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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. Hey @JoePatrick1 -- looping back to this question, since I see some interest in Kerballoons in my future as well -- Any chance for a sticky on/off state for the settings window? It reappears at every scene change with a craft.
  2. The ability to drive around using *only* repulsers is extremely attractive, however knowing how different they are from *actual* engines/thrusters, having a limited ability there is understandable. Gimbaling and self-righting behaviors for craft sounds like something that Throttle Controlled Avionics or KOS scripts could handle. I love the "frictionless casters" aspect of the KF repulsers, and using jet engines, speed brakes, and retro-thrusters to control navigation is easy. Maybe a new kind of repulser that's basically a modified rocket could be utilized to get that full hover/vtol/rocket thing going (a-la those Matrix hovercraft...)?
  3. The link at the top of the thread was broken, but I dug around doing different searches, and eventually found them again. He must have re-uploaded.
  4. The project on Curse seems to have migrated to a different link: https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/bdynamics
  5. https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/bdynamics?gameCategorySlug=ksp-mods&projectID=223741 This seems like a set of original Baha parts.
  6. I'll check my downloaded mods folder--some legacy stuff still in there.
  7. For me, the idea of a "walker" being supported by this mod would be the Critter Crawler from this pack: IIRC, it's basically animated legs, but uses wheel physics. I wonder if @Papa_Joe and the gang are looking to re-do them.
  8. He just picked MJ from his head, not realizing you already had that covered. Isn't it fairly clear it was simply the topics that consisted of the first "page" of the forum? They've been identified as of the first post in this topic.
  9. Hey! Thanks for revisiting these. I'll check them out and maybe someone can come up with a "fix" for male/female viewpoints.
  10. I sorely miss the Retro-Future gears. Those were gorgeous. Adjustables may return soon, though. It's on at least a couple people's radar.
  11. A dream-function for this would be at least a: drop an image in a folder or series of folders (square, horizontal, vertical) and have it work w/o managing cfgs, or more of a dream would be a flag picker similar to the mission flag UI in-game. Being able to use other mods' provided flags and agency logos w/o keeping an entire separate hoard of them would be handy.
  12. That little craft seems like it would be perfect for this mod. I wonder if it simply has *too much* control authority. Have you tried using TCA's autopilot / waypoint mode? I'm curious about trying it out later -- whipping up a similar craft shouldn't be a problem.
  13. Goodness! I've never experienced that with my jet VTOLs. The first things I would think to check are the individual engine settings (to see what TCA "mode" they are in) to determine why they would over-thrust or fail to compensate for the changed pitch. Like @Jarin said, a picture of the craft could be helpful. Do you use any other flight assist mods, by chance? Atmosphere Autopilot was known to flip control inputs in some situations, for instance.
  14. I find it works fine with jet engines. Just make sure to have a high enough TWR to compensate for the response time. --or fly it very carefully!
  15. Jeeze -- lighten up, Francis. By all means not *all* the good stuff, and not at all *destroyed*. A fix in the works, just a complicated procedure to restore individual threads. Squad IT and the forum software vendor are working on it. And as above, the actual mod hosting sites are still wholly intact.
  16. Even in your "refusing" to take on this extra project, you certainly illustrate an absolute clarity of vision for your mod and even an obvious opportunity in case anyone else finds themselves inclined to take it up. Thank you for looking into it! I hope someone does continue to expand on this awesome framework you've created.
  17. I'm looking up the old configs for RPM screens, but now I don't want to cover your awesome panels with boring screens.
  18. Although a side benefit is that the next-to-most-popular mods are now in the first page highlight...
  19. Not necessarily -- a handful (large handful) of threads, vs. an entire table. I can't wait to hear the description of what happened. Somebody may have been accidentally *deleting* rather than *marking as read* or something.
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