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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. I know there are a bunch of mods at work here, but Scatterer just ties them all together. Sunrises and Sunsets are ridiculously cool.
  2. I totally forgot I had installed these and a new career contract just asked me to test one. I'm gonna make a bee line to unlocking these. Unbelievably useful!
  3. Were these the RPM displays? Those are having some real trouble with 1.4* and are being remade, basically. I haven't fired up this pack in 1.4+ yet, but I'm guessing that's what's going on.
  4. That's pretty much my intention. If Rover Wheel Sounds ever gets and update, I'll see if they can include an optional patch for your wheels. These points are pretty much my observations as well. Particularly the notion of the generators/fuel cells being insufficient for even modest missions around the KSC. The earlier SXT version of these vehicles gave many of the structural parts HUGE battery reserves, which is also somewhat unrealistic in the other direction. The near-invulnerability of Grounded components is rather funny, but could use a balance pass, for sure Also, lights aren't listed under lights. All in all -- this is an awesome set of kit parts, and It's fun creating kerbal-sized cars to tool around in. Look forward to any additions and refinements you think of!
  5. My understanding is that KK is not up and ready for 1.4* at all. DLC (Making History) is based on 1.4.
  6. I'm running KCT+Krash (+R&R, +OhScrap, etc.) -- and seem to have some pretty good results so far. I'm curious about a possible prompting for a (Crew R&R) day off for Jeb after a session of testing in KRASH, but I wasn't paying full attention. I'll do another one in a bit, and see if that was just my imagination. It makes sense, though -- the half-dozen or more rounds in the simulator with a constantly-crashing airplane is exhausting. I'd want a day off, too!
  7. wait -- the alt-# is what does it? gah! That being said, I still need to find a happier medium of settings -- my skybox is totally invisible at night from the surface, and is barely there when in space (with no sun/bright object showing). Removing color grading altogether helped a tiny bit, but there's obviously more at work.
  8. Hey @theonegalen -- not a pestering post for the next version -- but a question on the seat position for Val (and other female pilots). She can barely see over the dash on the Bonny! Is it the ASET Mk 1 that has the motorized seat adjustment? I wonder how readily it could be "dropped" into other craft -- maybe even with just an action group toggle? Maybe this sounds like a mod possibility to just shift the camera/kerbal position as a hack/workaround for all cockpits. Just talking to myself, here.
  9. Chatterer is getting though -- so clearly there's some means of selectively muting sounds. Maybe a quick snoop though the source can reveal something. Even with the current performance hit, it's still a blast to play with this mod active.
  10. Ah -- drat. I was wondering what was missing. Clearly, the muffler being able to "ignore" these sounds would be important. Chatterer gets through, though...
  11. Okay -- that makes sense. Cut down on the scrolling.
  12. These are terrific! I would sincerely love for decal mods to somehow hook into the GUI used for mission flag picking. Side scrolling is much improved with the stock switcher, but it's still a long way to go. That said, I really love all these -- and see no reason the Moon ones need to be separated. Thanks for sharing!
  13. Also, this worked to add sounds to the new wheels for the Grounded mod: Just a stupid/quick hack to apply the sounds to the 3 new wheels in that mod. I made no tweaks to differentiate between the wheel sizes (they're mostly just slight variations in tire size) Place in the Wheel Sounds cfg, or a new one anywhere else. @PART[wheelReg] { MODULE { name = WheelSounds wheelSoundVolume = 1 wheelSoundPitch = 0.5 wheelSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/KerbalMotionTR-2L skidSoundVolume = 0 skidSoundPitch = 1 skidSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/gravelSkid damageSoundVolume = 1 damageSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/wheelDamage soundInVacuum = false } } @PART[wheelReg2] { MODULE { name = WheelSounds wheelSoundVolume = 1 wheelSoundPitch = 0.5 wheelSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/KerbalMotionTR-2L skidSoundVolume = 0 skidSoundPitch = 1 skidSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/gravelSkid damageSoundVolume = 1 damageSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/wheelDamage soundInVacuum = false } } @PART[wheelReg3] { MODULE { name = WheelSounds wheelSoundVolume = 1 wheelSoundPitch = 0.5 wheelSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/KerbalMotionTR-2L skidSoundVolume = 0 skidSoundPitch = 1 skidSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/gravelSkid damageSoundVolume = 1 damageSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/wheelDamage soundInVacuum = false } } Enjoy!
  14. Probably not -- just stock has no wheel sounds there, right? I've been using mods so long I forget what's in the base game. Using this mod (Rover Wheel Sounds) it worked like a charm! Here's the basic code borrowing electric vehicle wheel / rover sounds already assigned to stock wheels by the mod. Drop it in the mod's .cfg file or add it to a new/custom one. Maybe this could be included as an optional patch if the other mod is available, etc. Not sure how to do that syntax yet. @PART[wheelReg] { MODULE { name = WheelSounds wheelSoundVolume = 1 wheelSoundPitch = 0.5 wheelSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/KerbalMotionTR-2L skidSoundVolume = 0 skidSoundPitch = 1 skidSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/gravelSkid damageSoundVolume = 1 damageSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/wheelDamage soundInVacuum = false } } @PART[wheelReg2] { MODULE { name = WheelSounds wheelSoundVolume = 1 wheelSoundPitch = 0.5 wheelSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/KerbalMotionTR-2L skidSoundVolume = 0 skidSoundPitch = 1 skidSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/gravelSkid damageSoundVolume = 1 damageSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/wheelDamage soundInVacuum = false } } @PART[wheelReg3] { MODULE { name = WheelSounds wheelSoundVolume = 1 wheelSoundPitch = 0.5 wheelSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/KerbalMotionTR-2L skidSoundVolume = 0 skidSoundPitch = 1 skidSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/gravelSkid damageSoundVolume = 1 damageSoundFile = WheelSounds/Sounds/wheelDamage soundInVacuum = false } }
  15. I would adore seeing this mod maintained/continued -- especially if integrated with Scrapyard, and DangIt! / Oh Scrap! For the short-term, the DLLs can be recompiled against 1.4.2, but more *actual* development might need someone who knows what they're doing.
  16. The last few comments and @fourfa 's got me curious (and googling) -- The real-world roll was for a few reasons, mainly to transition from a strict NSEW-oriented launch pad to whatever actual inclination was wanted for orbit (or to reach the moon). Shuttles had to do it so they could face the right way 'round (upside down for orbit) and so their antenna was facing the ground. They couldn't just launch from the angle they wanted, because the control towers were on the north side of the pads. Interestingly, the Apollo rockets were mounted with the command module "up" facing east (so upon launch, we'd be pulling *up* to head east). SSTs were mounted with the top facing south, so a full 90 degree roll would be needed to "face" east. Stock behavior sort of mimics the NASA limitation of only having one "direction" you could mount rockets on the pad -- though if it was consistent, it would be the direction the rockets approach from the VAB from, and the towers would be on the EAST side of the pad. Of course, a tower on the east would suck--a fix for that would be to re-do the KSC to include a 90° left turn on the crawlerway (similar to the real KSC). Thankfully, this mod sorts all of that nonsense out and lets us just pick what way we want to launch from.
  17. "Liking" your post for visibility and empathy. So sorry to hear about this! I may have some somewhat decent spare parts -- or if you have a patreon, I'd love to chip in a little.
  18. Oh, sorry -- Ambient Occlusion, and it creates a light/shadow effect to better imitate brightness and shadow. You can see it in this post (the image it refers to is above it). It's kind of fuzzy, but you can see it around the wheels. It creates the shadow effect.
  19. KS3P is dark, and full of shadows. Especially if you include the AO feature! It looks great (photo phorthcoming).
  20. @MikeO89 your chatterer chatter returned since the new mod update, yeah? I look forward to hearing the stuff you posted on the main thread. Would be great to include into this mod (or something even apart from it). Once my RAM arrives Thursday, I'll put in the rest of my part and effects mods.
  21. Nah -- it auto-suggests the correct extension, but the user is free to type the wrong thing.
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