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Everything posted by monstah

  1. Holy kraken, this profile is Forum Art.

  2. Eu meio que consegui retomar minha rotina já. Ainda lembro dele e fico triste às vezes, mas concordo que não é assim que ele ia querer que fosse.
  3. *suspiro* Que que eu falei sobre parar com a bagunça e refletir?
  4. Ninguém vai ser banido agora. Vamos todos refletir um pouco e acalmar os ânimos.
  5. Alguém que eu conhecia se foi. É a vida, né.
  6. Não véi, sem guerra, vamo ficar na paz. Toma camomila. Põe leite.
  7. É. Eu mesmo recebi uma notícia pessoal muito ruim horas depois de postar aquilo
  8. Pronto, outro louco. Peraí, Acre?? Mentira. ...Brincadeira. Bem-vindo ao fórum, saia das sombras e interaja!
  9. Who? Yeah, @Red Iron Crown is lurking in the background somewhere...
  10. You guys do realize this has nothing to do with the subject being discussed here, right? Now, I'm not commenting on the poorly made joke since the user already realized it was a poor comment and many others have replied already... but I am definitely adding "incompopoop" to my vocabulary. And for the record, I have also deleted other people's work by accident. Did you know if you delete files on Windows over a network, it does not go to either your computer's or the target computer's recycle bin? It just poofs.
  11. monstah


    Hi, and welcome! I haven't been good at making, flying and landing airplanes for 4 years of playing this. I am now getting good at making and flying them. Not landing.
  12. True, but circumstantial, like your Pluto point proves.
  13. Que bagunça é essa? Banido todo mundo, vamos se comportar direito
  14. For the first part, yeah, I think so. For the second part, you're basically a Hobbit Halfling with a dagger parrying the Tarrasque.
  15. *contenção de anomalia interdimensional iniciada*
  16. Banido por tentar interagir com manifestações interdimensionais.
  17. Don't worry, we keep an eye for false accounts I'm okay with the current system, too. I think I've hit my 25 limit only once or twice, anyway, and only after having liked posts very late at night.
  18. I'd say you are a bit rough around the edges, tho.
  19. 9/10 Almighty City! Haven't seen that avatar in awhile. I like the light tones, and the drawing is cute too.
  20. Did you plug your joystick in the USB after firing up the game? It only scans for axes once, when it loads up, so that may be the problem.
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