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Everything posted by Wallygator

  1. That is the best metaphor I've seen in a while Also, much appreciate your factual input in this thread.
  2. Congratulations. What you just accomplished is very close to the surveyor missions that preceded apollo. Since you have done that, now you can press forward with an actual apollo style mission. Do a bit of research first, then build a replica, Fly it and post another report! Keep up the great fun!
  3. That was cute. Well done. To bad the Kerbal was not named JohnGlenn Kerman. Let's just say he is.
  4. Its hard for a game to be dead if it hasn't yet been born properly.
  5. @NathanKell Thank you! Our generosity pales in comparison to your continued dedication to all things RO. I think it's going to be a very good pagan celestial celebratory period.
  6. Only saw a few minutes of your stream, but it was entertaining. Keep it up! Nice - I appreciate folks that make the effort to stream their efforts.
  7. For me: In sandbox: Full on - I do whatever I want. (RSS/RO on the other hand requires one to actually think about what level of 'explore' you can personally muster. For moon and near planets you can go with manned quite a bit easier, but further out is a major planning and design activity - so not sure there is a stock equivalent thinking paradigm for that) IMHO Sandbox is role-play, as much as you want it to be. In Career: As much and as far and I can build based on the parts available at the moment. Career is more like a jigsaw puzzle - the 100 part kind, not the 1000 part kind
  8. The donate button linked directly to PayPal page. Seemed to work fine for me yesterday.
  9. This comment is based on what evidence? I choose to declare your comment as untrue and inflammatory as recently as a week ago @NathanKell indicated he was back from a holiday/trip and was restarting his work on RSS. I sent him money because I support his work and vision regarding KSP I suggest you might consider the same rather than trolling
  10. Looking good! I appreciate your dedication to this theme. What's next?
  11. Minus is made of bits of... No sorry, just Bits.
  12. @NathanKell Excellent! Glad you're back and hopefully refreshed. One must assume that you took your trip within the actual "real solar system"... Badum Tish!
  13. I finally remembered to make this post about a thing that reminded be about KSP Oh, and once back from holiday, I restarted my 1.1.3 sandbox.
  14. Good luck with your computer, but congratulations on your minus landing. I like seeing this type of 1st experience mission, a great change of pace from the recent trend of "dozen's of pages" internet kerbal novels. Now, on to Duna with you!
  15. This thread remains alive because it still has life. KSP is not dead or dying, but still... At first I was puzzled by how this thread managed to keep going, but now I understand the necessity of keeping it unlocked. "I thought this thread was dead" type of comments have never been helpful. If you are not interested in this thread then don't read it, or troll it. Moving forward, as a reader, I greatly appreciate seeing new tidbits however small as and when new such "facts" come available - with expectation they should will posted here. Additionally, I appreciate this single thread for all this discussion rather than cluttering up the forum with multiples. For example, the transcription of the Manley video. Nice to be able to read the relevant bits without having to sit through the entire video not knowing what to expect. Thank you @Yakuzi and thank you @Veeltch.
  16. Step 0: Advise dinner cooking sub team regarding proper booster to invert for use as heating element. On Topic: Can't say much of any impact other than making much more use of my "on work down time" by applying it to mission planning. I have so much more of that kind of time lately. Strange to get paid to do nothing for a good portion of a week. But using a spreadsheet at the client office never seems strange.
  17. I would have thought a more interesting Halloween contest would be the most creative use of an orange tank. Just sayin'. It would have also actually used KSP. Costumes? OK it's cool. I'll leave this for others. Have fun dudes!
  18. So, there is a realism overhaul mod. Is there also a "war overhaul" mod? Just so warmongers can have a common platform? Also perhaps a specific forum section would be good also. Just sayin'.
  19. I've never seen a thread go nuclear so quickly. This is both amazing and entertaining!! It does though make a good point regarding administration of the wiki and the where/who/when surrounding it. Then again, the actual 'squad produced' documentation of the game has never been complete so one should best not expect the wiki to be completely accurate either. But frankly, it's not a deal breaker... @adsii1970 I love your avatar when viewed alongside your post in this thread. Oh... and that 'ass' kraken... huh?
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