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Everything posted by monstah

  1. It's a mod that enables functionality that other mods (such as FAR) use. So, you'll not use it directly, but some mods you use might need it. It might have come together with another mod. Try downloading the latest version here The topic's title says 1.1, but the thread says it's 1.2 compatible
  2. Yes. I... was downloading a lot of mods and got confused?
  3. I had not! Have been using an ooooolder version of this mod since forever.
  4. Man, most your mods are updated already, all while you're doing your stuff at Squad. You're a machine!
  5. Yeah, strange. I hadn't opened the full-size picture before, so I didn't notice batteries weren't exactly full either. I recognize Persistent rotation, TAC-LS (or is it USI-LS?) and Chatterer, none of which I suppose is responsible (Chatterer I'm using right now, so I'm pretty sure). What other mods are you using?
  6. Is it because your batteries are already full? Try adding something energy-intensive (ISRU, mobile lab) and see if it recharges
  7. 7/10 as random as the user wielding it Plus, dinosaur.
  8. Thanks! I understand there were like some two or three major changes in the game code since, but at least it's a start!
  9. The thing is, 'Data' is what tells you (in-game, I mean): how long and how much electric charge it will take to transmit, and how much it occupies to store (only in the labs). 'Science' is what you spend on upgrades. 'Data value' then is just the ratio (higher value means more science per electric charge spent transmitting). But I agree with @Veeltch. "Data" is what you call pieces of information, and you only gather it if it's useful for something. In the context of the game, for example, my dream science mechanic: all the bodies' masses, radii, atmospheric pressure and curves, orbital parameters, etc, are unknown (or a rough guess), and SCIENCE! is what gives you better approximations of true values. Now, all orbital predictions (give us something like the Trajectories mod, that includes atmospheric drag), resource scanning, performance of some parts (jet engines, for example) are tied to "known" information, rather than the hardcoded true values. Doing science, then, is like clearing a "fog of war" on game information. Apoapsis (and time to)? You must understand gravity (and know your planet's mass/radius). Resource scanning? You must understand the target's geology (so, correlate orbital measures with surface samples, first approximating by what you know from other bodies but refining once you get an acual sample of that particular biome). Etc, etc.
  10. Why not now? Or better, when?
  11. Does anyone still have the source for this mod? It has been outdated for ages, the original modder last said they were having problems with some parts of the UI that had changed between KSP versions, then kinda abandoned the thread to be locked. License is MIT, but the links to the source are dead...
  12. I like to think you're working from the inside to creep parts of it slowly into stock. Take your time! (seriously, this is what the stock contract system should be)
  13. There are three settings: one without Commnet at all, as it was before; one where you need a comm link to do anything on a probe, and it bricks without a connection; and a third one, where you have "limited control" of the probe when without communications (the one I use): you can't access right-click menus, but you can use action groups; you can't control throttle, but you can do full-burn and cut throttle; you can't turn or translate the ship manually, but you can use the autopilot buttons (so, you can point at a maneuver node); finally, you can't add or edit maneuver nodes. Basically, you act as if you had pre-programmed the probe (action groups and maneuvers) to act on its own when out of signal. The problem, for me, is that since you can't even delete a maneuver node, you can only do a single one in this limited control state. I understand it's about giving the player more limits (it's in the name!), but I suppose I could have pre-programmed a couple of maneuvers on a probe to execute autonomously (attempt a landing at the dark side, for example).
  14. I believe this old suggestion should be looked at again! 'T' and 'R' are already taken, but the idea is still sound.
  15. So far I'm very happy with the commnet mechanic. There is one thing I'd ask of it, tho: the ability to remove completed (or missed, for that matter) maneuver nodes in partial control. That way, I can set multiple nodes in succession, hit the Maneuver Node pilot mode, do the maneuvers at full throttle and hit the green checkmark (or the red x if my maneuver wasn't goot enough - eh, you preprogrammed the probe and it didn't perform 100% as expected, life's harsh), and the ship will point to the next one.
  16. Hey, there!

    I was wondering, do you still have the source code for your old Formatted Currency Indicator mod? There had been people pestering you to update it in the past, maybe I could try and do it myself.

  17. (insert that noise from Metal Gear Solid)
  18. Oh, sure, I was just asking. The mod is awesome as-is, and I'm perfectly happy it just keeps working. Besides... a bus? Kill a tardigrade? Really?
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