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Everything posted by monstah

  1. (*steers away from No-man's Sky*) Newman's land.
  2. @Seturian could you please express your problem in English? KSP had a bug on undocking ports, but that has been fixed. You seem to be using a mod that affects docking ports, allowing you to rename them (perhaps this one?). It appears, from your save, that attempting to rename them using a different isn't handled very well by that mod, and that may be the reason you are having problems. I suggest you backup your save, and then try to search for all "PortName = " lines and delete them, and see if that helps a bit. Otherwise, I still think you would do best to ask in the thread for that mod.
  3. @Seturian, what @sal_vager meant is that, from your screenshots and save, it appears you are using a mod. And possibly the problem with the docking ports is a problem with the mod. So, asking on the mod's thread for will probably get you help more easily
  4. KIS has C4 charges, too. I've never played with them, but I think they can be placed from the VAB and set on an action group (like abort).
  5. Dude, that avatar! :D

    That was an awesome show! (I got it on re-re-run, not nearly that old) Movie didn't do it justice, even with Chris Lloyd :( 

    1. Martian Emigrant

      Martian Emigrant

      I saw it as translated-re-runs when I was young. I am old enough to have seen it in Black and white. I only remembered that I liked it.

      Now with the Internet I have seen a few. Fresh ones. It was alright. A simpler TV time it was.

      And, yes, the movie wasn't that good. They had to re-invent it. As they do for everything movi-fied.

      I looked him up just now. Ray Walston. RIP. He had a memorable face. Good and bad for an actor. Good cause people know who you are. Bad because you get type-cast.



  6. Started working on my first mod. I have this list of ideas, and I picked the simplest. I hit a wall when I found out that all the information I need is in private members. Then I went on to research how to implement my second simplest idea. Turns out there's a mod (and a great one, too, I used to have it installed before 1.2) that does it already (I don't remember it having that function before, tho). Then I turned to my final mod idea... and that's more complex and I don't feel like doing the necessary homework at the moment. To the bottom of the drawer it goes! ...now I'm back to never having made a mod. *sigh*
  7. https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/class_k_s_p_1_1_u_i_1_1_screens_1_1_engineers_report.html The stock Engineer's Report has most of its functionality hidden in private methods and fields. Even by extending it and hijacking the icon, I still can't access the existing tests, and extract information from them (such as which ones are passed/failed, and how high their notification level is). I'd like that the 'tests' field be made public (or protected, but preferably public), so I can work on a parallel notification (while keeping the stock app). Or give us some other way of accessing them, like a get() version that returns a copy?
  8. Thread moved to Welcome Aboard subforum. I don't remember seeing you. Welcome back!
  9. Something else. I know the Report has methods for adding new checks, but I want to iterate over the existing ones. I want to figure out what the maximum warning level being noticed (i.e., if there is at least one Critical, otherwise at least one Warning, or one Notice, or none at all).
  10. I see you removed the link already. Anyway, thank you for bringing this up, even though there was already another thread on this topic, it seems there are more than one rip-off currently available, this one might have been a different one than the one reported yesterday. Threads on the same subject have been merged
  11. Hey, everyone. I'm new to modding KSP, tho I did manage to include a few (working!) lines on someone else's code already. Now I got a few projects of my own, and the one that seemed the very simplest is already giving me a headache. Does anyone know how to access the list of checks that the Engineer's Report performs? I checked here, and the thing is private: even if I extend the class, I can't get to it
  12. Isso é um assunto interessante! Eu, mesmo, sou formado em matemática, acabei trabalhando com análise de dados. Mas a quatro anos trabalho em planos de saúde; o que eu faço ainda é mexer com números, mas as coisas que aprendi desse mercado específico eu nunca teria aprendido na aula, e se eu fosse procurar um emprego novo agora provavelmente seria aproveitando tudo o que aprendi.
  13. What is this madness? Y'all banned for summoning the monster from it sleep.
  14. CTT adds further nodes for mod parts; ETT changes the tree so stock parts are more spread out, and linked thematically. So, for a different feel on a fresh copy, go try out ETT.
  15. Well, the contract system can spawn message boxes. It can set milestones, which can be used for storytelling or for generating further contracts that give a progression. Apparently, even visiting Easter eggs can unlock nodes (or so I've read somewhere but I'm not sure on that). I don't think these are being used to their full potential yet, but I think we have a framework for storytelling, or at least a bare bones one. What we need now is a story to tell.
  16. I suppose you meant KER That would be my answer, by the way.
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