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Everything posted by monstah

  1. Banido porque você provavelmente está onde deveria estar agora, mas não fazendo o que você deveria estar fazendo agora. (Como todos nós aqui...)
  2. Aw, man, I miss @Rowsdower. I got here just after @Green Iron Crown incident, and actually had to google what that was once.
  3. Optimistic (I'mma going back to my old one soon, when I quit the laziness and hunt down the file hey, there it is!)
  4. 2/10 Hi there, jiggly avatar. Your name rings me some bells
  5. Well, the other post was old and I hadn't seen it, so thanks for bringing it up again anyway. Oh, wait, Android only. Oh, well
  6. 4/10 ...but I remember you being around
  7. For the last three pages of this thread I have no idea what y'all blabbing about. Is the beta out or no?
  8. Yeah, I misread your question as all classes except this one, not all ships in this class except this one, so I was suggesting you right clicked the class filter icon. Sorry bout that, my bad. You could (but that's obviously a workaround) classify, say, your comm probes (the ones you don't want displayed) as debris instead, but only if your max debris is set to infinity. Os use any class you don't normally use, but then again only if you don't normally use some class. If you do that, at least in 1.2 you'll be able to sort them alphabetically.
  9. Nope, but I was also late to the party. I'm wonky on the time zones. @adsii1970?
  10. ...where it will attain terminal velocity and suddenly lift upwards, even tho it was explicitly built in space and not meant for an atmosphere? Sorry about that. Watched ST: Beyond this week. Found it boring and horrible. Train is chugging along and the engines look damn fine by me.
  11. Hey, look, another mod that should have been stock long ago Now that camera focus and default map navball are going stock, I'll have this one take up the space.
  12. Yes, and I have seen that! I meant that I thought it would be goodbye back then
  13. To be honest, I thought it would be goodbye when Badie came around, so to me this time was bonus Still, even the bonus time must end See ya around; do try to lurk eventually!
  14. Look at the dog's face. I don't know why it deserves to be banned, but it knows.
  15. Ooooh! Aaaahh!! Whooa. Oh, oky then. But really, this update seems awesome to me. Lots of quality of life additions I've been waiting for for some time
  16. 8/10 new avatar threw me off, but yea, I know ya.
  17. Just saw this thread now, and this is an awesome looking whatever the hell it is
  18. I haven't played this game in some time, I'll gladly throw away my current save and start anew, maybe even *gasp* stock. THE HELL? You can almost read "Jebediah" on the wagon behind the flaming one
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