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Everything posted by monstah

  1. He's saying you should update the original post to explicitly state that the models are not your own, but are used with permission.
  2. Original post has been toned down a little bit. Lets keep this objective and try not to insult each other, guys.
  3. Where did the jelly go? :(

    1. Gaarst


      Had it for over a year, time to change! (Plus, I love the new one)

    2. monstah


      Can't argue with Dio vOv

  4. The info on the wiki is outdated. I could fix it when I get home, but if someone got to it in the meantime I'd appreciate it.
  5. @Veeltch Strategia's planet-based strategies are one-time use only, so they are designed to "burn out" that body (the three landings); what you want is probably more like "activate this strategy to have all missions focus on this body". I guess Strategia could be configured that way, but I've never looked under its hood.
  6. Suggestion: add to one of the input windows + and - buttons to adjust the node's position on the orbit, with the 0.01 - 0.1 - 1 - 10 - 100 progression measured in seconds.
  7. Yes, nodes are where parts attach to each other. And you can look in the config for any existing engine in the game, or in the game's wiki, to see how to use the resource use parameters.
  8. Lovely! The thing about monitors is that I find them quite hard to read on my resolution, they being rendered on a texture in a 3D environment, as opposed to on my screen. I like them, but I mostly use the 'graphical' ones - primary flight (not paying attention to most numbers), altitude graph, orbit display, vessel view, external cam, docking. The others I only use sparingly, and I usually have to zoom to make them useful. So, I'm not opposed at all to having various props instead of a general monitor!
  9. I got that one wrong in my reply, so I may have confused OP further. My bad
  10. Demand? No. Curiosity? HELL, YES. Bring it on, 0111confusingkingofcosmoslikeavatarz!
  11. It's a matter of personal taste, but I what I liked about Hyomoto's MFD was exactly the fewer buttons/better organized aspect. It might be more complicated to make pages, but I found them more intuitive to use.
  12. I have a different suggestion: do what you usually do, and have it arrive at any polar orbit; make sure you match your Pe with the station's orbit at the pole. When you get there, capture it in a highly elliptical orbit (i.e., Ap almost out of Mün's SOI). If both orbits are polar and the Pe is at the pole, then the AN and DN should coincide with Ap and Pe. Keep lowering your Ap until you get an encounter (the higher it is, the longer it'll take to complete this orbit, but the less DV you'll spend to correct it). Now, match planes at Ap. You'l be going a lot slower there than closer to Mün, and you already have an encounter at Pe. Finally, match orbits at Pe This works too, but don't like the windows (it's just over there, for crying out loud!). Here's how I eyeball it: Look at the orientation of your polar orbit from "above" (the North pole); Imagine a line perpendicular to that one; Now shift this perpendicular line, so it passes through Kerbin; This line will intersect Mün's orbit in two points. You'll want to arrive at Mün when it is in one of those two points (hence, twice a month window). Just time your launch so your Ap is around there.
  13. Strange. Is the lab full of data already? You can check by right-clicking the part, near the top of the menu it should say something like "Data: xxx/yyy", yyy is the maximum amount. If it's nearly full, you'll have to wait till it's processed. Or maybe it was a problem with a mod you removed, but it caused the problem on the part anyway, so it persists. Try making a new ship, and using the cheat menu to put it in orbit of Eve? Then, if that fails, the same thing on a new save? Otherwise I don't know, wait a little and some other user may have a better answer to your problem.
  14. Maybe the MPL is already processing a copy of that same data - i.e. same experiment, same biome?
  15. Do you mean the scoreboard, or the game itself? The scoreboard simply keeps track of how many people achieved what when, and compares you with the rest (in terms of how many were better or worse than you, and by how much). The game... well, that's complicated as heck. I've been stumped on a stage for quite some time. It's called 'No Ordinary Headache', that might say a bit
  16. @MOARdV, about this successor you are planning, what are we to expect of it? Is it like an RPM 2.0 (as in, monitor-focused), or is it a framework for props in general?
  17. They are not sharing Squad's parts or assets. They are merely sharing a text file that tells the game how to put them together, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  18. They probably won't. The guidelines are there for a reason: your challenge doesn't even seem doable in the first place, and since you rage quitted yourself, that's a good sign no one will probably pay much attention to it.
  19. group by to_char(ge.dataatendimento, 'YYYY-MM'), ben.beneficiario, ben.nome, mat.datanascimento, tpdep.descricao, (case when mod.handle in (3,7,9,18) then 'APOSENTADO' else 'ATIVO' end)
  20. Fixed your science for you. @Green Baron beat me to your 6500th rep
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