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Everything posted by Wallygator

  1. That's pretty big. What's the purpose for separatrons on the nose? That's a lot of chutes. And how does it fly/glide with all those wings? Nice work. Interested to see your next version.
  2. Wow! 11 months... I'm reminded of the iPhone 3s release when a raging fanboy blogged, "And I shaved my B@££s for this?!" I hope the hype is worth it. I expect there needs to be some maintenance on the hype train. Must be rusted after all these months languishing in station.
  3. Clearly, the Hype is dwindling. There is not enough Hype to achieve "Critical Hype-mass". The Daily Kerbal is silent, Hype posts are not occurring frequently enough. No announcements. The Hype Train is halted. A problem with the points... Singling issues... Broken Train... Release the update! Release it I say!!!!
  4. Ah - I see. Very ambitious! We will all await your progress - Good Luck Sir!
  5. My perspective was that the day following the 109 launches must have been a bit less exciting. Still curious as to where you are going with this. It is an actual mission report or a setup for a mission report that will soon follow?
  6. Day 382 was a bit boring for launch control.
  7. For some inexplicable reason I liked this report.
  8. Find some other way to enhance your curiosity. RSS/RO/RF/R...X was a saviour for me. Amazing what having real world references did for enhancing my creativity and desire regarding the design of more realistic missions. It's not easy,but it's also not that hard. Just takes a bit more thinking and planning.
  9. Thank you. I will now retract all my nostalgia until I can verify its pin-point historically accuracy. ;-)
  10. I've got a store and a steam purchase - I have the ability to participate, but likely will not. Why? Because I disagree with the concept of "volunteer testing" for a company that has made millions in revenue. I've paid money for early access and I have received it over several years - so I'm cool. I've already given my money and my support, I do not feel it is necessary to contribute my time (at no cost) to support a for-profit company - I choose to not be a 21st century serf whenever possible. ;-) Some folks enjoy this kind of pseudo-dev-QA involvement and they should have at it. And, If they do not already have a steam license, and access to the beta (is it really a beta?) is really that important, then they can still go buy one so as to obtain the access - the price of the steam license is a small fraction of the value you will spend in your volunteer testing time. If its really important for you to get access, then consider buying a steam license. If it is really important for Squad to have your participation, then they should consider providing you a Steam discount code. Or not. It's their profit, and their decision.
  11. Joined Dec 2013 here. I downloaded one of the early demo versions after seeing a callout on BoingBoing back in 2012. Never took the time time then to try it out. Then in Oct 2013 I remembered KSP after a trip back to the states near the actual KSC. Face palmed myself for not trying out earlier.
  12. Jeeze, it's more real than I ever originally thought!
  13. Ah, so it's a tax payer approval ratio. Is a real system it would not be asymptotic as there likely would a defined number of respondents at a given time. So perhaps the quest for 100% approval is more "Quixotic" ;-) And thank you for the clarity.
  14. My last remaining sandbox save has a reputation of 67% 67% of what? 67% of my "reputation", or 67% of my "maximum allowed reputation". Is there a max and a current value to reputation? A percentage cannot be properly expressed without some (at the very least implied) units of measure that describe the components of the ratio. Can Kerbal reputation be an exception to this rule? ;-)
  15. Cartoon representations are fine, but not the physics - it would be fine to take advantage of entertaining loonytoons-type graphics but please DO NOT use Loonytoons-like physics. And regarding the poll - 75% of what? Which of newton's laws gets skipped? Come on... Rethink the poll or lock the thread.
  16. Have been playing with this absolutely fantastic mod since I reloaded RSS and RO on my OS X install (Thank you 64bit hack!). It's like having a live action Orrery - I love it. Now, I concur regarding the polite request to add Eros - as our May 1975 launch window is rapidly approaching! Our Eros Manned Flyby Mission will be failure if Eros does not show up in the tracking station ;-) @pozine <<<---- Absolutely Amazing. Thank you for this mod. You have reinvigorated my KSP experience because of it. If I could find your "Donate" link, I would, ah... DONATE!
  17. Some grapes have seeds you know. Also, It is strange that there are so many grapes being offered here and yet all we get is whine. Snare roll and hi hat please...
  18. ^^^ This. I think I'll take a crack at kOS. The idea of planning and implementing a detailed launch sequence in conjunction with an over-engineered flying monstrosity seems like it would feel more like a "real space program" program! Hmmm... Obtaining kOS now... stay tuned...
  19. FRAGMENTS! Snits, Snits revenge and AGTFOS. Ha! A the memories. On Topic: Is it really that important that the reproductive mechanism is defined? Seems like that should likely remain a RP preference for the time being. Or kept abstract enough that if the Devs decide to allow population growth simulation then as long as a variety of genders make up a reasonable sized gene-pool, then more Kerbals will appear over time - to eat the last remaining snacks. Frankly, let them have their privacy while that do what they do like on the discovery channel.
  20. On the long journey, one kerbal uses a pool que to whack another over the head. The target kerbal breaks into multiple little green chunks that gently grow into full size kerbals. Or am I having a 1970's board game flashback? Either way, it works for me.
  21. My first Mun landing came in .21 and follows many of the above recollections. Over powered, under piloted, so many wasted Kerbal lives... Oh well... So long ago. I avoid Mun now just because it seems so straightforward after all these hours of play. Now, the Moon on the other hand... this has reinvigorated my enthusiasm for the game! RSS/RO/RF have returned the knuckle-biting tension to my gameplay - OK, so it takes "forever" to get to orbit, but even with the few remaining bugs and quirks, it lets me re-experience KSP as new - all over again. The decision to descend to the Moon's surface comes with a trepidation and deep concern every time. Long continuous burns with limited engine restarts. A lunar surface that can sometimes be firm and sometimes not. I now understand the value of a Surveyor-esque probe lander program! Gonna make me one of those...
  22. My experience most recently was regarding the Apollo Applications Challenge - which I basically gave up on. Mostly because it required just so much intensive work and time dedication, but also because it was written in a manner that required me to build a matrix of information just to decipher the requirements - which were not just the "Applications-cycle" of Post-Apollo hardware, but rather the entire "Birth to fantasy after-life-cycle" of Apollo. Not that it is a bad challenge (it's kinda' cool actually), it was just so much of a challenge to accurately understand all the options, the vast number of missions required, the point award system, and the part counts, etc... that I basically lost the will - I have only myself to blame. ;-) On a constructive note, I agree with sal_vager above - folks should take the time to follow the guidelines when proposing challenges. This includes the requirement that the person proposing a challenge actually demonstrates that is can be done at the time the challenge is submitted. Otherwise IMO it is a game-play question, not a challenge.
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