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Everything posted by Wallygator

  1. Can anyone kindly explain the operating/design process for implementing a working Fuel cell configuration in RO/RF? I believe I understand the LO/LH2 input to the fuel cell is required I assume the fuel cell part must be attached to a LO/LH2 tank (and the proportions are "similar" to a LO/LH2 burning engine) I assume that electrical power flows freely regardless of cross-feed (could be wrong) I understand there will always be fuel boil-off regardless of the tank type Yet... My pod always drains electrics to Zero and goes dead Fuel cells always show .01 charge (after they expend their residual (at start) charge) So... What am I missing here? (happy to label myself an idiot if I'm missing something obvious) Thanks in advance - I sense that most players resort to solar because its easier. However, I would really like to see if a working fuel cell configuration can be achieved in the current RO/RF setup. W.
  2. Nice. A quick and fun tribute mission. Very cool.
  3. You might consider making a float plane. Otherwise, good luck! We're all counting on you!
  4. "Plume not configured by RealPlume."
  5. Farewell Ted - Good job! Really good job!!! As to the remaining cadre... I look forward hopefully and with positive vibes as to what can next be achieved. The new generation of devs now in post represents a more than equal level of capability along with new and exciting visions of where KSP can go. Come on boys and girls, show us what you can do!
  6. I wanted to type, "Then don't reply to them", but I decided not to as I would be acting a little hypocritical. I didn't say that at all, again your words. You know that "Suddenly" and "Half-life" have two different meanings, right? Uhhh... because they were included is in this thread topic perhaps? My post included references to both. Glad to hear it - I try to avoid actually being offensive. Unless however, you are referring to your own comments, in which case I'm sorry - I misunderstood. You said it, not me. Not really sure what point you are trying to make with such an admissive question. Can you clarify? I can only assume you have not been around KSP for a very long time and have little appreciation of the more than a few nasty and bothersome bugs that have persisted. In nearly all modern games there are bugs, and there are likely very very few games (PONG maybe?) that have no bugs at all (actually in PONG they are probably REAL live bugs nesting on the very old PCBs). Perhaps you are correct, but just because most people don't faint at the sight of blood doesn't mean no one does. I cant believe I responded to this (guess I needed something to do whilst stuck on a damaged train awaiting repair Zzzzzzz...) But to be fair, I wanted to set the record straight regarding your comments to my comments - and any likely comment follow (to which I will not respond further) That was fun, but in a painful way - however, I strangely find myself feeling like I was channeling my inner @regex on this post. Kinda cool actually. Peace out!
  7. I find... state = 0 connected = True attached = True ...when I search. I do not see any reference to "Docked" Am i missing something? (Other than personal intelligence!)
  8. Seems to me... The desktop version has a longer half-life per version due to mod support and availability of "between-versions" community bug fixes. The Console version (Assuming mod support is not provided) would only have a decent half-life if version releases were more frequent in conjunction with more effective bug squashing. For Example: The docking port "Locked" bug currently still present - If that particular bug makes it to the console AND there is no way to install (let's just say for purposes of this example) a module manager patch to temporarily fix it, then that version of the console port would be immediately dead for a good many players - seeing as docking is an essential part of the KSP experience. On the other hand - I could be off-base, as the console version might not include docking ports at all. :-)
  9. Sadly, this bug appears to have infected my most recent 1.1.3 RSS moon landing attempt - causing an 11 to become a 10 minus. Thankfully the boys back at North American Aviation installed the appropriate pyrotechnic devices to cut loose the LM and set it adrift in Lunar orbit. I can say that the above analysis of save files did help in understanding how it happened. Many thanks to all above! My only hope is that this thread helps to prioritise timely dev analysis and hot fixing ( - since docking is an essential pathway for total KSP fulfilment - and a console release with this bug installed as a feature will likely not be a good thing. EDIT: Will attempt again with same vessel (Since I'm using stock parts) without RSS - without hope or expectation... EDIT2: Yup. Sans fairing - OK. Fairing - Not OK.
  10. I can only expect I am not the only one "scratching my head" regarding the context of this thread. How many definitions are there for "Z-fight"?
  11. If the increased volumes from console sales enables corresponding increases in bug squashing, content expansion and dev team capacity, then I approve. Otherwise, I will be forced to abandon all hope.
  12. NASA uses metric for everything. Except for managing their speed on the way home after work.
  13. Just more hate then ;-) Seriously though, even running such a mission with slightly unrealistic ion engines is still a labour of love (and hate). Budum tish! My like for this mission video remains strong. EDIT: I hope my use of the word "slightly" does not end up as a point of further debate that detracts from my supportive mood.
  14. Nice! I share both your love and hate for ions...
  15. As a matter of fact, yes I did. I answered your origami post title question and added my personal perspective. Clearly, my opinion, play style and personal experience differ. Nothing wrong or objectionable either way. My theory is, do what makes you happy.
  16. i run zero "simultaneously". With 16g ram here it does not make sense. Plus, I can't seem to understand why multiple version running live would be of benefit unless I was a paid QA resource
  17. 1.1.2 lives until RSS RO RF updates. I'm ok with that.
  18. Salt is good for everything, except snails, my eye, and open wounds, and... On topic - I'm seriously looking forward to 1.1.3 keeping me entertained while I quietly wait for RSS/RO/RF to update. It's nice to know @NathanKell shares a gentle grasp on all of these together! New devs, new leadership, new other stuff, new version in the works... I want to stay positive on this one for a good while before poking issues (not barring constructive criticism)
  19. Interested. (and a new forum meme begins...)
  20. Very nice! That's a lot of work!!! looking forward to the completion!
  21. This is frankly amazing. So many ships. I have a headache just thinking about trying to manage such a Fleet/Feat!!!!
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