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Everything posted by monstah

  1. Oh, that was the interesting part, to me! What it means is, the amount of dark matter is determined by observation. In a simplistic way, we look at (say) a galaxy, it behaves differently than it should based on its visible mass alone. We (I just got a ninja notification as I type this, let's hope it's not the same thing I'm saying here...) say "there's X more mass there that we don't see", and assuming that's true, it then fits the observation (and can predict some other not-yet-made observations, which is why he call it a 'theory' and not just 'whatever some guy said'). That's why it's a free parameter, there's nothing in our current understanding that says how much dark mass should be in some place a priori, we can only tell by looking. However, this statement means that his new theory (if we can call it that already, I'm not sure. See below) can predict the the behaviour from visible mass alone. If that's true, than in my opinion that's great evidence for this new theory, except... I take "Many observations cannot yet be explained" to mean "some results the theory predics disagree with direct observation". That's text-book science for "this hypothesis is wrong, and thus as currently worded cannot become a theory. Period. Some future variation of it might, but until you change your premises, no amount of further testing will prove it." (well, the ninja post complemented my point)
  2. Um, who are you arguing with? No one else mentioned "fixing the game" in this thread With that part I agree, that a "stock craft" is a craft with only stock parts. If I plug it into my unmodded game (not that I personally have one, but in general) and it loads and flies, it's a stock craft. Whether I used KER to help me design it is irrelevant if I could have used a spreadsheet instead. The question in this thread was "it there an issue with stock elitism". For what I read of replies, there doesn't even seem to be much of a stock elitism, let alone a problem with it. Everyone agrees there are many stock crafts available, but no modded game player here seems to find that an issue, and I don't see anyone feeling excluded from downloading a stock craft. There are always some elitists, be them stock or FAR or RSS/RO, and they aren't prevalent. A stock badge on a craft seems to me to be more inclusive than elitist.
  3. Aren't you supposed to be the one answering questions?
  4. That's what I thought when I read the thread title. To me, a STOCK craft means I can have it on any save, regardless of what mods I have. I try to make my crafts as stock as possible even when using mods, myself.
  5. Hey, pizza! Have you left the building? :( 

  6. Why? You can subscribe to the thread instead, it's a button on the top right of the page. Or, better yet, check here, on the SpaceDock download page. You can follow that one instead, so you get an email when it's updated.
  7. until (there! You got your non-boring word, @The Raging Sandwich!)
  8. It's understandable. I suggest this: go play Ark, and enjoy it the best you can for as long as you can. Hopefully, by the time it starts to get you bored, the update for KSP will already be out. Play it out for a while, pretend you just bought it. After some time you'll be hooked (I mean, no one likes EA, but people still like their games, right?). And then, I hope that after some more time you realize Squad aren't bad guys either, they just made a bad call and were apparently stuck on a terrible situation for some time.
  9. Zerogravity, welcome! It's true what @James Kerman said, there are plenty of questions for someone who just bought the game. So, stay a while, and listen!
  10. I think it's a good thing. I've liked posts by accident in the past and unliked them in a hurry, worried the user would get a notification but check and not see my name in the post, and think I was trolling them.
  11. Alas, I as already out when summoned. @TheKosmonaut, how late/early is it there now?
  12. I think each one expires after 24h individually, so if you've been late and have likes at 2am, you'll have to wait more than you expected. *sigh* Dont ninja me, Red
  13. Again, I agree with tetryds. Aero discussion in general is fine, but not here. This place is about the mod, how to use it, how to improve on it, how to make planes that fly pretty damn well on it, and whether such and such real-life aerodynamics considerations might or might not get implemented. It not about how such and such real life airplane performs because of real life aerodynamics. Lets keep on topic, everyone. FAR, that is.
  14. I'm a hot head too, we're human. I find that communicating by written word helps a lot in comparison to face to face. More time to think about what you're going to say
  15. Oh, great. I was thinking of starting a mod the other day and I noticed myself that there was a lot of outdated info here. Your (modders') opinions on what's outdated and what's not is valuable. So, apart from @sarbian, ate there other suggestions?
  16. Hey, everyone. I'll just like to remind you all that political discussion is off-limits in the KSP forum. As long as the conversation stays on the airplane, that's fine, but we're keeping an eye on this.
  17. I'm not the OP, buddy
  18. It does feel more like a development help and support request than a development discussion, I'm moving it
  19. Yes! We advise new players to play without mods for awhile to get a feel for what the game is, but when you do get to them there's a whole new world of gameplay waiting. And I do mean that literally, some mods change the planets and the solar system
  20. No, but these are perfectly valid examples: I agree with @tetryds's point. If the discussion were "how to better design airplanes that work well on FAR", that's one thing; but a discussion about whether or not real airplanes are designed around the ground effect should have a place of its own. And in reply to the second quote, there's a mod called SMURFF, I think. It's designed around stock parts (and mod parts balanced to stock parts), to make them lighter (supposedly closer to real-life counterparts) to use in RSS/RO/mods that make the stock system large.
  21. I try to put my small science experiments attached to the probe core, so when I need to I can zoom on it and all the experiments are around it, close by. Also, aiming the camera on a docking port and setting camera mode to "locked" makes for a very different docking experience, you might want to try that!
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