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Everything posted by monstah

  1. Hasn't that conclusion come and gone already? Things have looked up. Skies are clear.
  2. I think it's dying already. Thankfully
  3. I rated this thread 1 star in a fit of anger yesterday, now I can't go back Guess no one really cares about thread ratings?
  4. Maybe, maybe not. I've seen some pub tables (or at friends' for that matter) go bad. I'd be smiling if I could have a pint
  5. Yeah, I just posted on your profile about that. Truce? I'm not asking for anyone to agree, but let's just let it die? We all know each others opinions on this already, anyway, and we ain't changing them.
  6. Yo, @Andem.

    Sal's avatar change is kind of a cold bucket of water eh?

    You're probably a good person, and I believe I am a good person. Both you and I think we're doing whats right, I suppose, and neither you nor I want to harm anyone. But this discussion you, I and many others are having... it's just causing more damage. To the people involved, to the company's reputation, to our morales, to our reputations...

    I know I'm not always in my best behavior, and the past 48 hours or so most likely qualify. What do you say we both just shut up about it, go play some KSP and let things ride for awhile?

    1. Andem


      yeah. that's very fair. If I had to find my own fatal flaw it would be how volatile I get in arguments, both physically and emotionally. I'm going to eat some food, and relax. Maybe play a game that doesn't involve war or the looming kraken. :)

  7. Aw damn, we made sal unhappy :( 

    *sigh* well, yeah, I've put my share of gas in the fire. Time to just chill out and play the game a bit.

    Best of luck to all staff, devs and former devs


    1. sal_vager


      Thanks monstah

  8. What, me Worri? @WinkAllKerb'', back at ya.
  9. I believe I know, yes, you want to know why exactly they left. It is none of your business. Or maybe I'm just dumb.
  10. Oh? If you still want anything more than that, then don't call my argument a straw man.
  11. You bought a game. You did your business, got what you paid for, and you're not doing business with Squad anymore by playing the game, or by being on the forum. And you most definitely do not have a service contract with Squad or any of its developers.
  12. Eh, I confess by end of page five this became a Reddit post, and I quit reading. Anyway, I came here looking for new info, but apparently I was already up-to-date. Well, sort of. He said two things on the same sentence: that what Squad announced as an expansion was in fact RoverDude's MKS, and that paid DLC was finally coming to KSP. Connecting the dots between the two is really a no-brainer, but I don't recall him ever saying that explicitly. Well, maybe you're blind about the rest of this topic? Those are the only ones with forum accounts. @Andem, I couldn't disagree more. In fact, I think you're the one being unnecessarily and unfairly harsh with him. He is having his job attacked; he is being accused of being a sock puppet; he is defending the people he (willingly and, it seems to me, proudly) works for, making a game he, you, I and everyone else in this forum loves. He is replying to accusations of Squad mistreating their employees stating that he loves working on the game and that his work conditions are fine, and that he can't say anything for the others because it's both illegal and unethical, and yet you insist on calling on him. Why? What do you expect him to do? Will you only be satisfied when someone starts naming names, narrating personal fights, disclosing who has received a better job proposition from where? Would you want that done to you? Now, I really wish some of the former devs would step in and speak something. Anything, really, just "hi, we're fine". I don't need an explanation, I don't suppose they owe me one. In fact, they don't even owe me what I just asked for, and I'm okay with that. Maybe they're angry, maybe they're afraid of backlash, maybe they're just too damn tired. Whatever their reason, even if they never show up again they're well within their rights, and I should just deal with it. Calling them on moral high ground isn't doing anyone any favors. And @Mycroft, I applaud the intention of this thread. Not to discuss what is happening or what should be done (hint: nothing, at least by us), but simply because people are flaming all around, based on things that they heard other people flaming about, rather than any evidence. I like evidence. Is very nice. (ran out of replikes last night and am still out )
  13. I remember them saying something like "we're adding infrastructure so multiplayer is possible in the future", but no guarantees
  14. When did he ever say "Kinda"? It was always "Sure, and it will be awesome!!"
  15. Is that a good thing? I've heard of that game, but have no idea Good news, everyone!
  16. Well, at least we can all agree this ain't No Man's Sky, eh?
  17. ...for a few days there your post made a little sense. Guess you're back to your random roots, eh Wink?
  18. Loading screen messages. You know, the important stuff.
  19. Let's change the subject a little bit? Where's your avatar from? I've always found it fun and lighthearted.

    1. IronCretin


      Looks like Marshall Lee from Adventure Time to me.

    2. monstah


      Oh, I've heard of that one. Friends say it's one of those cartoons that makes us grown-ups laugh harder than the kids.

  20. LOL. A drink to that. In about 2 months when I finish a medical treatment and am allowed to drink again
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