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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. This is an appreciated observation, for sure -- though I get the irony of CC adding fuel to wings that would then not be *configurable* --though maybe the presence of the tank or not being controllable via CC would remove the need to use an overlapping mod to achieve that.
  2. YES!!!!! Oh -- These are entirely wonderful, Enceos.
  3. Incredibly cool! I can't wait to play with these. -- Does this mean the airship has to turn to 40° for landings?
  4. I don't think these have been hit since 1.1.3, so there's likely a bunch of tweaking to be done.
  5. It's on the "to-do" list for the group maintaining BDArmory. Any progress they make will be within that thread. But I wish you luck too, @Natokerbal!
  6. It could be that the various rotors, etc. could use a balance pass with performance/efficiency based on otherwise practical looking aircraft like yours (and some real-world counterparts). I also have it in-mind to develop small rotorcraft to do the search/rescue missions and some short hops here and there. Maybe some MM patches can be figured out ahead of any actual new version of this mod.
  7. Speaking as a user of many mods, I agree it would be convenient, but unrealistic. There are mods only on curse, GitHub, Dropbox, megadrive, spacedock, and even other random places. It's simply part of the experience to track multiple places. --whenever I get this notion, I remind myself of the absurd sight of people freaking out over having to park a couple blocks away from the gym...
  8. Yes! Another stab at this! Your implementation looks promising, @blackheart612. I'm excited to try it. Somehow making all flags/agencies available would be terrific, as all the custom roundels and graphics available are perfect for a mod like this.
  9. I love this idea! It was one of the things that felt like a challenge to fly that we *could* if only it could be figured out. Obviously changes to the game/atmosphere/etc. render it a bit impossible. I like your new craft, but it winds up being a bit *too* altered from the original to simply be a fixed design. More like a MKII? Maybe some simple fixes like they could do in the shop: adjusting fuel load, canards, swapping engines, adding engine pods, etc.?
  10. Quite a flurry of uploads and updates! I'm loving it, @Raptor9! Time to plan out some missions and take my first stab at orbital assembly.
  11. Well, yes -- but the engines won't stall/provide zero thrust when desired, just because the aircraft/intake isn't moving forward.
  12. I hope you had permission, too! Papa_Joe and gang are including it in their intended support/update collection of BahamutoD's mods. Your recompile is appreciated. Check their thread (linked in the post two above yours) for status or to see about contributing.
  13. This is all so amazing and astonishing and exciting! Thank you all for the great read in this thread! I also didn't expect the KF stuff to work out of the box with this -- but, wow. This is an auspicious beginning.
  14. Please do, Deimos! The original author is long gone, and this most recent "re" -try has also gone dormant. I'd love to see the landing gear and custom p-wings back
  15. If you need it to verify thrust balance, etc. you can use RCS Build Aid -- it'll show you the expected rotation/torque of your craft -- Just remember to switch it to engine (thrust?) mode. I've not tried with with Airplane Plus yet, but I'm assuming it won't be confused by the CoT indicator being so detached from the craft.
  16. There's a pair of mods that could approach "replacing" KAC in some aspects: Flight Plan (which creates a list-view of all upcoming node/soi/etc. events, and ManeuverQueue that shows upcoming maneuver timing in the tracking center view. I don't think either of these actively behaves as an alarm clock/pause utility, but the ability to check timings is there.
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