess it HAD to have SOME problem with RCS, huh. Anyway, great job as always!
  12. If you mean B-52, then no, you'll need to build one yourself. If you mean a vertical launch, there's a dedicated adapter to put it onto a rocket and launch it like X-20.
  13. There is a bug with new Centaur arms - the part name in cfg is the same as the old one (AM_MLP_AtlasUmbilicalArmCentaur, instead of AM_MLP_CentaurUmbilicalArms) and the old part is still present, which results in new part not loading.
  14. Physical-based rendering - a technique to create realistic light reflections on surfaces. Metallic surfaces are shiny, etc. You need two aforementioned mods (Resurfaced and Shabby) and the latest BDB dev version from Github.
  15. Nice! Although seeing how much this mod plans to borrow from BDB, I'd say just integrate it into the latter.
  16. Use mini radial decoupler and fiddle with move tool a bit to line up SRM's struts with Thor skirt's respective holes. Editor Extensions mod is highly recommended for 9x symmetry.
  17. You want a honest advice about playing with BDB 1.14 Dev? I mean actually playing, like starting a new save and such, and not just fooling around in sandbox? DON'T. 1.14 is going to be a literal Apocalypse to pretty much all your crafts that include BDB parts. You see, merging parts requires making a new part - a literal new part, with a new ID, cfg and such - which means that you'll have to rebuild all your crafts that use this part. Old parts may be just deprecated and not deleted, but that doesn't free you from the Big Rebuild. Personally, I'm just fooling around and dabbling with rebuilding. Actual rebuilding will come no sooner than BDB team declares that it's safe to do so. Or 1.14 release.
  18. To clarify: default GLV can orbit Gemini with extended tanks, it just means that Gemini would need to do a longer burn. BTW, according to Ed Kyle, early proposal for GLV was a Titan II with stretched 1st stage ("Titan 2.5", as he calls it). I think it was a bit shorter than IIIM, though. The proposal never materialised due to time and budget constrains.
  19. Moving on to Mercury. This is a real quick MA-5 build, without any towers and such (although I did use the updated MLP Atlas stand and skirt doors). Note the G Force setting on skirt. You don't want to jettison it on reaching particular TWR; you want to drop it when sustainer (and verniers) can achieve 1 or more TWR without it. If you jettison it too early, you won't have enough TWR = more fuel needed to leave the atmosphere (if you even can do that at all). On this particular build, the "sweet spot" is at around 3.8. It's unique to every Atlas, so be sure to always set your skirt correctly. PVG settings are same as on Gemini - 50\0.5, 120x120. Note the TWR - it's just a bit above 1, as it should be with Atlas. And here's the result. 680 m/s of dV is definitely "a lot of fuel to spare"! Note that I use Snacks mod, which adds weight to crewed parts. Addendum: How to setup Atlas skirt properly (You WILL need MJ's dV stats info for this): 1) Build your Atlas - a full rocket with payload. 2) Detach the skirt and place it aside. 3) If they're not here, move LR-105 and LR-101s to the lowest stage. Said stage must not include anything else, only these three engines. 4) Remove the same % of LF and OX from every 1st stage tank (adapter, core, upper) until your TWR is a bit above 1 (this is why you need MJ - to display this info). 5) Reattach the skirt. 6) Move LR-89s to the same stage as LR-105 and LR-101s, and check if the said stage is the lowest one (if necessary. Usually it is necessary, since KSP's auto-assigning is *heavily censored Russian Mat*). 7) Note the TWR - this is number you're need. Open skirt's PAW and set the "G Force" slider accordingly. It is recommended to take some extra precautions - just to be safe. (Example: your pre-jettison TWR is 3.73. Move the slider to 3.8. These are numbers from the above MA-5, BTW). 8) REFILL THE TANKS, check the staging one more time, and launch. EDIT: Whoops, forgot the LES. EDIT 2: Did a launch with LES, jettisoned it right after the skirt. Same skirt settings, 504 m/s dV left. Kinda makes you think why LES wasn't used on Gemini... EDIT 3: Note that real Atlas shut down its LR-105 and used only LR-101s for the final circularization\fine tuning. I haven't tried that (yet).
  20. That's what I meant about "a lot of fuel". Note that Gemini SM has two settings for fuel load. Extended tanks aren't supposed to be used with default GLV, you need a somewhat more capable Titan for that (IIIM or IV core generally will do the job). Here's a pic from launch I just did - default Gemini build with default GLV. Note my PVG settings and the fact that I launched to 120x120. Also, I use a patch that removes engine spooling from Titan (and other) engines - while a cool and realistic feature, it doesn't play well with MJ.
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