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Everything posted by monstah

  1. I can't do ctrl-F on the document, and I ain't reading it all; but skimming it, nowhere did it give me the impression it's "a NASA paper". It's a paper by people who work at NASA, as far as I can see. And even if it were, arguments by authority aren't really arguments, so this "NASA is studying it so it must be real" attitude seems rubbish to me. And, like others have said, they seem to extrapolate from tiny measurements that could be background noise, up to power settings way above those used in the experiments. And the introduction itself says that "RF resonant cavities have generated anomalous thrust (...) in spite of the apparent lack of a propellant or other medium", where the "apparent" is emphasized on the article, not by me. YMMV, but I interpret this as even they don't seem to be sure they aren't just throwing particles or interacting with environmental electric fields. They do mention possible sources of error from page 25 to page 28, and RF interaction prevention seems to me to be the most handwaved as "eh, good enough". Long story short, I still think this is rubbish, unfortunately
  2. (HAHAHAHAHAHA) Banido por que avatar de astronauta + avatar de gato = avatar de gastronauta
  3. Emmett Lincoln Brown (quote, BTW, 'we changed the name because of the war, before that we were the von Brauns!'. Good thing about re-watching old favourite movies is that some of them are pure genius!)
  4. 8/10 I'm a cat person (and dog too). We need new people playing this game
  5. There is such a thing?? Holy crap, do iPhones burst in flames playing it? I didn't have the interest to make it even to level 2 Pokemon. I have caught a few critters back in the GameBoy days, and even back then it wasn't my favourite game. The thing about location, too, is that it doesn't really add anything to the game, it merely subtracts (the ability to play anywhere, anytime, that is). So.. meh. I did get more interested in Ingress, up to level 6 or 7, but then the battery/data hogging was too much for me.
  6. Does anyone here know what his new projects are, anyway?
  7. Oh, we're doing this again? @sal_vager.
  8. Are you trying to use the "Replace Stock App" feature? That one is broken since 1.2, unfortunately. You can have it use the App Launcher, just not replace the Stock App (yet).
  9. Oh, I opened this thread to ask about this and it's the second comment on the page. Many thanks
  10. You may want to add this config to RPM stock patches: @PROP[RasterPropMonitorBasicMFD]:NEEDS[RasterPropMonitor,!MechJeb2] { @MODULE[RasterPropMonitor] { !PAGE[smartass]{} } } It removes the SmartAss page, so the button goes straight to the stock autopilot, if MJ is not installed
  11. I was commenting on the furry and you ninja'd me Anyway, 8/10. Astronaut dances, and is cute. Check this out
  12. 7/10 hey there Sammy... ich, 'sup.
  13. (yeah, I had to google that) Divergence
  14. Well, I agree. Specially with Diverse Kerbal heads - he's "black" (like, dark green) with a grey mustache, such a gentlekerb! Um. Not offended, but... a turd from what exactly? o_O (insert Uranus joke) I just realized my inner mental voice pronounces Uranus as "U-ra-nus", not... well, the way that leads to a joke. I can't even make my own joke funny to myself Urrectum, on the other hand...
  15. Oh. Yes. You're right, fake as hell... Tho, in all honesty, even tho I really didn't know what it was, "what's WWE" was also an attempt to play the game
  16. LOL, I thought the same (tho I haven't seen the other threads).
  17. Oh, not me! Hard. Expensive. Crazy. Optimistic. Yes, yes, yes and yes. But possible, and I so hope I live to see the first footsteps being actually taken (and I think I will).
  18. LOL Flatworm. Nasty little creture.
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