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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. Yes! My *other* favorite indicators mod... I usually this alternately with navhud, since they're useful in different situations. Thanks for the maintenance/rescue!
  2. Shut up, and take our *imaginary* money! Seriously, though -- that looks fantastic. Actual taxi-ways -- who'dathunkit?
  3. Just install whatever is *inside* the GameData folder in the mod's archive into your *own* GameData (should be a ThrottleControlledAvionics folder). Also make sure you're downloading a release version, and not a bundle with all the source code.
  4. That would be an incredibly nice thing in some future iteration -- being able to hand-design missions that could appear for yourself or others (subscribe to a missions/challenge service/mod?). Contract packs and mission chains using the editor would be great. But-- in more current, other business -- thanks for updating CC! Welcome "back."
  5. It looks like they could easily be added/re-colored versions of stock, etc.
  6. Sweet! This new feature could be an interesting re-take on the long-desired Kerb Paint feature
  7. I had no idea multiple launch sites were in store for 1.4.1 -- I hope this bodes well/interesting for KK! Good luck!
  8. Looking forward to the 1.4.1 iterations! I hope you plan on integrating the expansion parts, as well -- looks of good looking now-"stock" components & variable sizes to integrate!
  9. I was totally flummoxed by the first attempts at landing on the island: I'm guessing I'll have to do something similar for mission #2's mid-air aiming points
  10. I totally get this -- until that concept is more fully fleshed out, "upgrades" are simply installing the newer engine/part that's higher in the tech tree. I like the idea of tweaked variants or updated versions of very specific components, but it's not quite in that sweet spot of usefulness/awesomeness yet. Thanks for putting together this very quick and very welcome mod!
  11. Will that work for things that install *outside* of gamedata? NVM -- totally thinking of a differnet mod...
  12. Considering the subject matter of the game, I had to re-read this line a couple times to realize what you meant.
  13. Congrats on the new release! I can't wait to try this out. Side note-- would you mind adding a link to this topic in your Spacedock listing? It's hard to find my way back here to appreciate the mod and see what the latest chatter is. Danke!
  14. Though, in a way, it's working as named. Creepily *through* the eyes of a Kerbal.
  15. Not at this time -- the mod uses a different "kind" of engine for its rotors, and TCA doesn't hook into them.
  16. Appreciate the update! --Appeared on CKAN w/o any warning or fanfare.
  17. I know this one is solved now -- but wasn't the former asteroid day "mod" folded into stock in a more recent game version? If you're just working with KSP 1.2, then nevermind.
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