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Everything posted by monstah

  1. Haha, I don't suppose so. Anyway, the show happens in 83, I'm from 84. Like I said, they're a bit older than me, but I can still relate to a lot of that ambiance (plus, D&D is immortal)
  2. Ah, yes. They are slightly older than me, but I could definitively relate to those, too I'm not sure, actually! I'd like if that happened, but I wouldn't mind if they took it off in a new direction. Like I said, the dark opened up many possibilities, and there are lots of interesting characters and loose plotlines.
  3. Aw, man, awesome t-shirt! Reminds me of my 12-year-old X-Files t-shirts I had, which were once black but ended up looking like that (12-year-old both in the sense of my having bought them when I was around 12, and having gotten rid of them when they were around 12...) That helmet your buddy's got pretty slick, too Today I haven't done anything yet, but my Pilates instructor is back from vacation and I'm grateful for that, 'cause my back hurts...
  4. Oh, me and my wife binge watched it as soon as it came out. Loved it. Great acting, loved the references, feels a lot like a lot of Stephen King novels and series. It's very dark, you actually feel afraid for the kids as they are actually in danger. The kids using D&D parlance to express themselves caught me, too. And don't get me started on the possibilities of that dark world. I'm stopping now, I don't want to spoil for anyone reading this.
  5. Não seria sábio. Não poderíamos mais diferenciá-los dos Kerbals quaisquer Uai, fi. Que avatar normal é esse?
  6. 10/10 Hey, bud! That's an avatar I like, too.
  7. I eat that sucker, and create a market for newfound alien delicacies. I gather a horde of bureaucrats with makeshift office supply swords and raid wherever the next poster is at. (The Crimson Healthcare Provider)
  8. I have played little, and I don't know the difference Whats the "Remote Pilot Assist" on Stayputnik? It still has no SAS, even with signal.
  9. He's busy. @Red Iron Crown's probably around, tho.
  10. Banido por usar memes que eu não conheço e me fazer me sentir velho
  11. True, but it didn't feel like that with the "who liked what" information hidden from plain sight... Oh, how I liked coming up with witty responses only the author would read, and getting those myself!
  12. By putting "MS" before "Paint" you attest to be at least 80 years of age.
  13. 6/10 I used to think your (old) avatar was a red giant, even tho the username hints at a protostar
  14. Cara, posso te perguntar por que essa pose específica do Gumball no seu avatar? Me lembra muito o de um modder que tinha aqui na época que entrei no fórum, o Cilph

    1. Sturmgeschutz


      É um fsjal mano. :P

    2. monstah


      *no idea*

      *feels old* :(

  15. I just remembered something: the old reputation system, where you gave rep to the user instead of the post. I don't mind liking a specific post, what I miss are the popups where you could write a message that would be sent to the user. The anonymity was a bonus; I even remember someone (@Alshain, I think?) complaining that they wouldn't give rep anymore so as not to have their name shown in the "*** like this" snippet. (tho, to be fair, that information was always available even in the old version, but it was buried in some obscure pages)
  16. The Columbia accident? The Curiosity landing? Those were within your lifetime, tho the Columbia one was a bit early. I was really shocked at that one. More recently, the antics of Rosetta and Philae, and the first Falcon 9 landings... o, boy!
  17. ..which is great for being ninja'd mid-argument Honestly, I don't remember missing anything else, this new forum is actually quite good. I took some time to re-learn how to use the following lists, but it's all goot now
  18. You know, a lot of this game is this, not just space stations. But, yeah, stations are marginally profitable at best.
  19. It's a tiny thing, but I liked when you posted a follow-up to your own post, and it would merge with a little grey "-------update------" line. Now posts just merge as if you posted the whole thing at once. Mixing up threads, mate? (There. It just merged the quote. Doesn't bother telling people it was an addendum. So rude.)
  20. Left it downloading this morning before coming to work. Haven't played in quite a while, let's see how this goes...
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