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Everything posted by Wallygator

  1. NO As a Mac user myself, I do not agree. I think it will be wise to download and assess this update. Only then can Mac users individually determine if it will be of benefit to them and their specific machine configuration. IMHO making judgements before assessing facts is illogical.
  2. I'm confused. How does this work. Especially since Jeb has died multiple times. well at least in my saves...
  3. 36 kerbals stranded in my first ever save (.21) and yes, I've forgotten where they are.
  4. Having a staging interface in the VAB that is single threaded - only able to show or define items in a stack on the side, rather than an integrated graphical view combining both the side stack and the VAB graphical view. So frustrating... I mean to say, it is 2015... come on guys... who in Squad is ACTUALLY thinking about real UI/X design these days?
  5. Revert to launch. Enjoy the fun all over again.
  6. The inability to control the fuel input to a fuel cell. And the ridiculous (IMHO) hinge geometrity on the new hi gain Antenna. Just sayin'
  7. Dramamine for the crew and a video next time. Awesome.
  8. If the signal is something like, "30 years ago you killed my father, now prepare to die", we should be worried a bit, but nothing we could likely do about it. If it is, "for a limited time only, we will be delivering free dyson spheres", I think we should take them up on it. Seriously though, shouldn't it be "react" rather then "respond"?
  9. Step 1- Insert Kerbal Step 2 - Launch Step 3 - Rate: Works ok? then Its Kerbal rated. Fails? not Kerbal rated.
  10. I was just about to type the same. too funny.
  11. OK. Thanks. I'll just ask that the thread be closed. I'll flag it as answered, just. Two hinges are likely not required to achieve the 180 degree unfolding as exhibited IMHO - and its only an opinion. This is definitely NOT a game play issue, its just curiosity. No worries. Absolutely no need to pursue this further. Frankly, the fact that Roverdude took a minute away from 1.1 to even consider this very minor question is nice to know. :-) There is probably a nasty bug that remains out there that could have been squashed with that "minute of attention" and now its partly my fault! Argh!
  12. Yes you are correct - however, regardless of the intended B612 design, what I'm puzzled about in this post is the Kerbal version. The KSP part seems poorly designed from an engineering perspective.
  13. That looks really cool! But couldn't you have one big tank in the middle instead of the ring? If the answer is just asthetics then that's ok too. Nice work regardless.
  14. Can't see your reference image but a prior search showed nothing similar to the B612 idea except for a "dish". So the in-game dual-hinge idea is clearly a dev construct. And it makes no sense.
  15. Can anyone explain the logic behind the physical hinge design of this part? The lower hinge hardly moves at all. Considering the idea of weight savings, why would someone include such a useless hinge? OR... perhaps the lower hinge should ALSO have up to 170ish degrees of motion? Hmmm, that would be nice---> lower hinge moves first to full extension, then upper hinge ---> or better yet, let the player tweak the range of motion of each hinge? IDK - just seems to be a real puzzle unless I'm missing something. Regardless, the mounting and deployment of this part is problematic for me as it stands today. Discuss? (Apologies if this is an old "already beaten to death" discussion point, but didn't see anything similar posted recently)
  16. So far the poll says 80%... So what is YOUR 20%... Mine remains 50% bugs and 50% content. (oops, or should that be a completely different question...???)
  17. Typically the heat produced by a properly designed nuclear thermal engine is carried away with the propellant or used otherwise in the systems or radiated as part of the assembly. Heat management of spacecraft systems it a fundamental aspect science figured out that allows us high altitude flight and space operations. Eliminating it in game due to play necessity seems to be a poor choice. i hope the balance and play issues surrounding heat, thermo, and related parts and systems are soon addressed by the devs and not (as is now) forced on the player to accommodate.
  18. Feels like 80% to me. 10% bugs and 10% balance to go in my opinion. Still the game is playable so I'm not taking that into my consideration. Regardless of what a creator feels or says, it's the customers and critics who will create the "feeling" of finished in their own minds. It also seem like Early access exists with this effect in somewhat of a "deadly embrace" to misuse an old data architecture term. As always only my opinion.
  19. The entire staging vs action group thing needs to be rethought. Perhaps each action group key should control its own staging stack. Something to think about.
  20. Whatever is the next platform, please do not make it a jeep. Last thing we need is someone hacking into our navballs (is that a thing?) and inserting a rouge maneuver node!
  21. Univac 1100 series had about as much computing power as an iPhone 4, so if iOS is not an option then it's univac FTW. Otherwise it's gotta be the toaster oven. Definitely... Definitely a toaster oven.
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