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Everything posted by Wallygator

  1. I'm still experiencing the issue of single plane gimble motion (Pitch only - no Yaw) with the the AJ10-137. I've just reinstalled a complete new KSP installation via CKAN and... yup, still there... OSX user here. Mod list below... Any clues? @NathanKell you may not be the perfect person to ask, but you may know who should be the person to be asked ;-) Many thanks in advance!
  2. I think that's pretty cool! The launch that is, not the imgur update.
  3. Similarly, I would like to know all valid values for flowmode and the effects and behavior for each. Such info is not easy to find. Snip... STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH NO_FLOW STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW ALL_VESSEL [flowMode] defines how the resource moves throughout your vessel whenever the resource is requested by a particular part. There are 4 known methods of flow mode: end snip above is from the wiki and Is all I can find of consequence. Not even sure is it's updated for 1.1.3 you've probably all seen this and know it in detail. Me, not so much.
  4. I definately enjoy mission reports where there is not to much fiction overplayed. Thank you for this! As a RO/RSS player I can appreciate the patience and planning required to basically get anywhere. Well done so far!
  5. I find the lack of a flow mode tweak able to be very frustrating both for mono and for fuel cells. IMO the player should have control over this setting via the vab/sph inteface. Sadly, it's probably going to be viewed as a feature request.
  6. Monobrow. Definitely Monobrow. I support this. Bert Kerman FTW.
  7. Thank you for the reference regarding boxes of rice. In the modern world rice is sold in microwaveable bags - FYI. (unfortunately, because rice cooked from raw is so much better) I will now attempt to construct a modded KSP install which matches the info you have kindly provided. I did attempt to download and install CKAN but the install instructions were completely incomplete regarding OSX. Someone (the one) who wrote the instructions should be relieved from their duty - in my opinion. Apologies if it was you :-)
  8. "a box of rice" - I don't understand the reference. Can you specifically list the mods you have installed via CKAN? I'm on a mac and have had difficulty getting CKAN working so therefore I install manually. Tell me what mods you have installed and I will try and replicate.
  9. OK... I installed TAC life support and... no joy. So here is my test mule: http:// And on the launch pad: http:// And, my mod list is shown about 6 post up. Can anyone tell me why these fuel cells do not work? I find no documentation so far to explain the proper implementation schema -- any help finding it is appreciated. AND if TAC Life Support is REQUIRED for fuel cell parts to work then why is TAC Life Support shown as an "recommended" but not "required" for realism overhaul to work? Once again, thank you to all for your contribution to my RO education ;-) EDIT: Here's an idea... Can someone who has achieved a working fuel cell implementation in RO/RF please post their complete mod list so I can replicate it exactly and then compare against my non working setup.
  10. Interesting. I'll install TAC Life Support and see what happens. Frankly, I don't have a desire to undergo play with life support at the moment, but will give it a try and report back. Thanks @NathanKell for trying - and more importantly for everything else! Yes.
  11. Yes. But from same craft following a form of decoupling.
  12. This is a heartwarming and generous interpretation of the OP. I support this move.
  13. In any mobile version of KSP, the accelerometer would be directly linked to your vessels dV. So if you want your rocket to accelerate you would need to actually accelerate your device. I therefore eagerly await the mobile compatible RO mod. This will put Pokemon GO into the trash heap.
  14. Any further thought on this matter? If not, I will have to let it die. Sadly frustrating as this should not be so difficult - its just 3 resources. and 1 part. A polite request to @NathanKell for clarity? EDIT: I've been gradually deleting mods to see if something changes... no luck so far... Assured I used service module tanks... eliminated any intervening parts which may occlude cross-feeding (not that that should matter), etc. I have no hair otherwise I would pull it out ;-)
  15. Ah, sorry, "Normal Sized" for me please. Otherwise you need to remove the R from RSS. But thanks for the suggestion. Sorry if my question ignited something.
  16. This looks pretty cool! definately going on top of my stock install. Curious regarding RSS implementation? Has it been done? Or is it under thought?
  17. A quick question: Is there a minimum TWR /Time required to assure sufficient ullage prior to engine start? The background to this question relates to a lander using the lunar module descent engine - which, with a starting TWR of 1.31 seems to randomly end up with feed line vapour. Looking at the engine config file I can only see "ullage = true", also found nothing further in the various RO config files that I can see, so my initial assumptive answer to the question above is NO. (Note: I have not gone the next step to search through source code) Thanks in advance for a response - and once again thank you for a fantastic mod!!!
  18. I've noticed that the Vens stock remap for the AJ10-137 seems a bit off. It can display a plume well in front of a vessel if the vessel is short enough - don't yet understand exactly the variable to change and still searching for the cfg file...
  19. OK a quick test again without tweak scale reveals no positive result. Perhaps I am not communicating correctly... So here is the craft file of the most recent incarnation of my CTV... https://www.dropbox.com/s/rvkks7ihzc5xtxw/CTV.craft?dl=0 (ignore the RD-856 radial engines on the internal probe body as that is still a WIP, and as I haven't actually launched it yet the RCS is not configured correctly). And my list of currently installed mods...most of which should not be relevant to the craft file in question. I should add that this is not a game-killer for me, just a pet project. I personally feel it is essential to be able to construct working fuel-cell-like compliant sub-systems as part of RO/RSS/RF/R* play.
  20. Ok cool. I'll try this and see what happens. Need to go do some actual work for a while (like getting paid!) and will report back in a little while. Thanks so far!
  21. Yes. RO/RSS/RF all updated to latest release. Which I must say is a fantastic update! Drain sequence is Fuel cell part first, then pod, then tanks drain but with no charging into pod. So even while the fuel cells are supposedly working (in which the 4 fuel cells in unison should be generating more charge than the pod requires) there is no net charge going into the pod. Weird. NOTE: I should add that there is a heat shield between the pod and the decoupler. But that hopefully should not matter.
  22. Thanks for that. More questions then... So the Mk2 pod (as defined in RO) requires 1.9kW. A fuel cell generates 750W. So I see where you indicate 3 are required. However, Even with 4 installed, I get only 7 hours... Specifically 4 Oscar C (via Vens remap) each with 177 H2 and 67 O2 and a fuel cell attached to each. And when the pod hits zero charge it's toast - Even if there is additional H2/O fuel in the tanks attached to the fuel cells. So I'm still a bit confused. Are shielded tanks required? Even if so, what does my pod go to zero charge if I still have fuel feeding the fuel cells which are still operating? The pod should only drain if there is insufficient charging feeding into it. In my opinion this is not appearing very intuitive.
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