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Everything posted by Wallygator

  1. Same issue here. However I was advised to track down the latest beta release of RO (Which I did but don't have the link handy) and that fixed it. That said, I reinstalled RSS expanded, and now the RCS animation has returned. I do not believe it is related to RSS Ex, but rather a stupid install mistake on my part... still trying to figure out my error.
  2. Weird problem with the Mk2 (4m) pod in Realism overhaul... The integral RCS appear to always be on and cannot be changed. There is no propellent consumption, vessel translation or rotation. I cannot seem to find the config file for this particular part and am wondering if it was inadvertently missed out in the command.cfg (and if that is the problem?) Any thoughts are welcome. (Was not sure if this question should be posted here of in the RO thread - oh well, here it is...)
  3. So Squad finally builds a semi-fix to a crappy career mode. Yea! Oh crap, I have to pay for it. As long as its less that 50% of the main product price I guess it would be ok from my perspective. We have now reached the 'squeeze money out of the customer base phase' of KSP - HOWEVER >>> If this actually gets us real content then its not all so bad.
  4. Well... Thanks for the update. Can anyone advise how I to start the 1.2.9pre-release in MAC OS ? (Bug report 14323)
  5. I've been using this mod for a little while now and I can confirm that it does exactly what it says. I love the transfer features - just very well done - elegant and effective. This is the KSP pocket knife I need to carry around at all times. I personally rank it as essential just like KER. Yes, WallyGATOR loves AstroGATOR. lol.
  6. Im not so sure it should locked. It's still a very reasonable idea to consider tools and subsystems to explore oceans (assuming undersea biomes can become a thing) I hope Squad or a strong model can make this a reality. (unless it already is, in which case perhaps folks can link in the appropriate mods)
  7. That was very well planned and executed! Well Done Sir!
  8. Whoa... was that almost 60 years mission elapsed time? Or am i confused? Regardless... That's a lot of personal issue inside a space suit for a very long time Still, very well done Sir!
  9. I think the classic helpful response would be for someone to ask you to post your mod list, craft files, and perhaps a few pics of the instances where you are having problems. Then a suggestion for you to conduct a full reinstall of KSP and the mods you are using - while at them same time testing after each mod is installed to be sure it is not a specific mod that is causing your issue. Currently no one even knows what version of KSP you are using.
  10. ... and I venture back in... (Why oh why...) Just because a service team has done it that way their entire career doesn't necessarily make it correct or beneficial to all parties. (And I smack myself with that elastic band in a few choice places...) OUCH! A generic company may likely not be allowed to release details of service delivery failures in public (due to confidentiality constraints for example or even internal policy), but if they actually had a customer that "had them by the short hairs" via an intelligent sourcing agreement, then they would likely be compelled to share the details of their service delivery performance details in private. Sadly, forum participants and license holders obviously do not have this leverage with Squad--> Such is life... (We will never ever know, and we all need to deal with that on our own terms) Reality is that SQUAD is not currently under any viable strategic sourcing delivery constructs to their global customer base (except for those who bought early AKA no charge for updates, etc which is quite narrow). So... they can evade all day long regarding nearly anything and no one can do anything about it except refuse to buy their product. (Squad's license agreement likely prevents any class action behaviour - I can't be bothered to read it...) In all seriousness: WHATEVER... Who really cares? Squad will do what they want regardless of empathy with the community. It's all good as long as the KSP product meets customer expectations (and only Squad will determine that). Unless an entity granted funds to Squad via a stock purchase, there is no basis for any realised complaint. However, there should always be a basis for suggesting improvements. Now... let the debate continue to enflame itself! TL;DR: Whatever... (Perhaps I should not have replied but hey, lets have some fun...)
  11. And the next time I think about engaging in any debate thread on the forum I will get in touch with myself and snap my forehead with an elastic band! lol.
  12. Appreciate your response, but actually, no it doesn't answer actual questions - but it does say that you are not going to answer. Fair enough, and I accept that. Next time something breaks on my customer account and they ask why it's not fixed quickly, I'll be sure to use your above answer and let you know how that turns out. No need to reply further - I get the message - and I'll politely shut up about it.
  13. I would suggest that "managed hosting" of a forum software platform is likely not to be considered a core value chain component for a game (or any top tier) company - it might be a consideration as a function/capability that might best be outsourced to a third party with strict KPIs and SLAs. Errors like what has happened may still occur, but at least the customer would have commercial leverage. Just sayin' Regardless, key questions from my perspective are: (And I fully expect that no one will even think about these openly - so no worries) 1) Was this procedural error? People did the right thing but the procedures did not comprehend a specific use case. OK, let's get over it and modify the procedures. 2) Was it a human factors error? Someone just made a mistake. OK, let's get over it. Revise training and move on. 3) Was it a technical error? Something just broke? Fair enough. Fix it in parallel with recovery activities. 4) Was this a policy error? Were there specific criteria in play that dictated such an event? Then re-evaulate policies, change them appropriately and move on. 5) Why does it take so long to recover? Does the recovery technology solution not comprehend timely individual thread restoration? If not, then we are experiencing the effect of a requirements gap and the requirements need to be revised and the corresponding solution realigned. If it does, then we are dealing with an operational management capability issue (and I'm not counting beyond 5 tonight so there...) Apologies if your grandmother already knows how to utilise a pressure gradient to remove the yolk from an eggshell - this post was not intended for you ;-) EDIT: The above has absolutely no criticism of Squad, if you think is does, then that is your interpretation but not explicit language. Nor does it demand answers, rather it attempts to provide generic contextual questions/responses in a more refined framework. Squad can do whatever they want and take the time they need. In the meantime, Reddit and Github function as my adhoc forum-like alternative service.
  14. Thread recursion as live performance art. I love it! No, I love it love it! Oh sorry, I can't do that - I can only like it.
  15. I would prefer a 1.2.2+n set of releases over the next 6 months to address the bug list and allow the modding community to catch up with 1.2
  16. Another important step toward RO completeness!! Well done!!! (for 1.2 that is...)
  17. An award for "explosions", but not for "educational benefit". Typical. Squad would do themselves well to decline it if they win. Make a point, and probably more publicity. Otherwise, next year they will embed more explosions in the game to assure a win!
  18. @Snark - i'm not responding to / or disagreeing with your post, only a single word that sparked a thought Playability depends (in my opinion) on two things: 1) the game and 2) the player. Give a strictly chess player a game of backgammon and they will likely say is not a playable game for them because of the luck factor. Granted, not every game is designed for every player. Still, When someone promotes a game with 'reality' (1/1) based physics along with a core tenet of a "non-reality" (1/10) based environment then it is totally fair for threads like this to pop up. The only strategy left for players that are sympathetic to reality is for them to 'roll play' - or install mods (still with roll play required otherwise you actually need to go into space for real!)
  19. Didn't I study this element in 1st year chemistry? Sadly there is no element 'Ro'. But in a fantasy universe it would definatly lie somewhere outside of K(19), S(19), and P(15). I expect it would be an as yet unrealised heavy element with a weight of around 130.
  20. "Hours of play" seems trivial. How about "hours of enjoyment". Also, perhaps it is better not not judge one's self in a microcosm. If 1000 hours is 38% of your Steam activity, then your total steam play is 2631 hours. Over what period of time? A year? OK then... Do you actually eat and sleep? If on the other hand you've been playing a few years, then actually you are no different and most people with inspiring hobbies. Relax and enjoy... Since .20 I've probably enjoyed over 3500 hours of KSP. However, I benefited from a couple of years of working from home driving a global technology transformation programme - so all day conference calls with KSP open and... well you can guess. Multiple missions to Eeloo became very doable. I only wish time warp would have worked for my phone calls Multitasking is a thing.
  21. Hmmm... Not good, not good at all. Me thinks that too much time in space has affected this kerbel's inner ear and/or eye socket. Take him/her/it back to base immediately for debrief and/or cocktails. (check that... make that debrief AND cocktails)
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