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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. Ouch. Squad, how didn't the testers notice this? EDIT: Ninja'd by Roverdude. Glad to see the team is on the case!
  2. Bonjour! M'appelle Thomas988, et j'adore jouer le KSP! How'd I do? Welcome to the forums, Herr Rictus Bingo! I always loving seeing folks outside of the US be part of our community.
  3. True dat! The thermal physics are so complex I don't even know how to build my rockets with them in mind.
  4. For some reason, Val won't show up in my older saves.
  5. Yay, more stuffs! KERBALS ARE LYFE
  6. Eh My days liking PewDiePie is over. It was cool seeing him play KSP, but I don't think he was really into it.
  7. I just wrapped up my first 1.0 session, and even after stranding my crew on Minmus I'm loving the update! There's so much new stuff, I just don't know how to use it all!
  8. Well, they're islands in Asia. Yup. What do you know about Venezuela?
  9. Like what gmiddlemass said, KSP should run a lot better in 1.0 than ever before since many textures have been converted to .dds format.
  10. I live in the same timezone as Squad, so it's still sunday here. But seriously, the hype is insane.
  11. Realize and cry over the fact that you will be busy tomorrow so no last-day 0.90 playing.
  12. But wouldn't it be hilarious if there was a real-life counterpart? For decades mankind images massive starships powered by FTL drives to explore the cosmos, the one day some dude achieves lightspeed in his garage by stabbing a piece of metal with a landing leg.
  13. I tried really, really hard to learn everything myself, but I simply could not, since prior I knew absolutely nothing about physics whatsoever. Scott Manley and HOCgaming were my teachers, but I also took reference form a lot of online tutorials. Of course, I always took what I learned and put my own spin on it.
  14. That's really up to your personal preference. I would wait, but if you do want Kethane/Karbonite right now you can always just keep a backup of 0.90.
  15. It's interesting, because even though I do believe life is valuable, I think saying otherwise is insulting. It's like I don't want to think that humans aren't special.
  16. Guys, you won't bloody believe it!l I had a dream last night that I had two light-green rep bars! Then I woke up...
  17. I recently discovered this game, but looking back it seems updates came out every month or so. However, the current version, 0.20, has been in development for over a year now, yet things are getting exciting. The devs of Seed of Andromeda said that at earliest they will be releasing a demo version of 0.20 to the public just to fly around and see the totally reworked and completed solar system. I'm hoping this means 0.20 won't be too far away, but I do agree Seed of Andromeda should be played once the update does come out.
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