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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. Totally get that. If we want to get that fine-tuned with our audio experiences, we should just have a youtube playlist standing by
  2. Hey @linuxgurugamer, I just made a silly joke elsewhere about playing "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown" when the vessel is flying over badlands, and now wonder if biome-specific tracks are possible to include in the situations/conditions triggers? This would seem to require superseding another existing condition like "flying low" or whatnot, but is this something SEF'ed could do?
  3. By providing those details and suggestions for what can be done, you're already 250% more helpful than the usual calls for "ITS BROKEN, FIX IT" that appear in these topics. Especially your notes over on UKS. Thanks for that!
  4. Quoting for repetition/visibility. Please, everyone, just do this. Before you open steam. Before you launch the game. Just drop the whole thing elsewhere and rename it.
  5. I think there *is* a mod that adds it into a KSPedia entry... I'll see if I can remember which one NVM, totally missed the fact that this was the JNSQ topic.
  6. Are you in 1.8/1.8.1? KSP runs natively in DX11 now, yeah? (someone please correct me if I'm mistaken) -- I'm not sure what happens when using that launch option now.
  7. It's probably an outside-the-US thing, too. Which Kerbin definitely is!
  8. That might be depth of field, or just bloom
  9. Well, sure. If it's semantics we're after... It's certainly leading to a Fix, though.
  10. Oh, shoot. I haven't realized it doesn't get captured by one window. I also pine to see these messages.
  11. Looks like UKS is doing it's own setup of the part: //heavierRocketry @PART[MassiveBooster|engineLargeSkipper]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree]:BEFORE[zzzUnKerballedStart] { @TechRequired = heavierRocketry } So just cribbing off of that got the part to move: //heavierRocketry @PART[MassiveBooster]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree]:AFTER[zzzUnKerballedStart] { @TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry } I have *NO* idea why :FINAL wasn't overriding this, but there we go. (I also have no idea how those zzzModname declarations work. Are they files?) [Edit -- we didn't want to move the Skipper, too --- Is this why it wasn't being overridden; because it was a compound declaration?]
  12. Wow! Thank you for the quick investigation. I had a hunch it was something like this. Totally wild they didn't bump it into the depreciated folder. <shrug> -- I may have an old 1.7.3 lying around...
  13. So sorry if I've led you astray, but I've had fine luck using that very syntax to move parts around the tree. My hunch that some other mod was grabbing that booster (it's the S1 SRB-KD25k "Kickback", right?) led me to suggest just making it :FINAL So far I'm drawing a blank at how to migrate it--short of us having the part name wrong. Is it getting renamed before we're able to move it?
  14. Also -- the "flavor" message *does* appear on-screen, briefly upon full transmission to the KSC -- I've taken to using One Window so that I see all the random messages in one place, and can page back through them.
  15. It works like a charm, but the grass / tiles don't match (yet) -- and there are some minor spacing issues. Good find, Doc!
  16. By gum, that was it! Glancing in the file -- would this have anything to do with the squirliness of the Island Airfield in JNSQ? Apparently it just randomly places itself (like Brigadoon...). Look at all those extra facilities... Now someone just needs to pave a road to the Harbor --- or migrate it back to the north end of the peninsula like the mini-mod version.
  17. 1.8.1 and all that with a fresh install of the game via CKAN, and ran the batch file--but still getting black textures on a number of parts. is the ReStock whitelist out of date?
  18. The trees / scatterer not being "scattered" is on purpose, right? It looks a little funny when I dial them up to a high % and I see crisp, sharp trees way off in the hazy distance So, instead I just turn around and stare at the GORGEOUS water.
  19. Omega's Structures is *required* in order to get extra bases/harbor, yeah? It's sort of hinted at in the description, but not literally listed in the recommended or requirements. This caused some momentary confusion for me since I thought they were bundled. The scale of JNSQ is fantastic. I just spent my first few minutes flying around, then mistakenly sending a squad-stock-craft into sub-orbit w/o any heat shielding. Oops and Poof. Taking 10 minutes to get to the island airfield in a small jet suddenly makes sense. A quick Q on the location of KSC -- I know it's basically the vanilla location with the world scaled up around it, but I can't help but feel it could be closer to the shore -- or maybe it just seems lonely because there aren't (yet) a bunch of nearby support structures and scatter? The harbor certainly helps. Overall the experience is initially disorienting due to the scale, like trying on someone else's glasses, but dealing with a much bigger world is going to get me building much better planes and rockets. I can't wait!
  20. Ksc extended currently breaks/fights with jnsq bases, causing neither to load. It's very sad-making, and I can't wait to get all those launchpads back (not to mention the KSR bits and bobs like the runway lights...) Hopefully soon?
  21. That could be fun to attempt to build in Blender -- unless Kerbinside Remastered already has a lighthouse...
  22. How long ago? We all have those moments of "yeah, I really want to get back to that... hold on..." that turn into weeks or months later for projects like game modding, etc. I certainly don't think it's disinterest in your help. *WE* certainly appreciate your interest and efforts.
  23. Seconding this, for sure. You don't need to code, or even have any idea "how" it works. Just a list of: "This pod / part would work much better in [this named tech node] because..." can be the starting point that anyone else can easily throw into a patch. I frequently migrate stuff around on my own to suit my own style, but if something seems obviously out of place, or would make more sense for everyone, I'd post it here (or on the mod's page itself for a CTT-based compatibility patch).
  24. Shoot -- yeah -- the BG parts aren't being treated as distinct powerplants, just flapping/spinning bits of plane.
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