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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. I was just about to fire up an older KSP and check because I wasn't sure, either! Thanks for doing that. Also echoing the thanks for KF adding these awesome gear back!
  2. Not with that attitude. It's the other way 'round. CoL needs to be behind (and a little above) CoM for stable hands-off flight. The result otherwise is the flat spins you've described. Instability makes for an agile aircraft, but a shuttle does not have enough control authority to make use of it.
  3. You may be overwriting "good" versions of firespitter or other included dependencies. Make sure to *only* install the KAX folder.
  4. I think what was discovered is that the "%colour = 0.4 0.4 0.4" line does absolutely nothing in the config where parts are assigned their shininess. It's not possible to alter the degree of reflection, nor any sort of hue (as it would imply).
  5. Just trying this in 1.3 -- on a small aircraft with four junos. As soon as I activate the engines, the light source switches on, seemingly indifferent to whether there's active thrust, or not. I'll try out some different craft/engine combinations. So, yeah, it "works."
  6. Thanks for posting -- still love this one's giant HUD overlay.
  7. I think I know what @Wolf123 is mentioning; I was attempting to put the low fixed gear on the tail of a plane, and wanted to rotate it around the other way, but every time it would reach the 90-degree point, it would reverse and go back to rotating "forward." Edit: It was the "Hawk" gear (blackhawk helicopter landing wheel)
  8. My only thought was to be able to give subtle tweaks to different cockpits either by "shade" of the material, or how actually glossy it appeared.
  9. I never get enough of these things. Thanks *AGAIN* for producing them, @Enceos!
  10. Adding the alpha value had no effect. I didn't try removing the %colour line altogether (also, just wanted to double-check that color/colour might not be an issue?). There are a couple other funny things, such as seeing the reflection of the back hatch on the inline of the mk1, even though there's a node attached (and the angle would be wrong, besides) and the outline of the cockpit glass through the shadow of the entire craft.
  11. The values are in the WindowShineTR-v13.2.cfg that's been dropped in the TRR folder. Here's the one for the Mark 1 cockpit: @PART[Mark1Cockpit]:HAS[!MODULE[TRReflection]]:NEEDS[TextureReplacerReplaced] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = ShaderNG/TR_Reflective_Emissive_Alpha %colour = 0.02 0.02 0.02 %interval = 4 %meshes = Cockpit } } There's no fourth (alpha) value showing here, and setting these values (assuming RGB) to anything did nothing. Commenting the block out switched off the reflection entirely. I'll try adding a fourth value for alpha and see what happens! Oh, heck! I've posted this in the TRR thread -- sorry!!! :I I'll still report back though, since shineyness and texture replacing go hand-in-hand.
  12. This is with the new TRR(eplaced) and the latest windowshine.
  13. Using the newest TRR+WindowShine combo: Does the "%colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5" value actually affect the reflective-ness anymore? I'm trying to dial down the glare so it's somewhat less than high-gloss liquid-metal but it's not making any changes. The front two cockpits have values set to [.05 .05 .05] and the one in the back is [.5 .5 .5].
  14. If you hop into the CKAN settings, you can enable 1.2.2 or 1.2.1 -based mods. KAX may be an option there. Otherwise, copying the KAX folder to GameData is pretty simple though. Just make sure there are no extra folders or duplications (like a "GameData" in "GameData", etc.). Troubleshooting your attempt could be easier (and quicker) than waiting for KAX to be updated for 1.3.
  15. The included version will blow up/overwrite the current (newer) one. Make sure to only copy in the KAX folder.
  16. I typically use it in conjunction with NavHud. I use the basic horizon/vector from Flight Indicators for cruising, then switch to *all* the indicators (NavHud) when doing close-up maneuvers. There's also a vertical indicator for straight up & down in Flight Indicators, so I often don't even need NavHud. They also work together at the same time... for an awesomely cluttered experience.
  17. Flight indicators mod may be working? It has an awesome horizon line feature.
  18. It's on CKAN, but doesn't show 1.3 compatibility -- so it won't appear unless you "back-date" your allowed versions and manually allow it.
  19. make sure you're looking at the latest version (1.6.8+)
  20. Trajectories did incorporate a crosshair. It's now toggle-able, so it may start out as "off".
  21. It depends on the actual slope -- entirely! Most people fly in far steeper than a usual slope would be. 3 degrees? This could be interesting: http://www.flightsimaviation.com/rule-of-thumb/10_Three_Degree_Glideslope.html
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